mise à jour/ last update : 24 decembre/December 2005



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• • • Sur cette page sont listées par ordre chronologique les dernières actualités portant sur les éléphants et leur conservation. Pour une recherche par mots clés nous précisons le lieu de l'actualité (Afrique, Asie et/ou le pays), la situation des éléphants concernés (sauvage = Wild, en captivité = Captive, espace naturel = Wildlife area, zoo, cirque) et les thèmes généraux abordés (Conservation, Human-Elephant Conflict, Research, Evolution, Veterinary, CITES, braconnage = Poaching, santé = Welfare, Event). Une recherche par mots clés est possible en utilisant la fonction ctrl+f de votre navigateur.

••• Tous les lecteurs sont invités à contribuer à cette rubrique du journal Des Eléphants et Des Hommes en envoyant par e-mail des informations récentes. Les lecteurs motivés pour devenir rédacteurs sont les bienvenus et sont invités à prendre contact avec nous.

2006 premier semestre

Premier semestre 2006

NOUVEAU sur notre page DOCUMENTAIRES ! : visionnez, GRATUITEMENT, de nombreux extraits de documentaires diffuses par VODEO.TV ! Notre page intitulee ASSOCIATION vous permettra d'en savoir plus sur la nature et les offres proposees par ce diffuseur ... Vous pouvez, egalement, retrouver notre selection de documentaires (Afrique, Asie) en consultant la base de donnees de notre rubrique DOCUMENTAIRES.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.vodeo.tv/index.php

Toute l’equipe vous souhaite ses meilleurs voeux pour la nouvelle annee ! / The whole team wishes you all the best for the coming year !

MERCI a tous pour votre soutien tout au long de cette annee. La majorite des elephants d’Asie et d’Afrique vivent hors des zones protegees, d’ou l’importance de la promotion des relations harmonieuses entre les hommes et les elephants. VOTRE participation et engagement font la difference et sont necessaires pour le SUCCES de notre mission !
Many THANKS to all of you for your continuous support during this year. The majority of Africa's and Asia’s elephants live outside of protected wildlife areas, hence the importance of the promotion of harmonious relationships between elephants and people to relieve tension between them. YOUR participation and commitment are a requirement for SUCCESS !

Decembre 2005

Titre / Title : Extinct mammoth DNA decoded

Lieu / Place : Africa, Asia
Situation : Wild
Thématiques / Categories : Evolution, Research

Résumé / Summary : The 5,000 DNA letters spell out the genetic code of its mitochondria, the structures in the cell that generate energy. The research gives an insight into the elephant family tree. It shows that the mammoth was most closely related to the Asian rather than the African elephant. The three groups split from a common ancestor about six million years ago, with Asian elephants and mammoths diverging about half a million years later. The team of researchers - from Germany, the UK, and the US - extracted and analysed mammoth DNA using a new technique that works on even the tiny quantities of fossilised bone - in this case 200 milligrams.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://news.bbc.co.uk/

Source: M.H.

Decembre 2005

Titre / Title : Comment avoir la peau du trafic d'animaux

Lieu / Place : France
Situation : Wild
Thématiques / Categories : CITES, Poaching

Résumé / Summary : Aujourd'hui, la peau de leopard est clouee au mur de la cellule de ciblage du fret des douanes de Roissy. Accompagnee de defenses en ivoire, de pattes et d'oreilles d'elephants, de cranes de chimpanzes, d'hippocampes desseches, de portefeuilles en peau de serpent. Ces trophees accumules par les 24 douaniers du service donnent une idee de la variete d'un trafic estime a pres de 5 milliards d'euros par an. Un an apres la treizieme conference de la Cites les prises restent bonnes. La plupart du temps, les trafiquants presentent des documents qu'il faut etudier a la loupe. Car une grande partie du commerce reste legale. La Cites le reglemente et autorise par exemple des defenses d'elephant ou une peau de bete presentees comme des trophees de chasse, certains objets en ivoire s'il s'agit d'antiquites, d'objets traditionnels de Namibie... L'oeil du douanier doit etre particulierement exerce.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.liberation.fr/

Source: http://www.liberation.fr/

Decembre 2005

Titre / Title : Crocs top elephants as biggest threat to Zimbabweans

Lieu / Place : Africa, Zimbabwe
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques / Categories : Human-Elephant Conflict

Résumé / Summary : Elephants charged and trampled 12 others, including some villagers trying to protect their crops from the giant herbivores the group said in its annual report. The report is part of its efforts to educate remote communities about the dangers of animal attacks. Elephants can become enraged when confronted by people, or when females are separated from their young.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.cnn.com/

Source: http://www.cnn.com/

Decembre 2005

Titre / Title : Sanctuary sought for elephants

Lieu / Place : USA
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques / Categories : Welfare

Résumé / Summary : Animal rights activists are asking the Seattle City Council to send Bamboo, a Woodland Park Zoo elephant that was moved to Tacoma last summer, to a 2,400-acre elephant sanctuary in Tennessee. Nationwide, animal rights groups have been pushing zoos to send their elephants to spacious sanctuaries, saying the zoo animals show signs of psychological and physical stress because of their confines. Under an agreement with the city of Seattle, the Woodland Park Zoological Society operates the zoo, but the city owns the property, including the animals.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/

Source: http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/

Decembre 2005

Titre / Title : Elephants' Elbow Room Is Big Issue

Lieu / Place : USA
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques / Categories : Welfare

Résumé / Summary : The L.A. Zoo had planned to double the pachyderms' living space, but a city report calls for more acreage, and activists still more. A long-awaited report by city officials on whether the elephants should stay at the zoo or be retired to a sanctuary declares the elephants to be well-tended but in need of more space. The fate of the elephants will ultimately be up to the City Council and Villaraigosa.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.latimes.com/

Source: http://www.latimes.com/

Decembre 2005

Titre / Title : Elephants crush lone villager

Lieu / Place : Asia, India
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques / Categories : Human-Elephant Conflict

Résumé / Summary : Dukhu Adabar (55) of Jharapada under Rairakhol police station, 80 km from here, died on Tuesday after being crushed by a herd of elephants. It is learnt that a number of elephants entered the village Jharapada. But villagers managed to drive them away with flames and fire crackers. The elephants returned without harming the villagers. However, on their way back to the nearby forest, they found Dukhu alone and crushed him to death. Villagers demanded compensation for the man’s family, as Dukhu was poor.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.telegraphindia.com/

Source: http://www.telegraphindia.com/

Decembre 2005

Titre / Title : Nepal to hold international elephant race

Lieu / Place : Asia, Nepal
Situation : Captive
Thématiques / Categories : Event

Résumé / Summary : An international elephant race is being organised in Nepal to attract tourists to a national park in the country. The competition will be held on December 26 at Sauraha, the entry point to the Royal Chitwan National Park in Chitwan district, about 200 km west of Kathmandu. Many foreign tourists are being expected to take part in the two-day competition organised by the Regional Hotel Association Nepal.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.hindustantimes.com/

Source: http://www.hindustantimes.com/

Decembre 2005

Titre / Title : Tokyo zoo keeper hit by elephant's tusk

Lieu / Place : Asia, Japan
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques / Categories : Event

Résumé / Summary : A keeper at Tokyo's Ueno Zoo was critically injured Tuesday when he became wedged between a 2.2-ton male elephant's tusk and the shutters of the animal's pen. Yutaka Kawaharabayashi, 43, suffered a brain contusion and has been taken to hospital. The elephant, named Artid, has tusks of around 50 centimeters in length and was shackled at the time. Artid barged into Kawaharabayashi during a training session and his head became wedged between one of the elephant's tusks and the steel shutters of the pen.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.crisscross.com/

Source: http://www.crisscross.com/

Decembre 2005

Titre / Title : Minister to discuss elephant culling with scientists

Lieu / Place : Africa, South Africa
Situation : Captive, Wildlife area
Thématiques / Categories : Conservation

Résumé / Summary : Local and international scientists have been invited to another round table with Minister of Environmental Affairs and Tourism Marthinus van Schalkwyk to discuss the proposed culling of elephants in the Kruger National Park. Van Schalkwyk has now agreed to set aside another day for a meeting with scientists in early 2006. Stakeholders will have the opportunity to bring in ideas for debating. Meanwhile, Justice for Animals, South Africans for the Abolition of Vivisection, and Xwe African Wildlife have merged to form Animal Rights Africa.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.mg.co.za/

Source: http://www.mg.co.za/

Decembre 2005

Titre / Title : Zoo elephants need 3 times more space?

Lieu / Place : USA
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques / Categories : Welfare

Résumé / Summary : The three elephants at Los Angeles Zoo — Gita, Ruby and Billy — need three times more space than their current quarters but it comes with a price tag of $50 million, according to a report on the future of pachyderms at the zoo. The independent report was commissioned by Los Angeles' new mayor, Antonio Villaraigosa, after years of debate about the keeping of elephants in captivity at the city-owned zoo. City officials will decide in coming weeks whether to accept the recommendations but activists, who have stepped up protests and rallies at the zoo, said they hoped the council would vote to send the elephants to a sanctuary.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://abcnews.go.com/

Source: http://abcnews.go.com/

Decembre 2005

Titre / Title : Charity bazaar and concert in aid of jumbos raise RM40,000

Lieu / Place : Asia, Malaysia
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques / Categories : Conservation, Event

Résumé / Summary : The Trumpeting for Elephants Charity Bazaar and Concert has raised RM40,000 from ticket sales to support elephant conservation. It was a night of glorious music yesterday, with performances by the acclaimed Melbourne Grammar School Symphony Orchestra, local artiste Zainal Abidin and the Operafest Children’s Choir. Zainal also contributed RM10,000. The money was handed over to Malaysian Nature Society chairman Angela Hijjas on behalf of the Fund for Awareness and Preservation of Elephant Survival (APES).

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.star-ecentral.com/

Source: http://www.star-ecentral.com/

Decembre 2005

Titre / Title : Group trying to free the elephants

Lieu / Place : USA
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques / Categories : Welfare

Résumé / Summary : Animal activists planned today to hand out stuffed toy elephants to City Council members, seeking their help in freeing the Philadelphia Zoo's elephants from what they paint as prison-like conditions. The group, Friends of Philly Zoo Elephants, is campaigning to have the four elephants moved from their half-acre zoo quarters to a larger elephant sanctuary in Tennessee.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.philly.com/

Source: http://www.philly.com/

Decembre 2005

Titre / Title : Saving Thailand’s endangered elephants

Lieu / Place : Asia, India
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques / Categories : Conservation, Research

Résumé / Summary : Ceileigh Syme ’06 will always remember the endangered elephants she met on her internship in Thailand this year. She is writing a senior honors thesis titled "Economic Development and the Correlation of Species Protection." Working with the Wildlife Friends of Thailand in Phetchaburi Province, Ceileigh spent the summer grappling with the issue of economic development, which she will explore in her thesis. Using the case studies of Japan, Thailand, and India, she is attempting to understand the relationship between economic prosperity and the value, or lack of, placed on animals in each culture.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://aspen.conncoll.edu/

Source: http://aspen.conncoll.edu/

Decembre 2005

Titre / Title : Renewed calls for culling in wildlife reserves raises alarm among conservation groups

Lieu / Place : Africa, Southern Africa
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques / Categories : Conservation, CITES

Résumé / Summary : Wildlife conservation groups in Southern Africa have united in rejecting calls by some governments for a return to culling as a way of controlling the region's growing elephant population. The debate around elephant population control methods comes at time when drought is affecting Zimbabwe, Namibia, Botswana, Zambia and Mozambique. Zimbabwe blames the death of over 100 elephants on a serious shortage of water and grazing pasture. Together with Botswana, South Africa and Namibia, Zimbabwe has lost successive bids to get the regional ban on trade in elephant products lifted.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.alertnet.org/

Source: http://www.alertnet.org/

Decembre 2005

Titre / Title : WWF Satellite Study Offers Glimpse Into Mysterious Life of Borneo's Pygmy

Lieu / Place : Asia, Borneo
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques / Categories : Conservation, Research

Résumé / Summary : The same satellite system used by the U.S. military to track vehicle convoys in Iraq is helping World Wildlife Fund shed light on the little-known world of pygmy elephants in Borneo. This week marks the six-month anniversary of the first pygmy elephant's being captured and outfitted with a collar that can send GPS locations to WWF daily via satellite. Five elephants have been collared by WWF and the Sabah, Malaysia, Wildlife Department, with support from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. The Sabah Wildlife Department described the study as very important and said the results could be used to assist the department in preparing Sabah's elephant conservation plan.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://releases.usnewswire.com/

Source: http://releases.usnewswire.com/

Decembre 2005

Titre / Title : Tamil Nadu Government sponsors vacation for its overworked jumbos

Lieu / Place : Asia, India
Situation : Captive
Thématiques / Categories : Welfare

Résumé / Summary : The rejuvenation camp, an annual feature sponsored by the Tamil Nadu state forest department, is being held at the picturesque Mudumalai Wildlife Sanctuary. The camp provides the 63-odd pachyderms, who are a mix of privately owned jumbos to those housed at temples across the state, a break from their hectic schedule. Special care is taken during the 48-day-camp to give nutritious food and dietary supplements to the elephants, who are simultaneously treated for any ailments by a team of qualified veterinarians.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://news.webindia123.com/

Source: http://news.webindia123.com/

Decembre 2005

Titre / Title : Law comes to elephant's rescue

Lieu / Place : Asia, India
Situation : Captive
Thématiques / Categories : Welfare

Résumé / Summary : Law came to the rescue of an elephant in this temple town, when an inspector had its mahout arrested today for ill-treating the animal. Pandiyan (20) used to ''walk'' Easwari, the elephant, around the streets of the town to beg and often used his prong to inflict injuries. The elephant developed pus in its legs. When Inspector Bhaskaran, handling animal welfare issues, came to know of Easwari's plight, he rushed to the spot and brought the mahout, along with the elephant, to Judicial Magistrate II Damodaran. The mahout was arrested under the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act on five counts, including 11 and 11A of the Act.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://news.webindia123.com/

Source: http://news.webindia123.com/

Decembre 2005

Titre / Title : Louisville to allow elephant rides

Lieu / Place : USA
Situation : Captive, Circus
Thématiques / Categories : Event

Résumé / Summary : The Metro Council voted last night to allow elephant rides to resume at circuses in the city, despite pleas from animal-rights activists. The ordinance was adopted 17-4 and could open the door for the Kosair Shriners to resume the rides at the group's annual circus in February, if it can comply with the ordinance's requirements. Also, only Asian elephants can be used, and they must have a clean safety record for at least five years.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.courier-journal.com/

Source: http://www.courier-journal.com/

Decembre 2005

Titre / Title : Elephant pitching in to help zoo expand

Lieu / Place : USA
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques / Categories : Welfare

Résumé / Summary : A one-of-a-kind painting by Tucson's largest artist is being auctioned to help buy her and her friend a new home. Shaba, the Reid Park Zoo's African elephant, is doing her part to help raise the $8.5 million needed for the zoo's African exhibit expansion. The expansion would include a larger enclosure for Shaba and Connie, the zoo's Asian elephant, and would allow curators to breed Shaba.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.tucsoncitizen.com/

Source: http://www.tucsoncitizen.com/

Decembre 2005

Titre / Title : Experts gather in Bangladesh to help save Asian Elephants

Lieu / Place : Asia, Bangladesh
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques / Categories : Conservation

Résumé / Summary : Wildlife experts and officials from Bangladesh and abroad will meet tomorrow at an international conference for Asian wild elephants in Chittagong, port city of Bangladesh. ‘International Conference on Conservation of Asian Elephants’ aimed at building necessary ecosystem management and institutional capacity to protect the large and globally endangered animal, elephants.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.narinjara.com/

Source: http://www.narinjara.com/

Decembre 2005

Titre / Title : Animal-rights group seeks transfer of Asian elephant

Lieu / Place : USA
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques / Categories : Welfare

Résumé / Summary : Animal rights activists want the newest addition to Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium's elephant herd transferred out of state, claiming the female pachyderm is too neurotic and doesn't get along with other elephants. Members of the Northwest Animal Rights Network believe the 38-year-old Asian elephant, Bamboo, is unable to properly socialize with herd mates Suki and Hanako, and is overweight. On Wednesday, activists plan to meet with Seattle City Councilman David Della to discuss moving Bamboo to The Elephant Sanctuary, a 2,700-acre preserve in Hohenwald, Tenn.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/

Source: http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/

Decembre 2005

Titre / Title : Male elephant knocks out keeper at Tokyo zoo

Lieu / Place : Asia, Japan
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques / Categories : Event

Résumé / Summary : A male elephant knocked out a keeper with one of his tusks at a zoo in central Tokyo in what may have been a hormone-driven frenzy. Attie, a 2.2-ton (2.4-U.S. ton) Asian bull at Tokyo's Ueno Zoo, struck his keeper Yutaka Kawaharabayashi in the forehead on Tuesday morning. Nine-year-old Attie had recently entered "musth," which means a bull is physiologically ready to mate and is looking for a female.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://news.inq7.net/

Source: http://news.inq7.net/

Decembre 2005

Titre / Title : Elephant electrocuted in Madhya Pradesh

Lieu / Place : Asia, India
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques / Categories : Human-Elephant Conflict

Résumé / Summary : An elephant was electrocuted at Kanha National Park in Madhya Pradesh Tuesday. The adult elephant, named Shivaji, had been trained by the forest department and died after coming into contact with overhead electrical wires. According to the forest department, the elephant was released in the woods and accidentally came in contact with a live wire.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://news.webindia123.com/

Source: http://news.webindia123.com/

Decembre 2005

Titre / Title : Wild elephants face extinction in Vietnam

Lieu / Place : Asia, Vietnam
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques / Categories : Conservation

Résumé / Summary : Wild elephant populations in Central Highlands Dak Lak Province, the kingdom for elephants in Vietnam, are seriously threatened. Dak Lak is famous for Don Village of the M’Nong-Lao ethnic group, who specialize in hunting and taming elephants. To protect wild elephants in the Central Highlands, the state has banned elephant hunting; however, illegal hunting and a reduction to natural habitat have caused a clear reduction to elephants.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://english.vietnamnet.vn/

Source: http://english.vietnamnet.vn/

Decembre 2005

Titre : COUP DE COEUR de la redaction pour une fondation sud-africaine : Space for Elephants Foundation sur la page PROJETS / HIGHLIGHT on a South African foundation : Space for Elephants Foundation on page PROJECTS

Résumé: Space for Elephants Foundation is a non-profit conservation, education and research organisation. The project was initiated to bring back elephants and other wildlife to the Pongola Game Reserve and surrounding areas in Maputaland. Out of this was born the idea of creating more space through a network of corridors throughout the country and further. An essential objective of SEF has always been to actively involve all people concerned. Another one is to have an interlinked network of protected areas throughout the country to allow elephants and other wildlife to maintain their natural movement and behavioural patterns, and to promote an economic base to all people living around and within these areas.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.space4elephants.org/newsletters.htm

Source: http://www.space4elephants.org/

Decembre 2005

Titre / Title : New issue of the wildlife trade journal TRAFFIC Bulletin Vol. 20 No. 3

Lieu / Place : Africa
Situation : Wild
Thématiques / Categories : Poaching, CITES, Conservation

Résumé / Summary : The latest issue of TRAFFIC's journal features reports on South Africa's trade in the medicinal plant Devil's Claw and Ethiopia's fruitful efforts to combat its large unregulated ivory markets. Other subjects cover the increasing trade in Europe of Emerald Monitor Lizards and other reptiles for the pet trade and implementation of a passport system set up in the United Arab Emirates to reduce the illegal trade in falcons.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.traffic.org/

Source: http://www.traffic.org/

Decembre 2005

Titre / Title : Docu On Jobless Jumbo For Film Festival

Lieu / Place : Asia, India
Situation : Captive
Thématiques / Categories : Welfare

Résumé / Summary : In a rare honour, a local scribe Mrinal Talukdar’s short documentary, In Search of a Job, has been selected for South Asia Documentary Film Festival on livelihood. This is the only film from the North-east to be selected for the prestigious film festival, which dwells on livelihood issues. Talukdar’s English documentary of 14 minutes duration has been entirely shot in various urban centres of Assam as well as Orang National Park. It focuses on the gigantic problem of livelihood for 1,200 unemployed domestic elephants of Assam. Many of them have turned to begging.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.assamtribune.com/

Source: M.H.

Decembre 2005

Titre / Title : Florida makes quiet home for circus elephants

Lieu / Place : USA
Situation : Captive, Circus
Thématiques / Categories : Conservation, Veterinary

Résumé / Summary : At just 7 months old, Aree is already a natural. She will stop and move over on command, and almost lies all the way down when told. There aren't many people around to see it now. But one day, if everything goes as planned, she's going to be a cross-country star. She's one of the newest babies born at the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus' Center for Elephant Conservation, a $5 million facility where old elephants are put out to pasture and new performers are born. Twenty-five of the circus' 56 Asian elephants reside at the center about 50 miles southwest of Orlando, lazing in paddocks, wandering through tangled grass and forking big piles of hay from trunk to mouth day after day. Ringling officials say not all the baby elephants at the center will become circus performers.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.bradenton.com/

Source: http://www.bradenton.com/

Decembre 2005

Titre / Title : Small group protests zoo's breeding of on-loan elephant

Lieu / Place : USA
Situation : Captive, Circus
Thématiques / Categories : Conservation, Veterinary

Résumé / Summary : A small group of animal rights activists — signs in hand, some sporting rubber elephant noses on their faces — gathered along University Drive on Sunday afternoon to protest the Fort Worth Zoo’s recent decision to breed an on-loan Asian male elephant with female Asian elephants currently housed there. The zoo announced its plan to breed the elephant on loan from Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus in June and increase reproduction rates. Protestors contend elephants have complicated needs for socialization and space and are much better suited to life in sanctuaries than in zoos.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.centredaily.com/

Source: http://www.centredaily.com/

Decembre 2005

Titre / Title : Endangered Baby Elephant Born in Jerusalem´s Biblical Zoo

Lieu / Place : Israel
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques / Categories : Veterinary, Event

Résumé / Summary : In the first event of its kind in Israel's history, an endangered Asian Elephant in Jerusalem's Biblical Zoo has given birth to a baby elephant, after fertility treatment and an arduous labor. The mother, named Tamar, was in labor for four hours, at which point a live internet broadcast of the birth was halted and veterinary staff decided to hasten the birth. Two hour later the calf was born – healthy and weighing 198 pounds. The baby elephant is the first to be born in Israel, and just the 11th Asian Elephant on earth to be born through the complex fertility method.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.israelnationalnews.com/

Source: http://www.israelnationalnews.com/

Decembre 2005

Titre / Title : Don't Forget To Cast Ballot For Baby Elephant's Name

Lieu / Place : USA
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques / Categories : Event

Résumé / Summary : Today is the final day to vote on a name for a 6-week-old elephant at Lowry Park Zoo. About 10,000 people have cast ballots. Voting ends at 5 p.m. The elephant, born Oct. 17 at the zoo, will be named in a ceremony Dec. 21. Schools from Hillsborough, Pinellas, Pasco, Polk, Hernando, Sarasota and Manateecounties were asked to submit names for consideration. The names, chosen from almost 600 submitted, are Jabali, meaning strong as a rock; Jasiri, meaning fearless; Kidogo, meaning something small; Moja, meaning one or first; and Tamani, meaning hope. The baby and his mother, Ellie, are on exhibit from 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. daily at the zoo, 1101 W. Sligh Ave.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://news.tbo.com/news/

Source: http://news.tbo.com/news/

Decembre 2005

Titre / Title : Silchar highway hits forest barrier

Lieu / Place : Asia, India
Situation : Wild
Thématiques / Categories : Conservation

Résumé / Summary : The four-lane Srirampur-Silchar express highway project has run into a barrier in Nagaon district with the forest department unwilling to grant permission for widening the road as it would adversely affect the Lumding reserve forest. The National Highway Authority of India (NHAI), which is executing the project, has sought 117 hectares of land from the reserve forest spread over approximately 25,000 hectares. At last count, the forest had 117 elephants. Besides, it has a rich variety of trees. P.J. Vijorkar, the divisional forest officer of Hojai, said more than 50,000 valuable trees would have to be felled for the work. Moreover, the state government had recently declared the forest as an elephant reserve.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.telegraphindia.com/

Source: http://www.telegraphindia.com/

Decembre 2005

Titre / Title : Scots triumph in the jumbo-sized world of elephant polo

Lieu / Place : Asia, Nepal
Situation : Captive
Thématiques / Categories : Event

Résumé / Summary : The Chitwan national park in Nepal is the unlikely setting for a memorable World Cup victory in a truly heavyweight encounter. Two teams comprising four elephants and riders play two “chukkas” of 10 minutes each, with an interval of 15 minutes. Three particular problems attend any attempt to persuade elephants into competitive sport: they may become confused by the change of ends at half-time and start to score own goals; one beast may decide to urinate — or worse — on the ball; and the goalkeeper may take a nap during the match. As you might expect, elephant polo is hardly a lyrical, flowing sort of game. The beasts sometimes kick the ball out of play or pick it up with their trunks, both of which demand a restart. They occasionally go after the other elephants, demanding further restarts. The humans can fall out of their harnesses or drop their sticks.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.timesonline.co.uk/

Source: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/

Decembre 2005

Titre / Title : Asian elephant gives birth to calf in Israel after rare fertility treatment

Lieu / Place : Israel
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques / Categories : Veterinary, Event

Résumé / Summary : An Asian elephant named Tamar has given birth to a calf at a Jerusalem zoo after undergoing a rare artificial insemination treatment. The calf weighed 90 kilograms (198 pounds) and is just the 11th Asian elephant worldwide to be born using this method. Zookeepers feared for the health of the 21-year-old mother and the fetus when the labor was not progressing after four hours. But two hours later, the calf was born healthy and the mother bonded well with it. The Israeli zoo hopes in the future to help impregnate Asiatic elephants around the world with the aid of its still-adolescent elephant bull, Teddy.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.khaleejtimes.com/

Source: http://www.khaleejtimes.com/

Decembre 2005

Titre / Title : Metro Council Hears Public's Opinion On Elephant Rides

Lieu / Place : USA
Situation : Captive, Circus
Thématiques / Categories : Welfare, Event

Résumé / Summary : Elephant rides were once a staple at the Louisville Zoo and when the circus came to town, but the city banned them after a man was seriously hurt by an elephant in 1994. Now the Shriner's Circus wants to bring rides back, but a lot of people say it's too dangerous. A public hearing Wednesday drew dozens of supporters and opponents to a metro council hearing. Right now, elephant rides are against the law. A city ordinance requires circus and zoo animals to be enclosed by a barrier "to prevent the public from coming in contact with the animal." Wednesday's meeting got the ball rolling on whether to bring elephant rides back to river city. The Metro Council Community Affairs Committee will vote next week on whether to allow elephant rides. After that, it's up to the full council.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.wave3.com/

Source: http://www.wave3.com/

Decembre 2005

Titre / Title : Elephant prompts embassy warning

Lieu / Place : Africa, Rwanda
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques / Categories : Human-Elephant Conflict

Résumé / Summary : Mutware, a Rwandan elephant, maintains a fearsome reputation that has been further fuelled by a United States government security warning. The elephant has destroyed at least three vehicles in recent months, terrifying visitors. Mutware can normally be found wallowing in Lake Ihema in Akagera National Park. Earlier this year, the US embassy in Kigali issued a formal warning about Mutware, after diplomats complained to the Rwandan government. It's only in the mating season that he gets aggressive and that's because he's solitary and has no female. But park rangers say the violent incidents happen only when foolhardy visitors venture into the park without guides.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://news.bbc.co.uk/

Source: http://news.bbc.co.uk/

Decembre 2005

Titre / Title : The elephant whisperer: A haven for mistreated animals

Lieu / Place : Asia, Thailand
Situation : Captive
Thématiques / Categories : Conservation, Welfare

Résumé / Summary : They are scarred by years of abuse. Their forest domain has shrunk, and their numbers along with it. But one woman has taken on the task of protecting the animals Thailand once held sacred. Lek flings slices of sweet white bread into the maw of a frisky five-year-old male elephant she calls Hope, whom she has hand-reared from babyhood. Hope loudly kisses her cheeks and lips with his trunk. In the afternoon, she will romp with the whole herd as they take their river-baths and talcum off with dust. A while back, Lek had broken ribs after a training session with Hope got unruly and he stabbed her with his tusks. But all is forgiven now, and she adamantly refuses to use a metal hook to restrain him.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://news.independent.co.uk/

Source: http://news.independent.co.uk/

Decembre 2005

Titre / Title : Rescued elephant calf sent to Gorumara rehab centre

Lieu / Place : Asia, India
Situation : Wild
Thématiques / Categories : Conservation, Veterinary

Résumé / Summary : A six-month-old elephant which was rescued from a dry well a week ago after it was abandoned by a herd, was sent today to a rehabilitation centre at Gorumara in Jalpaiduri district, wildlife sources here said. The animal was sent by a vehicle.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://news.webindia123.com/

Source: http://news.webindia123.com/

Decembre 2005

Titre / Title : Guruvayur elephants pay homage to predecessor

Lieu / Place : Asia, India
Situation : Captive
Thématiques / Categories : Event

Résumé / Summary : Elephants of Guruvayur Sri Krishna temple here on Saturday paid tributes to their legendary predecessor, Guruvayur Kesavan, on the eve of the Ekadasi Festival. Thirty five elephants marched in a procession from the 'Manjulal' in the eastern road to the temple and garlanded the statue of Kesavan, the tusker that served the temple for long years before its death a few decades back.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.manoramaonline.com/

Source: http://www.manoramaonline.com/

Decembre 2005

Titre / Title : Phoenix Zoo works to pacify its pachyderms

Lieu / Place : USA
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques / Categories : Welfare

Résumé / Summary : The Phoenix Zoo's elephants all have storied pasts. All three of the zoo's Asian elephants are former circus animals with at least one incident of hurting someone. Instead, the Phoenix Zoo has welcomed the troubled animals, creating the Elephant Sanctuary, where expert Alan Roocroft works with the staff to test and track the elephants' behavior and aggression patterns. Using that information, he makes changes to their living areas and schedules to try to make them calmer.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.azcentral.com/

Source: http://www.azcentral.com/

Decembre 2005

Titre / Title : Elephants Like The Taste Of Alcohol

Lieu / Place : Africa
Situation : Wild
Thématiques / Categories : Research

Résumé / Summary : A news study shows that while elephants like the taste of booze, they are not actually getting drunk when eating marula fruit. The findings, published in the journal Physiological and Biochemical Zoology, contends that even if the elephants ate massive quantities of the fruit, it would be difficult to get the animals drunk. The authors say that the large mammals like the taste of alcohol from the marula fruit, which ferments to an ethanol content of about 3 percent after three or four days.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.allheadlinenews.com/

Source: http://www.allheadlinenews.com/

Decembre 2005

Titre / Title : Helping elephants for a change

Lieu / Place : Asia, Malaysia
Situation : Wild
Thématiques / Categories : Conservation, Event

Résumé / Summary : As a result of poaching and the destruction of its natural habitat for development, there remains less than 2,000 elephants in Malaysia currently. It is for these reasons that Legend Hotel Kuala Lumpur has agreed to sponsor a charity bazaar and concert in aid of “Fund for Awareness and Preservation of Elephant Survival” (Apes). Apes consists of a group of youth who are concerned about the survival and conservation of elephants in Peninsular Malaysia. They aim to create public awareness on the issue and kick-start a campaign called “Don't Ask Why, Ask Why Not,” a move they believe will put pressure on relevant authorities to preserve Malaysia's elephant population.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://thestar.com.my/

Source: http://thestar.com.my/

Decembre 2005

Titre : COUP DE COEUR de la redaction pour un projet au Botswana : Central Limpopo River Elephant Research Program / HIGHLIGHT on a Botswana project : Central Limpopo River Elephant Research Program

Résumé: « […]The overall objective of the research program is to establish how elephants and trees coexisted in the past, and what the effect of elephants and other herbivores on biodiversity was. By determining the factors controlling the movements of the various groups we will be one step closer to solving the problem of elephant management. These factors can however only be determined by tracking the movements of the various groups over an extended period. […] ». Plus d’information sur notre page PROJETS / See more on our PROJECTS page

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.mashatu.com/research_ele.htm

Source: http://www.mashatu.com/

Decembre 2005

Titre / Title : Insemination try with elephant fails

Lieu / Place : Asia, India
Situation : Captive
Thématiques / Categories : Welfare

Résumé / Summary : A second attempt to artificially inseminate Chai, a 26-year-old Asian elephant at Woodland Park Zoo, has failed. Zookeepers learned Wednesday that Chai, the mother of Hansa, is not pregnant. Zoo officials hope to try again next spring. Five-year-old Hansa is the only elephant ever born at the Seattle zoo and the first born in the state. Hansa was conceived after Chai visited a male elephant at the Dickerson Park Zoo in Missouri. Woodland Park Zoo has only female elephants.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/

Source: M.H.

Decembre 2005

Titre / Title : Chinese ivory demand threatens central Africa's elephants

Lieu / Place : Africa
Situation : Wild
Thématiques / Categories : Poaching, CITES

Résumé / Summary : A taste for ivory among members of China’s exploding middle class poses a serious threat to elephants In Central Africa where poaching is on the rise admit a surge in demand – “The Chinese economy and (its) enormous economic growth poses a huge treat to African forest elephants” said Richard Leakey, the reknowned antropologist and former director of the Kenya Wildlife Service “The elephant population could disappear in 30 years if the market is not controlled and law enforcement is not improved”, he told a news conference here where a report on the growth in the illegal ivory trade was released.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://news.yahoo.com/

Source: M.H.

Decembre 2005

Titre / Title : Rajasthan to set up lions and elephant safari near Jaipur

Lieu / Place : Asia, India
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques / Categories : Conservation

Résumé / Summary : Rajasthan government will set up a lions and elephant safari at Nahargarh in the city to attract more tourists to the state. Environment and forests minister Laxminarayan Dave said, ''The safari will be spread in an area of 62 hectares and work for the same will commence in this month.'' The state government is also considering to transfer a zoo to the private sector for management on an experimental basis.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://news.webindia123.com/

Source: http://news.webindia123.com/

Decembre 2005

Titre / Title : Elephant reserve to prevent extinction

Lieu / Place : Asia, Vietnam
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques / Categories : Conservation

Résumé / Summary : The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development's Forestry Department is constructing three elephant reservations in an effort to protect the massive mammal from extinction. With Vietnam one of only 13 Asian nations where elephants habitat, the forestry department has planned that the Tay Nguyen (Central Highlands) preservation area will cover 250,000ha and protect two elephant communities of 128 head in the central highland provinces of Dak Lak and Gia Lai. In addition, under the sponsorship of the Asian Elephant Preserve Fund, a 56,000ha preservation area is to be established in Que Lam Forest, in the central province of Quang Nam.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://english.vietnamnet.vn/

Source: http://english.vietnamnet.vn/

Decembre 2005

Titre / Title : New study of the world's smallest elephant

Lieu / Place : Asia, Borneo
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques / Categories : Conservation, Research

Résumé / Summary : The world's smallest elephant species, the newly described Bornean elephant, will be the focus of a Cardiff University study in Sabah, Malaysia for the next three years. The Bornean elephant has recently been confirmed as a separate sub-species, dramatically increasing its importance for biodiversity. Bornean elephants are the world's most endangered member of the elephant family with an estimated 1,100 - 1,500 surviving in the wild.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.eurekalert.org/

Source: http://www.eurekalert.org/

Decembre 2005

Titre / Title : Company to send elephants to home with room to roam

Lieu / Place : USA
Situation : Captive, Sanctuary
Thématiques / Categories : Conservation, Welfare

Résumé / Summary : After months of government negotiations to resolve charges of animal mistreatment, nine elephants from Illinois will pack their trunks and move to Tennessee. Lota's death prompted a movement that helped other pachyderms. The Hawthorn Corp., a Richmond, Ill., company that rents elephants, lions and tigers to circuses, agreed last week to send the nine female elephants to the 2,700-acre Elephant Sanctuary in Hohenwald, Tenn., where they will live in a free-roaming environment. This will be the third time the sanctuary has received elephants from Hawthorn. Last month, the sanctuary completed a $3 million housing facility in anticipation of getting the elephants.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.usatoday.com/

Source: http://www.usatoday.com/

Decembre 2005

Titre / Title : Sumatra Elephants in Danger of Extinction

Lieu / Place : Asia, Sumatra
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques / Categories : Conservation, Research

Résumé / Summary : Sumatra elephants are in danger of extinction due to excessive forestry exploitation and forest concession activities which disturb the life of the endangered species. The population of Sumatra elephants which had been living on the land since the 1980s was about 7.600 to 8.000. Meanwhile, elephants appproached human settlements where they destroyed the poeple`s houses. This had happened in various subdistricts, namely Aceh Besar, Pidie, N Aceh, E Aceh, S Aceh and W Aceh. Nevertheless, the population of elephants in NAD had remained stable, namely 600 to 700.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.antara.co.id/

Source: http://www.antara.co.id/

Decembre 2005

Titre / Title : Elephant herds create ruckus in K'taka

Lieu / Place : Asia, India
Situation : Wild
Thématiques / Categories : Human-Elephant Conflict

Résumé / Summary : Two elephant herds created ruckus around Kushalnagar here yesterday, causing panic and injuring many. Residents of Hebbale were woken up from their sleep by the trumpeting of the pachyderms, which made its way through paddy fields. People gathered around the tuskers in large numbers and tried to chase it away. The enraged elephants charged towards the crowd, injuring many. On information, Forest officials, led by Range Forest Officer Chinnappa, arrived at the spot with guns and crackers. They met with success only after opening 20 rounds of gunshot in the air.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.newkerala.com/

Source: http://www.newkerala.com/

Decembre 2005

Titre / Title : One more Indian elephant falls to poachers' greed

Lieu / Place : Asia, India
Situation : Wild
Thématiques / Categories : Poaching

Résumé / Summary : The Chhattisgarh Government has order an enquiry into the mysterious death of an elephant in the Dharmajaygarh forest on Friday. The body of the elephant was found by the residents of the Krondha village, who initially thought the elephant was alive, but when it did not move the whole day, they came to know that it was dead. The animal had a big wound on it's torso, with the major part of the head missing, and the tusk too was gone making it a prime case of poaching.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.newkerala.com/

Source: http://www.newkerala.com/

Decembre 2005

Titre / Title : Drunken elephants: The marula fruit myth

Lieu / Place : Africa
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques / Categories : Research

Résumé / Summary : Dispelling years of anecdotes in travelogues, the popular press, and scholarly works, biologists from the University of Bristol argue that it is nearly impossible for elephants to become intoxicated from eating the fruit of the marula tree. They have a demonstrated fondness for marula fruit, gathering around trees when the fruit is in season. However, elephants have shown a clear preference for marula fruit still on the tree. The authors posit that an intoxicant other than alcohol may be responsible for "tipsy" behavior. Elephants also eat the bark of the marula tree, which is home to a beetle pupae traditionally used to poison arrow tips.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.eurekalert.org/

Source: http://www.eurekalert.org/

Decembre 2005

Titre / Title : How to control a herd of wild elephants

Lieu / Place : Africa, South Africa
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques / Categories : Conservation, Research, Veterinary

Résumé / Summary : In South Africa, some game managers want to renew culling. Others suggest moving the elephants to spread their impact. Delsink is working on a third option: Contraception. By slowing population growth, she says, ecologists could better manage the species and its impact. So, in 2000, she and other scientists began injecting the Makalali herd with a contraceptive. The contraceptive used in Makalali has been used in zoos to prevent inbreeding.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.csmonitor.com/

Source: http://www.csmonitor.com/

Decembre 2005

Titre / Title : Zoos to answer questions on elephant facilities

Lieu / Place : Asia, Australia
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques / Categories : Conservation, Welfare

Résumé / Summary : Sydney's Taronga Zoo and the Melbourne Zoo will return to a tribunal today to provide additional evidence in support of a proposed elephant importation program. The Administrative Appeals Tribunal has approved the importation of eight elephants from Thailand on the condition that the zoos satisfy questions raised about the conditions and facilities the elephants will be kept in. Sydney's Taronga Zoo says it will fulfil the tribunal's demands.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.abc.net.au/

Source: http://www.abc.net.au/

Decembre 2005

Titre / Title : Hearing set on law that bans elephant riding

Lieu / Place : USA
Situation : Captive, Circus
Thématiques / Categories : Welfare, Event

Résumé / Summary : A Louisville Metro Council committee will hold a public hearing this afternoon on a proposal to rescind a city law that bans elephant rides. The ban was enacted 15 years ago by Jefferson County government and was adopted by metro government when the city and county merged in 2003. The Louisville Shriners organization wants the ban lifted so it can offer elephant rides during its annual circus.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.wkyt.com/

Source: http://www.wkyt.com/

Decembre 2005

Titre / Title : Researchers Receive $1.3 Million from Disney for Wildlife Efforts

Lieu / Place : USA
Situation : Wild
Thématiques / Categories : Conservation

Résumé / Summary : Endangered species on five continents are benefiting from $1.3 in awards recently distributed by the Disney Wildlife Conservation Fund (DWCF). Projects studying sea turtles, elephants, butterflies, dolphins and gorillas are among the 80 recipients for 2005. The office of worldwide outreach for The Walt Disney Company supplements the DWCF to make even more projects possible, and Walt Disney World pays all the overhead for the DWCF program. More than $8.5 million has been distributed to 450 projects since the DWCF began the annual awards in 1995.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.prnewswire.com/

Source: http://www.prnewswire.com/

Decembre 2005

Titre / Title : Tribunal clears way for zoo to import elephants

Lieu / Place : Asia, Australia
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques / Categories : Conservation, Welfare

Résumé / Summary : Melbourne will probably be home to three Asian elephants after a tribunal decision yesterday cleared the way for their import. The Administrative Appeals Tribunal ruled that bringing the elephants from Thailand would not breach any laws, after animal welfare groups appealed against the planned importation. The tribunal decision ended a five-month legal battle between animal welfare groups, the zoos and the Federal Government. The zoos now have to prove their facilities are up to scratch before they get the final stamp of approval. The Melbourne Zoo's main task will be to prove its mud wallows are sufficient for the new elephants. The elephants have spent the past 12 months in quarantine in Thailand.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.heraldsun.news.com.au/

Source: http://www.heraldsun.news.com.au/

Decembre 2005

Titre / Title : Elephant calf rescued

Lieu / Place : Asia, India
Situation : Wild
Thématiques / Categories : Conservation

Résumé / Summary : A four-month old wild elephant calf was rescued from a well at a forest range at Dulmi in Jhalda block of Purulia district last night. The rescued calf has been taken to the zoo at Surulia in Purulia. The baby elephant was moving with a herd of 16-wild elephants and was proceeding to Dalma of Jharkhand when it fell into a well. A local villager was also trumpled to death when the villagers tried to drive the herd away. However, the baby was rescued after the pachyderms left the area abandoning it.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://news.webindia123.com/

Source: http://news.webindia123.com/

Decembre 2005

Titre / Title : Thai Safari Pulls Elephant Meat From Menu

Lieu / Place : Asia, Thailand
Situation : Wild
Thématiques / Categories : Conservation

Résumé / Summary : Visitors to a night safari in northern Thailand won‘t get to taste exotic animal meats as previously planned because the wildlife dishes sparked a storm of criticism and have been taken off the zoo menu. The project will have 2,000 animals of about 100 different species.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.localnewsleader.com/

Source: http://www.localnewsleader.com/

Decembre 2005

Titre / Title : Elephant fans rally at Los Angeles Zoo

Lieu / Place : USA
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques / Categories : Welfare

Résumé / Summary : More than 100 elephant fans, including "Golden Girls" actress Betty White, rallied in front of the Los Angeles Zoo to try to keep the pachyderm exhibit from being closed. The demonstration Saturday was a response to Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa ordering a study in August into whether the exhibit should be closed. Animal rights activists called for the study, saying the animals need more acreage.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.mercurynews.com/

Source: http://www.mercurynews.com/

Decembre 2005

Titre / Title : Oregon Zoo's Pachyderm Artist Paints For Zoolights Visitors

Lieu / Place : USA
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques / Categories : Event

Résumé / Summary : For the art lover on your list, there may be no gift more unique than an original Rama-except, perhaps, the chance to watch it be painted. The Oregon Zoo's resident pachyderm artist will be demonstrating his high-impact painting process at 6:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 16 during ZooLights. The elephant will also be featured in a special holiday art exhibit, Rama's Holiday Trunk Show, December 16-17 at the zoo.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.goldhillnews.com/

Source: http://www.goldhillnews.com/

Decembre 2005

Titre / Title : Thousands of elephants face death in cull at game park

Lieu / Place : Africa, South Africa
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques / Categories : Conservation

Résumé / Summary : The Kruger may cover more than 7,500 square miles, but it cannot cope with an elephant population that doubles every 10 years. South Africa's conservationists believe they have only a few months to save thousands of elephants. Kruger Park can cope with no more than 7,500. If this figure still holds - and the government has not confirmed that it does - some 6,500 elephants will have to be shot. Conservationists offer a series of alternatives to culling. Helicopter-borne game rangers could fire darts laced with non-hormonal contraceptives into female elephants. These drugs render them sterile for at least two years. The final decision on whether or not to cull rests with Marthinus van Schalkwyk, the environment and tourism minister, who holds the fate of the great elephant herds beside the Letaba in his hands.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.telegraph.co.uk/

Source: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/

Decembre 2005

Titre / Title : CITES conference to review ivory trade ban

Lieu / Place : Africa, Botswana
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques / Categories : Conservation, CITES, Poaching

Résumé / Summary : Botswana has to wait for the next conference of CITES in 2007 to know whether it will be allowed to sell its ivory stockpiles. Sale and trade in elephants and related products have been banned by CITES because the animal is classified as an endangered species. But Botswana and other countries with excess elephant population have been pressing to be allowed to sell their ivory stockpiles and cull the animals saying that their high numbers are a threat to the environment.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.mmegi.bw/

Source: http://www.mmegi.bw/

Decembre 2005

Titre / Title : Environmental groups call for elephant culling

Lieu / Place : Africa, South Africa
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques / Categories : Conservation

Résumé / Summary : Seven environmental groups have come out in support of a proposal by South African National Parks to cull South Africa's growing elephant population. They say culling is the most viable and feasible method. The joint statement was made by BirdLife-SA, the Botanical Society of SA, the Elephant Management and Owners Association, the Endangered Wildlife Trust, the Wildlife & Environment Society of SA, the Wilderness Foundation and WWF-SA.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.sabcnews.com/

Source: http://www.sabcnews.com/

Decembre 2005

Titre / Title : Elephant Victims Press Govt for Compensation

Lieu / Place : Africa, Namibia
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques / Categories : Conservation, Human-Elephant Conflict, Poaching

Résumé / Summary : The Doro !Nawas conservancy in the Kunene Region wants Government to compensate communities for losses caused by wild animals. Bob //Guibeb, the Co-ordinator of the Khoadi //Hoas conservancy, said the increasing number of elephants in the conservancy has led to conflict with people. It is against this background that the conservancy has allocated some of its money to the compensation of elephant victims. Another problem the conservancy raised with the committee was that of uncontrolled tourism. They said some tourists drive off-road and camp wherever they want in the conservancy. They also feel that community game guards should be given the power to arrest poachers on the spot.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://allafrica.com/

Source: http://allafrica.com/

Decembre 2005

Titre / Title : Poachers kill elephant

Lieu / Place : Asia, India
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques / Categories : Poaching

Résumé / Summary : Poachers have killed a wild elephant in Orissa's Similipal National Park and hacked away its ivory, nails and other body parts. The carcass of the male elephant with a bullet injury was spotted Wednesday and brought to the wildlife department office in Bangiriposi village for post mortem. The elephant had its ivory tusks, nails, tail and a part of the head missing.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.newkerala.com/

Source: http://www.newkerala.com/

Decembre 2005

Titre / Title : Drought decimates wildlife in game reserve

Lieu / Place : Africa, Zimbabwe
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques / Categories : Conservation, Veterinary

Résumé / Summary : The elephant is one of the latest victims of a drought currently ravaging southern Zimbabwe that has destroyed wildlife valued at more than US $50 billion in the last five months. Authorities say the animal sanctuary is facing serious water shortages, which have claimed the lives of 43 elephants, 53 buffaloes, three zebras and a giraffe. Several water holes have dried up and grazing has become scarce. National parks authorities cannot pump water into man-made water points because they either have no fuel or the motors have broken down. There had been an outbreak of blackleg, an acute infectious disease characterised by gas-filled swellings on the legs caused by a spore-producing bacteria in the soil, which brings sudden death in most species.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.alertnet.org/

Source: http://www.alertnet.org/

Decembre 2005

Titre / Title : Cull Kruger's elephants, say wildlife groups

Lieu / Place : Africa, South Africa
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques / Categories : Conservation

Résumé / Summary : Seven major conservation and wildlife NGOs in South Africa say culling elephants in the Kruger National Park must be considered. After the release of the report, a group called Elephants Alive -- representing more than 100 wildlife groups in South Africa -- was formed to oppose the culling proposal. Other groups that distance themselves from Elephants Alive but agree with SANParks are the Botanical Society of South Africa, the Elephant Managers and Owners Association, the Endangered Wildlife Trust, the Wildlife and Environment Society of South Africa and the Wilderness Foundation. Following a meeting with Minister of Environmental Affairs and Tourism Marthinus van Schalkwyk on November 28, NGOs, activists and interest groups have had the opportunity to put forward arguments about the proposed elephant culling.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.mg.co.za/

Source: http://www.mg.co.za/

Decembre 2005

Titre / Title : Wild elephants kill villager

Lieu / Place : Asia, India
Situation : Wild
Thématiques / Categories : Human-Elephant Conflict

Résumé / Summary : A middle aged farmer was killed by a pack of wild elephants at Namsang village in Tirap district of Arunachal Pradesh on Wednesday night when he was sleeping in his farm house in the corn field. The deceased, Napo Mophuk had gone to the paddy field for harvesting and stayed back there when the herd attacked killing him on the spot. The pachyderms also damaged his ripe crops before leaving the area. Wild elephants in search of greener pastures usually destroy crops during harvesting season in Namsang under Deomali sub-division of Tirap district surrounded by reserve forest.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.newkerala.com/

Source: http://www.newkerala.com/

Decembre 2005

Titre / Title : Conservancies Face Many Problems

Lieu / Place : Africa, Namibia
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques / Categories : Conservation, Human-Elephant Conflict, Poaching

Résumé / Summary : Uncontrolled tourism activities, poaching, animal-human conflict, border disputes between the different conservancies and claims of self-enrichment by conservancy members are some of the challenges facing conservancies in the Kunene Region. This revelation was made during a recent fact-finding mission in the Kunene Region by a parliamentary team tasked with economics and natural resources. In light of this, conservancies such as Twyfelfontein-Uibasen, Doro !Nawas and !=Khoadi //Haos want Government to come up with a law that will regulate these illegal activities.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://allafrica.com/

Source: http://allafrica.com/

Decembre 2005

Titre : COUP DE COEUR de la redaction pour une etude francaise sur notre page RECHERCHES : Approche anthropologique des relations homme/elephant en Inde. etude de cas : elements d’Ethnozoologie de l’elephant Captif au Kerala (Inde du Sud) / HIGHLIGHT on French master thesis on our RESEARCH page : human/elephant conflict study in Southern India

Résumé: This research was conducted in order to purpose new view about the situation of the species in India. It aims at studying man/elephant relationship in a socio-anthropological way. The introduction deals with the mains theory and concept for studying animal domestication in a socio-anthropological way. The first part is an attempt to draw the history of man/elephant relationships in India. The second part of this work is the result of a research fieldwork made in Kerala (South India). We focused on the use of elephant during temple festivals (procession), drawed the socio-economical profil of mahouts and made a census of captive elephant.

Decembre 2005

Titre / Title : Health camp for captive elephants in Sonpur

Lieu / Place : Asia, India
Situation : Captive
Thématiques / Categories : Welfare

Résumé / Summary : For the fifth consecutive year, a health camp for captive elephants was organized by the Wildlife trust of India (WTI) in partnership with the Bihar Forest Department at Songpur in Bihar. Between 12 th and 16 November, captive elephants from the northern and eastern Indian states of Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Assam were brought to the five-day long mela.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.wildlifetrustofindia.org/

Source: M.H.

Decembre 2005

Titre / Title : David le piment terrasse Goliath l’elephant

Lieu / Place : Africa, Zambia
Situation : Wild
Thématiques / Categories : Human-Elephant Conflict

Résumé / Summary : L’odeur acre de la plante eloigne les pachydermes. La vallee du Zambeze est l’une des regions d’Afrique ou la coexistence entre hommes et grands mammiferes est tout sauf pacifique. Devenue, depuis vingt ans, le theatre d’une ruee vers la terre, elle a vu les conflits avec les elephants se multiplier mais, l’ONG Elephant Pepper Development Trust, soutenue par la Banque mondiale, a trouve une methode ecologique et efficace pour tenir les pachydermes en respect : du piment plante autour des champs et qui, brule ou transforme en huile dont on enduit les clotures, exhale une odeur acre qui leur est insupportable.(National Geographic decembre 2005 -Marie-Amelie Carpio).

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www7.nationalgeographic.com/

Source: M.H.

Decembre 2005

Titre / Title : Deal to transfer elephants OKd

Lieu / Place : USA
Situation : Captive
Thématiques / Categories : Conservation, Welfare

Résumé / Summary : Nine of the 11 elephants remaining at a circus-training facility near Richmond in McHenry County will be moved to a Tennessee sanctuary by mid-January under an agreement signed Tuesday. The deal comes after months of stalemates in talks between Hawthorn Corp. and the Elephant Sanctuary of Hohenwald, Tenn. Hawthorn's lone male elephant, Nicholas, will not go to Tennessee, Shaffer and Buckley said, because a male elephant would be disruptive to the sanctuary's herd of females.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.chicagotribune.com/

Source: M.H.

Decembre 2005

Titre / Title : North Bengal elephants are now GPS-collared

Lieu / Place : Asia, India
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques / Categories : Conservation, Human-Elephant Conflict

Résumé / Summary : Two more elephants in north Bengal have been fitted with global positioning system (GPS) equipment, bringing the total number in the region to be thus uniquely radio-collared in the country to four. The "intensely high levels" of human-elephant conflict in north Bengal, where 50 persons die on an average each year, led the authorities to try the exercise. In contrast to the figures for north Bengal, the number of deaths caused by human-elephant conflict in southern India, where the elephant population is nearly 12,000, is 30 to 40 a year on an average.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.hindu.com/

Source: http://www.hindu.com/

Decembre 2005

Titre / Title : 'We need an African solution'

Lieu / Place : Africa, South Africa
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques / Categories : Conservation

Résumé / Summary : While anti-culling lobbyists on Monday launched a vehement attack on a "trigger-happy" South African National Parks (SANParks) for their proposal to cull at least 6 000 elephants in the Kruger National Park, government representatives urged groups to concentrate on the facts, not the emotions. The coalition criticised SANParks' lack of consultation, their refusal to look at "compelling scientific data" opposing culling and their misinterpretation of environmental law. If SANParks persisted in citing the clause as justification for culling, Bilchitz said opposition groups would challenge them, and the government, in court.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.int.iol.co.za/

Source: http://www.int.iol.co.za/

Decembre 2005

Titre / Title : N.C. Zoo starts $8 million expansion to double elephant exhibit

Lieu / Place : USA
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques / Categories : Conservation, Welfare

Résumé / Summary : The 500-acre North Carolina Zoo plans to double the size of its three-elephant exhibit to make it one of the nation's largest such collections. Work on the $8 million expansion started Wednesday and is scheduled for completion in the summer of 2007. The expansion comes when other zoos are giving up on the elephants because of space and financial constraints. The only existing exhibit larger than the one proposed by the zoo in Asheboro is the nine-acre exhibit at Disney's Animal Kingdom outside of Orlando, Florida.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://rdu.news14.com/

Source: http://rdu.news14.com/

Decembre 2005

Titre / Title : Two conservation projects to tackle elephant-human conflict

Lieu / Place : Asia, India
Situation : Wild
Thématiques / Categories : Conservation, Human-Elephant Conflict

Résumé / Summary : Elephant-man conflict in Assam which has assumed alarming proportions in recent years is all set to be tackled scientifically by two conservation projects launched in the famed Kaziranga and Manas National Parks. The projects, supported by the US Fish and Wildlife Service, will attempt to find ways to reduce elephant-human conflict by conducting elephant surveys, work with local people and forest department and enhance capacity building. Talukdar points out that the projects envisaged to increase level of confidence among villagers for living in harmony with elephants. A multi-disciplinary approach will be used to mitigate the human-elephant conflict based on practical and feasible options, he added.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.ptinews.com/

Source: http://www.ptinews.com/

Decembre 2005

Titre / Title : Minister meets NGOs and communities to discuss elephant management options

Lieu / Place : Africa, South Africa
Situation : Wild
Thématiques / Categories : Conservation

Résumé / Summary : There had been an understandable emphasis on culling during the presentations. Animal rights organisations were strongly opposed to culling whilst conservation and community organisations felt it could be justified. Submissions also focused on non-lethal solutions such as translocation, contraception and range expansion. A policy framework, so-called Draft Norms & Standards, would be published in the new year for public comment. Members of the public were encouraged to participate in this process.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.sanparks.org/

Source: http://www.sanparks.org/

Decembre 2005

Titre / Title : Van Schalkwyk faces elephant culling test

Lieu / Place : Africa, South Africa
Situation : Wild
Thématiques / Categories : Conservation

Résumé / Summary : Marthinus van Schalkwyk, the minister of environmental affairs and tourism, faces one of the toughest tests of his cabinet career this week when groups opposed to elephant culling present him with reports that are harshly critical of South African National Parks (SANParks) recommendations that the practice be resumed to manage populations in the Kruger National Park. The reports warn that should culling be resumed it will damage South Africa's international conservation reputation and could discourage tourists from visiting the country. The SANParks report suggests that elephants should be culled in areas of the park close to neighbouring communities to prevent human/elephant conflict.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.int.iol.co.za/

Source: http://www.int.iol.co.za/

Decembre 2005

Titre / Title : Mastodon, mammoth remains turn up in Ill.

Lieu / Place : USA
Situation : Wild
Thématiques / Categories : Evolution

Résumé / Summary : A few months after the last of the elephants left Chicago's Lincoln Park Zoo in May, amid complaints from activists that Illinois doesn't have a climate fit for such animals, remains of their ancient relatives were showing up around the state. He said the recent spate of findings may be due to this summer's drought, which shrank the wetlands where mastodon remains are usually found. Saunders said that since the animals were mammoths, rather than mastodons, the lack of new remains was typical. While both mastodons and mammoths were quite prevalent in Illinois until some 10,000 or 11,000 years ago, Saunders said, there's no way of knowing what their total populations were. And although both animals resembled modern elephants, they were not closely related to each other.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.mercurynews.com/

Source: http://www.mercurynews.com/

Decembre 2005

Titre / Title : Elephant management plan to be published in 2006

Lieu / Place : Africa, South Africa
Situation : Wild
Thématiques / Categories : Conservation

Résumé / Summary : An elephant population management policy framework will be published in 2006 for public comment, the department of environmental affairs and tourism said. J P Louw, the department's head of communications, said in a statement that Marthinus van Schalkwyk, the minister of environmental affairs and tourism, welcomed the submissions of various non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and community organisations regarding the development of a national elephant management plan.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.sabcnews.com/

Source: http://www.sabcnews.com/

Decembre 2005

Titre / Title : Plan to cull elephants divides wildlife groups

Lieu / Place : Africa, South Africa
Situation : Wild
Thématiques / Categories : Conservation

Résumé / Summary : Wildlife groups meeting with South Africa's environment minister Monday were split over the necessity and ethics of a proposal to cull elephants in the country's flagship national park. South Africa is consulting neighboring African countries also affected by increasing elephant populations, but there is no regional consensus at the moment about how to manage the herds.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://edition.cnn.com/

Source: http://edition.cnn.com/

Decembre 2005

Titre / Title : NGOs make submissions on elephant control measures

Lieu / Place : Africa, South Africa
Situation : Wild
Thématiques / Categories : Conservation

Résumé / Summary : Government called for the submissions following its pledge in September to take control measures to manage the "rapidly" growing elephant population in the country. Elephant populations in the Kruger National Park in particular are said to be increasing at a rate of seven percent every year, and is expected to "double roughly" every ten years. By 2012 there may be as many as 20 000 elephants in the Kruger alone, and by 2019 as many as 30 000.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.buanews.gov.za/

Source: http://www.buanews.gov.za/

Novembre 2005

Titre : COUP DE COEUR de la redaction pour une ONG : Zimbabwe Conservation Task Force / HIGHLIGHT on an NGO : Zimbabwe Conservation Task Force

Résumé: “In the small number of pans with water, the water levels are so low that the animals are having to wade into deep mud before being able to reach the water. In some places, the mud is more than 3 feet deep and in their desperation for water, the animals are inadvertently walking into a death trap because once they are stuck in the mud, they can't get out and many have died in the mud. These dedicated National Parks staff are doing the best they can with very limited resources. Most of them are devoted to the welfare of the wildlife but they are short of chains and ropes and very few of their vehicles are mobile because they have no tyres. The first task was to install a new engine at Inyantuie and get the water pumping into the pan there.” Please contact : [email protected].

Plus d'information disponible sur: file:///D:/DEDH/www.deselephantsetdeshommes.org/www.zctf.mweb.co.zw

Source: file:///D:/DEDH/www.deselephantsetdeshommes.org/www.zctf.mweb.co.zw

Novembre 2005

Titre / Title : Toni at center of care debate

Lieu / Place : USA
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques / Categories : Conservation, Welfare

Résumé / Summary : At the National zoo in Washington D.C., Toni, 39 years-old elephant, suffers from arthritisin her legs. She has been thrust into the growing debate about whether zoos offer a suitable environment for elephants particularly when the animals are confined to small spaces. In September, zoo officials announced that if her condition continues to détériorate, she may be euthanized. They had since said such a drastic measure wouldn’t be taken any time soon. The news was a siren call to local and national animal rights activists, who are now leading a campaign to have Toni removed to the Elephant Sanctuary in Hohenwald, Tenn.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.thetimes-tribune.com/

Source: M.H.

Novembre 2005

Titre / Title : Baitarni Elephant Reserve hits mining roadblock ; CM orders forest clearance for mining projects in six months

Lieu / Place : Asia, India
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques / Categories : Conservation

Résumé / Summary : The Orissa State government is said to be having concerns over the creation of the Baitarni elephant Reserve. The reason for this is reported to be the fact that the new reserve will take over a huge chunk of the mining areas. Elephant population here is said to have fallen from 1841 in 2002 to a little over 1600 this year. Inspite of this human animal conflicts have continued to rise primarlily due to shrinking animal habitat that resulted from mining and other development activities. ['Protected Area' vol 58 -december 2005]

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : www.indianjungles.com

Source: M.H.

Novembre 2005

Titre / Title : FD report says nearly 100 wild animals poached in state in 2004-05

Lieu / Place : Asia, India
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques / Categories : Poaching

Résumé / Summary : ‘Wildlife Crime in Orissa”, a report by the wildlife wing of the State Forest Department has said of the 185 wild animals which died during 2004-05, 95 were killed by poachers. These include 14 elephants. The report says that the professional elephant poachers from the Narsinghpur-Badamba area who have perfected the art of tracking and killing tuskers is the biggest threat to wildlife conservation in the State. ['Protected Area' vol 58 -december 2005]

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : www.indianjungles.com

Source: M.H.

Novembre 2005

Titre / Title : Pregnant elephant loses calf, but two other elephants expecting

Lieu / Place : USA
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques / Categories : Veterinary, Welfare

Résumé / Summary : Staff at the St. Louis Zoo said Monday that they continue to closely monitor an Asian elephant named Sri after they determined this weekend that her unborn calf died in the womb.But they're also focused on the possibility of two healthy births, with other elephants, Ellie and Rani, expecting in 2006 and 2007. Dr. Dennis Schmitt, an elephant reproductive specialist, consulted on Sri's case. He said he thinks the zoo was right not to attempt a more aggressive treatment. He said a drug called oxytocin can induce contractions, but said that would not have been a good idea in Sri's case because the fetus was not in the birth canal. A Caesarian delivery was not an option, as elephants and calves have never survived the procedure.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.kansascity.com/

Source: http://www.kansascity.com/

Novembre 2005

Titre / Title : 'Aggressive' killer elephant put down

Lieu / Place : Africa, KwaZulu-Natal
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques / Categories : Human-Elephant Conflict

Résumé / Summary : An elephant that killed a KwaZulu-Natal Wildlife employee earlier this month has been put down. KZN Wildlife's Andrew Zaloumis said they had been monitoring her behaviour since the incident. On November 3, five wildlife employees were attacked by the elephant. A detailed forensic examination of the truck produced chips of ivory from the attacking elephant's tusks.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://iafrica.com/

Source: http://iafrica.com/

Novembre 2005

Titre / Title : Senior Scientists Oppose Slaughter of Thousands of Elephants

Lieu / Place : Africa, South Africa
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques / Categories : Conservation, Veterinary

Résumé / Summary : Leading researchers and scientists, announced today that recent breakthroughs in non-hormonal elephant contraception lay the foundation for an acceptable and workable alternative to the planned slaughter of many thousands of elephant in the KNP. Contraception will shortly be even further simplified by the much anticipated release of a one-shot, five-year treatment, thus making contraception both highly effective and easy to administer. Expert opinion and common knowledge dictate that the thousands of traumatised elephant that escape death are going to be dangerous to humans. There is growing concern that profits from the sale of elephant meat, skin, and by-products are the underlying motivation for the cull.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.prleap.com/

Source: http://www.prleap.com/

Novembre 2005

Titre / Title : 61 elephants killed in Orissa in five years

Lieu / Place : Asia, India
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques / Categories : Human-Elephant Conflict

Résumé / Summary : As many as 61 elephants were killed in Orissa during the last five years. At the same time during the period, 242 persons were killed and 22 injured by elephants. In a written reply to a question of Orissa Gana Parishad(OGP) MLA Arun De and others, Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik said most of the 61 elephants killed either by poaching or electrocution. 25 people were trampelled to death by the elephants this year till date in eleven districts.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://news.webindia123.com/

Source: http://news.webindia123.com/

Novembre 2005

Titre / Title : It pays to help elephant sanctuary

Lieu / Place : Asia, Malaysia
Situation : Captive
Thématiques / Categories : Conservation, Welfare

Résumé / Summary : How much should one pay for a visit to an elephant sanctuary? The answers may vary, but a general reluctance to pay could jeopardise the future of an elephant sanctuary in Kuala Gandah, Lanchang, about 70km from here. The sanctuary has never charged its visitors since it was opened in 1990. The management has instead encouraged visitors to donate in cash and kind. Between RM5,000 and RM6,000 is collected every month, but the money mostly comes from foreign tourists and NGOs. Locals make up more than 60 per cent of the visitors.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.nst.com.my/

Source: http://www.nst.com.my/

Novembre 2005

Titre / Title : West African Countries Sign Elephant Conservation Pact

Lieu / Place : Africa, West Africa countries
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques / Categories : Conservation, Poaching

Résumé / Summary : In an attempt to conserve the few remaining West African elephants, 12 countries today signed a treaty to stabilize or improve the condition of the larger populations within seven years, and work towards improving the conservation of all the region's elephants within 10 years. The treaty and its associated action plan, or strategy, sets targets and timetables for improving elephant habitats, boosting the numbers of fragile populations, the setting up of wildlife corridors and a host of other measures covering cross-border cooperation.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.ens-newswire.com/

Source: http://www.ens-newswire.com/

Novembre 2005

Titre / Title : SANParks must explore alternatives to shooting elephants

Lieu / Place : Africa, South Africa
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques / Categories : Conservation, Veterinary

Résumé / Summary : SANParks must explore alternatives to shooting elephants to control their numbers, the Ifaw said on Wednesday. If culling went ahead in the Kruger National Park, it would be based on a political decision rather than sound ecological principles. It believes SANParks has not appropriately explored elephant management options other than culling. These included the creation of megaparks enabling migrations between parks and countries in southern Africa, and the use of immuno-contraception of the park.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.citizen.co.za/

Source: http://www.citizen.co.za/

Novembre 2005

Titre / Title : Latest WAVE Headlines

Lieu / Place : USA
Situation : Captive
Thématiques / Categories : Event

Résumé / Summary : Earlier this week metro council members heard arguments over pit bulls as well as another type of exotic animal. Years ago, a young boy was seriously injured during an elephant ride at the Louisville Zoo. His family won a huge lawsuit against the city, and the rides stopped. But a popular charity for kids is fighting to bring the age-old practice back to town.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.wave3.com/

Source: http://www.wave3.com/

Novembre 2005

Titre / Title : Rail engine mows down elephant in Guwahati

Lieu / Place : Asia, India
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques / Categories : Conservation, Human-Elephant Conflict

Résumé / Summary : In an another man-elephant conflict, a big tusker collided with a Rail Engine and died in the wee hours at Chandrapur, some 15 Kms away from Guwahati today. The incident occurred at around 3 a.m. (IST) when a herd of wild Asiatic Elephant was trying to cross a railway track in search of food. The Chandrapur area which was actually a grazing ground of the wild elephants years back, today has been encroached by human population and as such decreasing the elephant Habitat.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://news.webindia123.com/

Source: http://news.webindia123.com/

Novembre 2005

Titre / Title : Tsunami Survivors Learn to Live With Elephant Neighbors

Lieu / Place : Asia, Sri Lanka
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques / Categories : Conservation, Human-Elephant Conflict

Résumé / Summary : They survived last year's Indian Ocean tsunami, but the residents of one of Sri Lanka's resettlement communities are facing a new problem: elephants. A new housing project outside one southern town has been built in elephant territory and the two sets of neighbors must now learn to co-exist. Sri Lanka's forestry department has put up 25 kilometers of electric fencing to keep elephants out of communities like Siribopura. An "elephant patrol" made up of six forestry department staff throw firecrackers towards the elephants to keep them out of the tsunami survivors' communities. They also provide firecrackers for residents so they can defend themselves.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.voanews.com/

Source: http://www.voanews.com/

Novembre 2005

Titre / Title : Vietnam to set up three elephant conservation areas

Lieu / Place : Asia, Vietnam
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques / Categories : Conservation

Résumé / Summary : A plan to set up three special zones in Vietnam for the conservation of wild elephants, now facing extinction, was discussed at a seminar in Hanoi Tuesday. It includes the establishment of a conservation area each in the Central Highlands, Dong Nai Province in the south, and Nghe An Province in the central region. Their population in the country has been decimated – from 1,500 to 2,000 elephants in 1975-1980, their numbers have fallen to 76-134. The decrease of elephants was mostly due to habitat loss due to deforestation and illegal hunting for tusks. The action plan also focused on improving public awareness of protecting wild elephants, managing domesticated elephants, and strengthening international cooperation for elephant conservation.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.thanhniennews.com/

Source: http://www.thanhniennews.com/

Novembre 2005

Titre / Title : Only three elephants survive fire

Lieu / Place : Africa, South Africa
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques / Categories : Conservation, Veterinary

Résumé / Summary : Only three elephants remain of the 17 who were burnt in a fire in the Pilanesberg National Park in September. The elephants were injured when the fire spread from outside the park into their terrain. Not all survived in the weeks following the blaze but eight had been returned to the park from temporary holding facilities in Hammanskraal. Sadly, the condition of five of these elephants deteriorated as the days passed and, in consultation with a panel of independent veterinarians and the North West Parks and Tourism Board, the decision was taken to euthanise them. The three surviving elephants were being carefully monitored as they recovered.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://iafrica.com/

Source: http://iafrica.com/

Novembre 2005

Titre / Title : Rejuvenation camp for elephants

Lieu / Place : Asia, India
Situation : Captive
Thématiques / Categories : Welfare

Résumé / Summary : A herd of 14 elephants from this district, will be leaving tonight for their annual rejuvenation camp beginning on November 21 at Mudumalai . This will be the third annual rejuvenation camp for elephants, held for 48 days at Theppakadu in the Mudumalai wildlife sanctuary and national park, when the elephants will be rested and given herbal bath, tonic including multivitamin tablets.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.chennaionline.com/

Source: http://www.chennaionline.com/

Novembre 2005

Titre / Title : Tamil Nadu elephants begin annual holiday

Lieu / Place : Asia, India
Situation : Captive
Thématiques / Categories : Welfare

Résumé / Summary : A first batch of 10 elephants were given a warm farewell by hundreds of people gathered in Tiruchirapally's outskirt Saturday as they left for their annual vacation to the Mudumalai hills sanctuary. A caravan of 14 elephants from temples around Madurai too began its journey to Mudumalai Saturday. This is a state-sponsored programme to give nearly two months' annual holiday to temple elephants across Tamil Nadu and other working elephants to a rejuvenation camp.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://news.webindia123.com/

Source: http://news.webindia123.com/

Novembre 2005

Titre / Title : Philadelphia Zoo May End Elephant Exhibit Because of Shortfall

Lieu / Place : USA
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques / Categories : Welfare

Résumé / Summary : Four elephants at the Philadelphia Zoo, the oldest in the U.S., may go the way of Winky, Wanda, Lulu and Tinkerbelle. Beset by increasing costs and fundraising problems, the zoo's board voted last month to defer plans for a new $20 million elephant yard and instead build an aviary and children's zoo. That means the zoo's four female elephants may go elsewhere.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.bloomberg.com/

Source: http://www.bloomberg.com/

Novembre 2005

Titre / Title : Thai zoo's lion and elephant meat banquet angers Kenyans

Lieu / Place : Africa, Kenya
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques / Categories : Conservation

Résumé / Summary : Kenyan conservationists reacted with anger yesterday to news that a Thai zoo to which animals are being exported in a controversial deal is planning to serve an exotic game buffet to VIP guests. Guests at the opening of the Chiang Mai night safari zoo in northern Thailand will tuck in to a menu featuring tiger, lion, elephant and giraffe. Kenya last week agreed to export over 100 wild animals to Thailand, including zebra, flamingoes, buffalo, wildebeest and hyena, despite protests by wildlife experts and Masai elders.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.guardian.co.uk/

Source: http://www.guardian.co.uk/

Novembre 2005

Titre / Title : Elephant's success breeds its demise

Lieu / Place : Africa, South Africa
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques / Categories : Conservation

Résumé / Summary : The South African Government is planning to carry out an unprecedented massive cull, amid claims that the world's largest land animal has become its biggest pest. The South African plan is igniting an international row that has split environmental, scientific and political opinion and could damage the country's image as it prepares to host the 2010 soccer World Cup. Neighbouring nations such as Botswana and Zimbabwe, which want to start culls of their own, are awaiting the outcome. All sides agree that southern Africa has too many elephants. The giant animals smash their way through the landscape, eating - or flattening - much of what is in their way.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.nzherald.co.nz/

Source: http://www.nzherald.co.nz/

Novembre 2005

Titre / Title : Mudumalai gears up to receive elephants

Lieu / Place : Asia, India
Situation : Captive
Thématiques / Categories : Conservation, Welfare

Résumé / Summary : Mudumalai Wildlife Sanctuary is fully geared up to receive elephants for the rejuvenation health camp, third in its series, being organised by HR & CE Department and Forest Department from 21 November to 7 January, for 48 days. More than 100 elephants belonging to temples, private individuals and the Forest Department are expected to benefit from this camp. At the entry point to Nilgiris Hills, the elephants were welcomed with araathi and garlands. Besides, sugarcane, greens and water were offered to the elephants. After a short break, the elephants were taken to Mudumalai. The rejuvenation camp will be a milestone in the conservation efforts to focus people's attention towards the survival and well being of elephants.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://newstodaynet.com/

Source: http://newstodaynet.com/

Novembre 2005

Titre / Title : Pregnant elephant loses her baby

Lieu / Place : USA
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques / Categories : Conservation, Veterinary

Résumé / Summary : Hopes for a healthy elephant calf at the St. Louis Zoo were dashed Saturday. Curators determined that the calf carried by the Asian elephant Sri has died. The death has devastated keepers, who have spent years preparing for the Zoo's first elephant birth since Raja's arrival almost 13 years ago. Sri's calf was sired by Raja. Fischer is not entirely sure what went wrong, but it appears that Sri's calf, a female, never moved into the right position to trigger labor. The calf ultimately died in utero late last week.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.stltoday.com/

Source: http://www.stltoday.com/

Novembre 2005

Titre / Title : Activists promote preserve for elephants

Lieu / Place : USA
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques / Categories : Welfare

Résumé / Summary : Last month, the Philadelphia Zoo announced that it did not have the money to build a new savanna for Petal, Dulary, Bette and Kallie, but said it hoped someday to replace the quarter-acre elephant exhibit and 1,800-square-foot barn. Poole and others are promoting a different idea: Build vast preserves in warm areas of the United States where elephants could breed and form herds, and show the public their awe-inspiring range of behaviors - from imitating truck and animal sounds to gently waking their babies by touching them with their hind feet. Without animals that visitors can see, hear, smell - and, in some cases, touch - zoos cannot achieve their mission of promoting conservation.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.contracostatimes.com/

Source: http://www.contracostatimes.com/

Novembre 2005

Titre / Title : Wanda, Winky having 'the time of their lives'

Lieu / Place : USA
Situation : Captive
Thématiques / Categories : Conservation, Welfare

Résumé / Summary : As the season's first snowflakes fell at the Detroit Zoo in Royal Oak, the zoo's former charges were taking long naps in sun-warmed grassy fields, surrounded by new friends. Winky and Wanda are celebrating a chill-free November in their new home, the ARK2000 Performing Animal Welfare Society Sanctuary in San Andreas, Calif. PAWS maintains three California sanctuaries for captive wildlife. Both elephants are taking ibuprofen for creaky joints, enjoying long whirlpool foot soaks and munching on their favorite treats of oranges, oat and apple biscuits and carrots.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://dailytribune.com/

Source: http://dailytribune.com/

Novembre 2005

Titre / Title : Elephant's artwork going commercial to benefit zoo

Lieu / Place : USA
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques / Categories : Conservation, Welfare

Résumé / Summary : An abstract painting by a Reid Park Zoo elephant named Shaba is up for bid, with offers beginning at $100. The artwork is on display in the main lobby of the Eastside City Hall, 7575 E. Speedway. There are also several privately owned Shaba paintings on display. The artwork will be featured until Dec. 1, said Amanda McCline, neighborhood outreach coordinator for West's Ward 2. Proceeds from the sale of the painting will be used for the new African expansion of the zoo and amenities, as well as a new elephant exhibit.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.azstarnet.com/

Source: http://www.azstarnet.com/

Novembre 2005

Titre / Title : Validation de la nouvelle liste de 303 especes animales protegees en RDC

Lieu / Place : Africa, Republique Democratique du Congo
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques / Categories : Conservation

Résumé / Summary : Lors de l'atelier national de validation de la nouvelle liste des especes animales protegees en Republique Democratique du Congo, 303 especes animales ont ete validees, dont 68 sont proposees au statut d'especes totalement protegees, 235 a celui d'especes partiellement protegees. A l'issue des travaux, l'atelier a aussi preconise que soient soutenues et menees des missions de prospection devant completer les informations disponibles sur les oiseaux, la faune aquatique, les invertebres, les rongeurs, les insectivores et les chiropteres. A cette occasion, il a ete reclame la confirmation, notamment, le rhinoceros noir, le gorille de plaines de l'ouest et l'elephant nain.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://fr.allafrica.com/

Source: http://fr.allafrica.com/

Novembre 2005

Titre / Title : Scientists blast elephant cull

Lieu / Place : Africa, South Africa
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques / Categories : Conservation

Résumé / Summary : Scientists have blasted a plan to cull thousands of elephants in the Kruger National Park. Instead, they recommend contraception to reduce elephant numbers. The non-hormonal contraceptives derive from pig proteins. They have showed no side-effects and can be administered from a helicopter - at an annual cost of R1,4 million. The SA National Parks Board has proposed slaughtering the 5 000 to 7 000 elephants it claims are damaging the biodiversity of the Kruger National Park. There is a growing concern that the underlying motivation for the cull was profit from the sale of elephant meat, skin and by-products - estimated at R6,5m for every 800 elephants killed.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.kentucky.com

Source: http://www.news24.com/

Novembre 2005

Titre / Title : Can elephants sense pending disasters?

Lieu / Place : Africa, Asia
Situation : Wild
Thématiques / Categories : Conservation, Research

Résumé / Summary : Do elephants communicate by means of seismic waves? That's the opinion of Caitlin O'Connell-Rodwell of Stanford University, who has been working with elephants in Africa and at the Oakland Zoo. Her research proposes that it isn't just small animals like spiders, scorpions and kangaroo rats that have seismic sensitivity, but also one of the biggest land creatures. Her work gained wide recognition in the wake of the Dec. 26, 2004, tsunami disaster following reports that trained elephants in Thailand fled to higher ground before the wave struck, saving their lives. Because both earthquakes and tsunamis generate low-frequency waves, O'Connell-Rodwell and other elephant experts have begun exploring the notion that the gigantic beasts can actually sense earthquakes before they hit.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.insidebayarea.com/

Source: http://www.insidebayarea.com/

Novembre 2005

Titre / Title : Spotlight on elephants

Lieu / Place : Asia, Thailand
Situation : Captive
Thématiques / Categories : Event

Résumé / Summary : Surin is staging its annual elephant round-up this weekend at Si Narong Stadium from 8:30-11am. Today, starting 5:30pm tables will be laid out with favourite food of the pachyderm in front of the statue of Phraya Surintharaphakdi Si Narong Changwang, followed by a banquet tomorrow for elephants at 9:30am. The main event, the 3rd Thailand Elephant Rally, is scheduled Saturday, Nov 19, when participants will vie for HRH Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn's Trophy. The rally kicks off at 3pm and will be followed by a light and sound presentation the same evening at Nongtong Phittayakom School starting 7pm.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.bangkokpost.com/

Source: http://www.bangkokpost.com/

Novembre 2005

Titre / Title : Stranded Caprivi jumbos die of thirst

Lieu / Place : Africa, Namibia
Situation : Wild
Thématiques / Categories : Conservation, Welfare

Résumé / Summary : More than 20 elephants have died of thirst in the eastern Caprivi since last month. Colgar Sikopo, the Chief Control Warden for the Ministry of Environment and Tourism in the Caprivi and Kavango regions, told The Namibian yesterday that the main rivers and their channels in the area were drying up. He said the water level in the Chobe River and Lake Liambezi is so low that animals get stuck in the mud when they try to reach the water. Four young elephants died at Muyako last week after they got bogged down in mud. The meat was given to the Muyako community, while the tusks are in the possession of the Ministry. Because of the scarcity of food and water in the region, animals were now competing with people for survival.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.namibian.com.na/

Source: http://www.namibian.com.na/

Novembre 2005

Titre / Title : Drought killing Zimbabwe's elephants

Lieu / Place : Africa, Zimbabwe
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques / Categories : Conservation, Welfare

Résumé / Summary : Zimbabwe's big game, which once helped make the country's national parks one of Africa's prime tourist attractions, are dying in record numbers because of a man-made water crisis. The systems of pumps, pipes and water bores that serve the game reserves have collapsed as the state, itself on the verge of bankruptcy, has stopped funding the national park service.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://news.independent.co.uk/

Source: http://news.independent.co.uk/

Novembre 2005

Titre / Title : Our elephants adapting well in Germany

Lieu / Place : Europe, Germany
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques / Categories : Conservation, Welfare

Résumé / Summary : Two elephants who left Yangon for Germany more than a month ago have adapted well to their new home at Cologne zoo. The two female Asian elephants, Shu Thuzar and Aye Chan May, both aged about 12, left Myanmar on September 27 under an exchange program between the two zoos. The animals were in good health and had adjusted quickly to their new home, despite initially being uneasy with the colder climate and unfamiliar environment. The elephants were exchanged for a breeding pair of white rhinoceroses as well as a male and two female lions.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.myanmar.gov.mm/

Source: http://www.myanmar.gov.mm/

Novembre 2005

Titre / Title : Elephants run wild as habitat shrinks in Indonesia

Lieu / Place : Asia, Indonesia
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques / Categories : Human-Elephant Conflict

Résumé / Summary : A herd of some 20 wild elephants from a national park in Indonesia's province of Lampung ventured again into nearby settlements in the past week, ravaging plantations and residents' houses. The elephants from the South Bukit Barisan National Park resorted to destructive behavior due to the gradual encroachment on their habitat by illegal loggers and the consequent shortage of food. There are still around 300 to 400 elephants remaining in the South Bukit Barisan and Way Kambas national parksin the province.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://news.xinhuanet.com/

Source: http://news.xinhuanet.com/

Novembre 2005

Titre / Title : Kaziranga – Karbi Anglong Elephant Corridor Update

Lieu / Place : Asia, India
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques / Categories : Conservation, Human-Elephant Conflict

Résumé / Summary : EIA is pleased to report that, following the high volume of complaints received about the stone quarrying operation, the State Government of Assam has requested India’s Elephant Task Force to investigate and report on the issue. According to the Chief Wildlife Warden of Assam, the Elephant Task Force is planning to ascertain whether the elephants are being negatively affected by the blasting itself, or whether it is the presence of people working in the quarries that is causing them distress.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.eia-international.org/

Source: http://www.eia-international.org/

Novembre 2005

Titre / Title : Elephant calf rescued and released

Lieu / Place : Asia, India
Situation : Wild
Thématiques / Categories : Conservation

Résumé / Summary : The morning dew had rendered the ground at Borsaport tea estate with slippery earth and treacherous trenches. On that fateful day, an elephant calf was found trapped in one of the trenches of the tea estate. Consequently, a team of forest officials and staff at CWRC had rushed to the spot for rescue. The two-years-old elephant calf was found in a state of trauma. It took them more than two hours to bring the animal back to the surface.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.wildlifetrustofindia.org/

Source: M.H.

Novembre 2005

Titre / Title : Massacre des animaux au parc de Virunga : plus de 29.000 hippopotames tues

Lieu / Place : Africa, RDC
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques / Categories : Conservation, CITES, Poaching

Résumé / Summary : Les bandes armees avaient erige, au Parc de Virunga un site declare patrimoine mondial, mais classe aujourd’hui comme en peril, des barrieres pour operer au grand jour le braconnage. Dans les plaines, on signalait 3400 elephants contre 500 aujourd’hui. Une centaine de gardiens du parc tues et 90% d’elephants et d’hippopotames disparus, c’est le bilan catastrophique que presente l’Institut congolais pour la conservation de la nature/Nord-Kivu (Iccn) sur la reserve mondiale du parc de Virunga durant ces 10 dernieres annees d’occupation par les groupes armes rwandais, ougandais voire congolais.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.digitalcongo.net/

Source: http://www.digitalcongo.net/

Novembre 2005

Titre / Title : L.A. to keep elephants?

Lieu / Place : USA
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques / Categories : Conservation, Welfare

Résumé / Summary : Fulfilling a campaign promise to animal activists, Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa is expected this month to release an independent study with input from roughly 30 zoo association experts and elephant rights proponents that could determine the fate of a $19 million pachyderm exhibit at the Los Angeles Zoo. The results could determine whether Los Angeles builds the exhibit, expands its existing quarters or follows the lead of such cities as Detroit and San Francisco and sends its elephants to a sanctuary. If the nation's second-largest city packs off its largest animals, it would be considered a major victory for animal rights activists.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.presstelegram.com/

Source: http://www.presstelegram.com/

Novembre 2005

Titre / Title : Elephant victim possibly shot

Lieu / Place : Africa, South Africa
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques / Categories : Human-Elephant Conflict

Résumé / Summary : Police are probing the possibility that an American woman trampled by an elephant last week was shot during the Limpopo game farm tragedy. Forensic experts from Polokwane will on Monday travel to Modimole (Nylstroom) to conduct a postmortem on the body of Loren Mummy, 31, after the first autopsy on Friday indicated a "possible bullet wound". She was trampled to death on Thursday afternoon while on a visit to the Welgevonden game farm with two friends from Scotland.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.news24.com/

Source: http://www.news24.com/

Novembre 2005

Titre / Title : Knoxville Zoo's elephant in declining health

Lieu / Place : USA
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques / Categories : Welfare

Résumé / Summary : Knoxville Zoo executive director Jim Vlna says Mamie the elephant is on hospice care. The elderly pachyderm has a variety of ailments. Mamie's age is uncertain, but the zoo says she's likely around 45 years old. Zookeepers are monitoring the elephant's arthritis and foot problems that limit her mobility.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.wate.com/

Source: http://www.wate.com/

Novembre 2005

Titre / Title : Elephant safari to pep up Jaipur tourism

Lieu / Place : Asia, India
Situation : Captive
Thématiques / Categories : Conservation, Event

Résumé / Summary : The Rajasthan capital, a world-renowned tourist destination, will soon have another attraction for its visitors - an elephant safari in the hilly areas of the Nahargarh botanical reserve. It would not be a mere elephant ride along a 10-km track, but one can watch birds and animals while on the safari.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://news.webindia123.com/

Source: http://news.webindia123.com/

Novembre 2005

Titre / Title : Couple return after elephant tragedy

Lieu / Place : Africa, South Africa
Situation : Wild
Thématiques / Categories : Human-Elephant Conflict

Résumé / Summary : A couple from Scotland who witnessed a friend being trampled to death by an elephant returned home from South Africa last night. The visitors were about 600 yards from several elephants on Thursday at the Welgevonden private game reserve, near Johannesburg, when an armed guard, Ms Mummy and the Scots approached the animals on foot. The practice has become increasingly common on African game reserves. Suddenly a cow, who had a calf at her side, charged the tourists. The guide tried to draw the elephant away by shouting at her, but she brushed past him towards the women.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.theherald.co.uk/

Source: http://www.theherald.co.uk/

Novembre 2005

Titre / Title : Elephants at the Phoenix Zoo get a new habitat

Lieu / Place : USA
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques / Categories : Welfare

Résumé / Summary : The elephants at the Phoenix Zoo were calm and happy in their habitats Tuesday. But it wasn’t always that way. For three years, the elephants’ aggressive behavior forced zookeepers to house them in solitude. A new habitat that allows elephants to forage for food, walk around obstacles and scratch themselves as they would in the wild has changed all that.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.eastvalleytribune.com/

Source: http://www.eastvalleytribune.com/

Novembre 2005

Titre / Title : Elephant victim a Brit student

Lieu / Place : Africa, South Africa
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques / Categories : Human-Elephant Conflict

Résumé / Summary : A teenager who was trampled by an elephant near Mopane on Monday has been identified as William Andrew, a British student based at Mooketsi Conservation Centre in Limpopo. The department of economic development, environment and tourism said the trampling happened while the elephant was being trained. Moses said the elephant had not been put down because the trainers regarded the incident as a freak accident.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.news24.com/

Source: http://www.news24.com/

Novembre 2005

Titre / Title : Tribals save elephant habitat

Lieu / Place : Asia, India
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques / Categories : Conservation

Résumé / Summary : Krishnagiri district received the highest average rainfall this year. Many areas in the district particularly Thally, Kelamangalam and Krishnagiri received heavy rain - the highest in the last 10 years. While almost all major lakes and tanks breached and suffered damage, the Sami Eri lake in Aiyur forests - the main water source for elephants and other wild animals - was saved, thanks to the timely action of the Forest Department and tribals. Sami Eri lake in Aiyur Reserve Forests in the Denkanikottai Forest Range is one of the prime elephant habitats in the district with a lot of bamboos. This 450-sq.km area is to be brought under the proposed Cauvery Elephant Reserve.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.hindu.com/

Source: http://www.hindu.com/

Novembre 2005

Titre / Title : L'Europe en guerre contre les trafics d'animaux sauvages et menaces d'extinction

Lieu / Place : Euope
Situation : Wild
Thématiques / Categories : Conservation, CITES, Poaching

Résumé / Summary : L'Union Europeenne met en place de nouvelles mesures pour lutter contre le trafic des animaux et plantes sauvages protegees. Pour l'heure des controles systematiques n’ont lieu qu’aux frontieres exterieures de l’Union. Une fois entres dans l’UE, ces animaux, plantes et produits illegaux circulent relativement aisement au sein du marche unique. Jeudi dernier les policiers, douaniers et experts de tous les etats membres de l’Union europeenne ont conclu un accord jetant les bases d’un futur plan d’action visant a renforcer la mise en application de controles par les differentes autorites telles la police, la douane et autres services d’inspection a l'interieur meme de l'Union europeenne.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.univers-nature.com/

Source: http://www.univers-nature.com/

Novembre 2005

Titre / Title : Kristina meets Kedar

Lieu / Place : USA
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques / Categories : Veterinary, Event

Résumé / Summary : Kristina Steigerwald is a talkative child, but when she came face-to-face Friday with a baby elephant, she was speechless. Kristina got the zoo's red carpet treatment because she was the one who named Kedar. Last month when the animal was born, the zoo solicited suggestions and received more than 7,500. Kedar is Arabic for "powerful." Elephant births are rare. Kubwa is the first African elephant in the world to give birth twice through artificial insemination.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.indystar.com/

Source: http://www.indystar.com/

Novembre 2005

Titre / Title : Elephants eat up spotlight at zoo debut

Lieu / Place : USA
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques / Categories : Welfare

Résumé / Summary : Stars usually make their entrance last and that's just what Star did Saturday morning as the Montgomery Zoo unveiled its first family of elephants. Star followed Tina and Mary, who had lumbered out of their barn a few minutes before she made her grand entrance. The three African elephants had been put through test runs a few days before the official opening of the $1 million habitat, and it appeared they were eager to get outside, where many zoo patrons were waiting for them. The three female elephants may be mated with a male or artificially inseminated after they become acclimated to their new surroundings.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.montgomeryadvertiser.com/

Source: http://www.montgomeryadvertiser.com/

Novembre 2005

Titre / Title : Elephant mom kills US tourist

Lieu / Place : Africa, South Africa
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques / Categories : Human-Elephant Conflict

Résumé / Summary : An American tourist was trampled to death by an elephant in Limpopo last week. Thirty-one-year old Loren Mummy, who was born in South Africa but left when she was 18, was on a visit to the Welgevonden game farm with two friends from Scotland. They came upon a herd of elephants and the group wanted to go closer so the guide took them closer. But then an elephant charged at them. The guide tried to stand in the way but the elephant just pushed the guide away and trampled Mummy, who died later.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.news24.com/

Source: http://www.news24.com/

Novembre 2005

Titre / Title : Toledo Zoo Considers New Expansion

Lieu / Place : USA
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques / Categories : Welfare

Résumé / Summary : The zoo's board of directors will consider a $109 million plan. The ten-year plan calls for an aquarium-education center and more room for elephants and rhinos. Voters may see two levies on their spring ballots to fund the zoo's development. The zoo has been under review since the deaths of several animals and the February firing of the chief veterinarian.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://abclocal.go.com/

Source: http://abclocal.go.com/

Novembre 2005

Titre : COUP DE COEUR de la redaction pour un article du magazine Terre Sauvage et une emission de Direct 8 Complement Terre dedies a l’engagement d’Isabelle et Jean-Francois LAGROT / HIGHLIGHT on the magazine Terre Sauvage and the TV broadcast on Direct 8 channel on Isabelle et Jean-Francois LAGROT

Résumé: Dans Terre Sauvage, Forum, entretien avec Isabelle et Jean-Francois Lagrot : leur enquete au Cameroun sur les braconniers et la viande de brousse (leur dernier ouvrage "Tristes Afriques" aux editions Le Cherche Midi). Par ailleurs ils seront les invites de Complement Terre, le mercredi 16 novembre de 9h à 10h. Le sujet aborde sera leur prochaine enquete en Afrique : le Cameroun et la protection du rhinoceros noir, espece menacee emblematique, avec le projet "Rhino 2006".

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.direct8.fr/emissions/complement_terre/

Source: http://www.direct8.fr/

Novembre 2005

Titre / Title : Tagging pygmy elephants in Borneo

Lieu / Place : Asia, Borneo
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques / Categories : Conservation, Research

Résumé / Summary : It’s the first time anyone has ever studied Borneo’s elephants and WWF is collaring five of them on the northeast tip of the island. It will be the largest study ever done to track Asian elephants via satellite. The island’s forests are one of the only places left in Southeast Asia where it is still possible to conserve forests on a very large scale. But world demand for palm oil — used in common products like hand lotion, ice cream and chocolate — is driving the rapid conversion of the pygmy elephants’ forests into palm oil plantations. Shrinking forests and blocks of habitat cut off from one another make it difficult for elephants to thrive. It also brings the elephants into more frequent contact with people, increasing human-elephant conflict in the region.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.panda.org/

Source: http://www.panda.org/

Novembre 2005

Titre / Title : Wild elephants kill three, injure 20 in Sherpur

Lieu / Place : Asia, India
Situation : Wild
Thématiques / Categories : Human-Elephant Conflict

Résumé / Summary : Three people were killed and at least 20 others injured in an attack by wild elephants in the border village of Haldi in Jhenaigati upazila of the district Friday. Local sources said a herd of 60-65 wild elephants came down from the hilly areas and damaged paddy fields at Haldi, Halchati, Gandhigaon, Nakshi and Rantia villages Thursday afternoon. About 4,000 to 5,000 villagers managed to drive away the rampaging animals.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.financialexpress-bd.com/

Source: http://www.financialexpress-bd.com/

Novembre 2005

Titre / Title : Elephant-Sized Expansion About To Get Underway At Zoo

Lieu / Place : USA
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques / Categories : Welfare

Résumé / Summary : The expansion is expected to lead to more elephant and rhino babies. A major expansion at the North Carolina Zoo is about to get underway. A zoo spokesperson says ground-breaking on a larger elephant and rhino exhibit should start later this month. New national zoo guidelines require more space for elephant exhibits.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.wfmynews2.com/

Source: http://www.wfmynews2.com/

Novembre 2005

Titre / Title : Two rogue elephants destroy orchard in Jeram Linang

Lieu / Place : Asia, Malaysia
Situation : Wild
Thématiques / Categories : Human-Elephant Conflict

Résumé / Summary : About 100 Kampung Lepan Rambai villagers in Jeram Linang are afraid to go to work after two wild elephants rampaged at an orchard nearby their smallholdings about three weeks ago. They claimed the incident was the first since the village was setup more than 30 years ago.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.nst.com.my/

Source: http://www.nst.com.my/

Novembre 2005

Titre / Title : St. Louis Zoo Prepares For Birth Of Baby Elephant

Lieu / Place : USA
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques / Categories : Veterinary, Welfare

Résumé / Summary : The St. Louis Zoo is on 24-hour a day baby-watch. Sri, an Asian elephant, is about ready to give birth to a 200-pound baby girl. After 22-months of pregnancy, the drop in hormone levels happened last week. That puts the zoo on baby-watch. The staff has been doing ultrasounds twice a day to see how dialated she is. For now, Sri is resting comfortably in her barn, but she did a lot of exercise to prepare for her delivery. When labor begins, Sri will do all the work by herself. Zoo staff will only step in if there's a problem.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.ksdk.com/

Source: http://www.ksdk.com/

Novembre 2005

Titre / Title : US sponsors elephant project in Assam

Lieu / Place : Asia, India
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques / Categories : Conservation

Résumé / Summary : US Consul General in Kolkata Henry Victor Jardine today formally launched two new projects on elephant conservation here. Both the projects would attempt to reduce elephant-human conflict. Elephant surveys would also be organised with the help of local people and the forest department. Speaking on the elephant-human conflict, he emphasised the need of identifying elephant corridors, counting elephant population and distribution.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://news.webindia123.com/

Source: http://news.webindia123.com/

Novembre 2005

Titre / Title : One elephant dies of electrocution; another sick

Lieu / Place : Asia, India
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques / Categories : Human-Elephant Conflict, Veterinary

Résumé / Summary : A wild tusker was electrocuted and died on the spot when a high voltage electrical wire fell on it at Bandiram village in Seraikela-Kharsawan district here today. Forest official sources said the elephant had hit a concrete pillar which was broken and 11 KB high voltage wire struck the animal. Another pet elephant fell sick and was lying unattended for the last five days in the forest near Sini. The forest officials came to know about the elephant today and a team of forest officials with a doctor had rushed to the spot.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://news.webindia123.com/

Source: http://news.webindia123.com/

Novembre 2005

Titre / Title : Inspectors say zoo mishandled baby elephant that died

Lieu / Place : USA
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques / Categories : Welfare, Event

Résumé / Summary : Federal inspectors say the Rosamond Gifford Zoo improperly handled a baby elephant that died in August and should pay more than $10,000 in penalties. The four-day-old Asian elephant, Kedar, died hours after falling into a swimming pool in the elephant exhibit. The U.S. Department of Agriculture said the pool should have had a physical barrier such as a fence.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.newsday.com/

Source: http://www.newsday.com/

Novembre 2005

Titre / Title : Boy trampled to death by elephant calf; villagers protest

Lieu / Place : Asia, India
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques / Categories : Human-Elephant Conflict

Résumé / Summary : A 16-year-old boy was crushed to death by an elephant calf at Annur village in H D Kote taluk in this district of Karnataka. Forest officials said six wild elephants, including a calf, strayed into the village early today and the villagers managed to chase away five of them by beating drums. However, the calf stayed back near the Puttashetty lake and trampled the boy to death when he came out from a bush near the lake. Enraged over the boy's death, the villagers manhandled the range forest officer and a few of his colleagues who came to the spot for failing to curb the elephant menace in the area.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://news.webindia123.com/

Source: http://news.webindia123.com/

Novembre 2005

Titre / Title : Elephant found dead

Lieu / Place : Asia, India
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques / Categories : Human-Elephant Conflict

Résumé / Summary : In a suspected case of 'fence electrocution', an elephant was found dead in a private garden in the district last evening. This is the second elephant to have been found dead in the region in the last fortnight. Earlier, an elephant died here after it was bitten by a snake. People in Bodinayakanur complained that elephant herds were rampaging the sugarcane and wasteland farms under the foot of the hill. A woman was found crushed to death in an estate last month. Faced with the elephant menace, some of the private farm owners had put up electric fence though the forest department had strictly advised against such practices which caused the death of wild animals.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.chennaionline.com/

Source: http://www.chennaionline.com/

Novembre 2005

Titre / Title : Elephant explosion triggers cull row

Lieu / Place : Africa, South Africa
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques / Categories : Conservation, Veterinary

Résumé / Summary : The systematic slaying of thousands of elephants is a subject always likely to stir emotions. So it has been in South Africa, where the government has opened a public consultation on proposals to resume an elephant cull. The irony is that the explosion in animal numbers is due to the success of conservation projects, and measures to counter poaching and ivory-smuggling. It is recommended that application of lethal means, specifically culling, be approved as part and parcel of a range of options. Botswana and Zambia have overpopulations of elephants and want to conduct culls that would allow them to sell the ivory.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://news.bbc.co.uk/

Source: http://news.bbc.co.uk/

Novembre 2005

Titre / Title : How quickly they grow: Hansa is 5

Lieu / Place : USA
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques / Categories : Veterinary, Welfare

Résumé / Summary : The zoo celebrated her 5th birthday Saturday with a bath and special cupcakes. The 3,900-pound calf was feted at a birthday celebration Saturday, beginning with a bath and topped with cupcakes baked just for her and the herd concocted from cornmeal, carrots, grapes, raisins and bamboo leaves, with pumpkin frosting. Dozens of admirers turned out for her birthday, including kids sporting birthday hats and belting out the birthday song. Since her public debut within two days of birth, Hansa has been a hit.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/

Source: http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/

Novembre 2005

Titre / Title : Elephant naming contest at the Zoo

Lieu / Place : USA
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques / Categories : Welfare

Résumé / Summary : The 3-week-old African elephant calf born at Tampa’s Lowry Park Zoo needs a name, and starting today, the public is invited to visit the zoo’s website at www.lowryparkzoo.com and vote for their favorite. The five baby names will be available at www.lowryparkzoo.com for voting through Monday, December 12. The calf will receive the name with the most votes during a special celebration at the zoo later that month.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.tampabays10.com/

Source: http://www.tampabays10.com/

Novembre 2005

Titre / Title : Wild elephants give villagers in Kinabatangan sleepless nights

Lieu / Place : Asia, Malaysia
Situation : Wild
Thématiques / Categories : Human-Elephant Conflict

Résumé / Summary : Wild elephants have been giving villagers in the Abai area here sleepless nights over the past one year. The 300 villagers feared for their safety whenever elephants in a herd of about 40 emerge from the surrounding jungles to forage for food. Kinabatangan Umno youth chief Azman Mastar said the elephants have been destroying their crops. He said the elephants would often come at night and were not easily frightened by shouts and noises once they began feeding.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.nst.com.my/

Source: http://www.nst.com.my/

Novembre 2005

Titre / Title : Eleven elephants to return to park after blaze

Lieu / Place : Africa, South Africa
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques / Categories : Conservation, Veterinary

Résumé / Summary : The eleven elephants that survived the blaze at the Pilanesberg National Park in the North West more than a month ago will soon return to the park. A panel of vets will compile a clinical report on when the animals could be relocated. They will stay in the park's Bomas where their treatment will continue.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.sabcnews.com/

Source: http://www.sabcnews.com/

Novembre 2005

Titre / Title : Woman dies as elephant crushes wildlife truck

Lieu / Place : Africa, KwaZulu-Natal
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques / Categories : Human-Elephant Conflict

Résumé / Summary : A KwaZulu-Natal nature conservation employee was killed and three others injured and badly traumatised after an elephant attacked their truck in dense bush at Charters Creek on the western shores of Lake St Lucia. A fifth Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife staff member was unhurt and alerted park management. This is the second fatal attack in the Greater St Lucia Wetland Park since elephants were reintroduced there four years ago.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.int.iol.co.za/

Source: http://www.int.iol.co.za/

Novembre 2005

Titre : COUP DE COEUR de la redaction pour le magazine Hors-Serie Terre Sauvage "Les Plus Beaux Deserts Par Les Plus Grands Photographes"/ HIGHLIGHT on the magazine Terre Sauvage about desert-dwelling elephants

Résumé: «[…] Victimes de la secheresse des annees 1980 et du braconnage, les elephants du Namib, derniers mastodontes du desert, etaient menaces de disparition. Leurs effectifs remontent lentement, sous l'etroite surveillance de Keith Leggett, biologiste australien. En etudiant leur comportement, le scientifique parviendra peut-etre a expliquer leur surprenante presence dans le desert. […]»

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.terre-sauvage.com/

Source: http://www.terre-sauvage.com/

Novembre 2005

Titre / Title : St. Louis Zoo prepares for birth of baby elephant

Lieu / Place : USA
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques / Categories : Conservation, Welfare

Résumé / Summary : Sri, the St. Louis Zoo's pregnant Asian elephant, could give birth any day now, and the baby is expected to be a girl. Zoo spokeswoman Erin Meyer said Sri's progesterone has dropped over the last two days, indicating that labor is expected to begin in one to 13 days. Zoo officials say they expect the public will be involved in choosing a name for the new elephant.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.belleville.com/

Source: http://www.belleville.com/

Novembre 2005

Titre / Title : Elephant kills woman at game lodge

Lieu / Place : Africa, KwaZulu-Natal
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques / Categories : Human-Elephant Conflict

Résumé / Summary : A woman was killed when she was an attacked by an elephant in the Charters Creek game lodge in KwaZulu-Natal. The 51-year-old woman who worked at the lodge was returning from an operation with four other colleagues when they encountered a herd of elephants on Thursday night. An elephant smashed the windscreen and lifted the roof.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://iafrica.com/

Source: http://iafrica.com/

Novembre 2005

Titre / Title : PETA claims circus mistreats elephants

Lieu / Place : USA
Situation : Captive, Circus
Thématiques / Categories : Welfare

Résumé / Summary : From noon to 1 p.m. today at Sixth and Main streets, a young woman is scheduled to stage a protest of this weekend’s Ringling Brothers Circus performances in Rapid City. Amelia Bruce, an 18-year-old volunteer for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, will be wearing only her underwear, shackles, and made-up “scars” to imitate what PETA says shows the mistreatment to which elephants in the Ringling Brothers Circus are subjected.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.rapidcityjournal.com/

Source: file:///D:/DEDH/www.deselephantsetdeshommes.org/v

Novembre 2005

Titre / Title : Burned young elephants to return home

Lieu / Place : Africa, South Africa
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques / Categories : Conservation, Veterinary, Welfare

Résumé / Summary : The eight young elephants that survived burn injuries in veld fires in the Pilanesberg Nature Reserve will be released back into the wild.The elephants will be kept in bomas and will eventually be released to join herds. Three female elephants have already been identified as possible matriarchs for the orphaned elephants.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.mg.co.za/

Source: http://www.mg.co.za/

Novembre 2005

Titre / Title : Army in spot over burial of elephant calf in Assam

Lieu / Place : Asia, India
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques / Categories : Veterinary, Event

Résumé / Summary : The army and the Assam wildlife department are locked in a blazing row over the burial of an elephant calf that died inside a cantonment area. An Assam wildlife department spokesperson said they got information about an elephant calf being buried by army soldiers inside their base at Narengi on the outskirts of Guwahati. Investigations are now focusing on whether the elephant was killed and then buried or whether it died a natural death.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.newkerala.com/

Source: http://www.newkerala.com/

Novembre 2005

Titre / Title : It's Jumbo Feast Time - Elephants on Rampage Spree near Uppinangady

Lieu / Place : Asia, India
Situation : Wild
Thématiques / Categories : Human-Elephant Conflict,

Résumé / Summary : Three elephants which left their abode in the thick forest and came to villages to celebrate Diwali were on rampage spree damaging banana plantations, betelnut gardens etc in Uppinangady, Panjala, Bedrodi and Neerkatte areas near here threatened to spoil people's celebrations. Though the forest officials came later in the evening to drive the elephants back to the forest, elephants had already disappeared in the forests after crossing River Netravati at Neerkatte.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.daijiworld.com/

Source: http://www.daijiworld.com/

Novembre 2005

Titre / Title : Elephant hit by bus dies

Lieu / Place : Asia, India
Situation : Wild
Thématiques / Categories : Human-Elephant Conflict,

Résumé / Summary : An elephant, which was knocked down by a bus last week, died at Puzhakkal Padam, near here, last night. Doctors were of the view that its spine could have been damaged as it was not able to stand up after the accident. The tusker was hit by a private bus last Wednesday.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.chennaionline.com/

Source: file:///D:/DEDH/www.deselephantsetdeshommes.org/v

Novembre 2005

Titre / Title : Elephant burial raises storm in Guwahati

Lieu / Place : Asia, India
Situation : Wild
Thématiques / Categories : Conservation, Human-Elephant Conflict, Event

Résumé / Summary : Assam's wildlife department is furious after they received a tip off that the Army had buried an elephant in the Cantonment premises in Guwahati without informing them. This is a clear violation of the Wildlife Act. The Army says it wasn't aware of the law but now the wildlife department wants to know whether the elephant was killed as well. The camp is in an area which sees a lot of elephant movement. Often their target is the food stuff stored in the army supply depot. Usually, the Army does take the help of the forest department to chase away the elephants but surprisingly, they did not inform the department about the dead elephant - concealing the fact for a month.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.ndtv.com/

Source: file:///D:/DEDH/www.deselephantsetdeshommes.org/v

Novembre 2005

Titre / Title : Sociopathic elephant exiled to Israeli barn after murderous past

Lieu / Place : Israel
Situation : Captive, Zoo,
Thématiques / Categories : Conservation, Welfare

Résumé / Summary : Ostracized by her herd, La Petite is looking to pack her trunk and move to a new home. The 19-year-old elephant with a checkered past -- she killed her first baby and is suspected of killing a handler -- failed to fit in at a British zoo, and now is having trouble at an Israeli safari park. Safari officials think they have found La Petite a suitable home at the Pont Scorff Zoo in northern France, which has pledged to create a new herd for her with another breeding male and an older, non-breeding female.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://web.israelinsider.com/

Source: http://web.israelinsider.com/

Novembre 2005

Titre / Title : Diwali treat for Lucknow zoo inmates!

Lieu / Place : Asia, India
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques / Categories : Welfare

Résumé / Summary : Inmates of the Lucknow Zoological Park here had a gala Diwali party thrown for them today with fresh fruits, raw chicken, sugarcane and honey flowing freely. The celebrations for the zoo inmates began early with officials and zoo-keepers bringing in a variety of eatables. Elephants had a field day with sugarcane. Some scribes present at the venue too took turns to 'treat' the elephants with sugarcane.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.newkerala.com/

Source: http://www.newkerala.com/

Novembre 2005

Titre / Title : Elephants Show Special Interest in Their Dead

Lieu / Place : Africa, Kenya
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques / Categories : Research

Résumé / Summary : Most animals display little regard for their dead. Elephants have been reported to "become excited and agitated if they come across a dead elephant," said Karen McComb, an expert on animal communication and cognition at the University of Sussex in Brighton, England. The mammals investigate remains with their feet and trunks, paying special attention to the skulls and tusks of even long-dead elephants. But the behavior has never been studied systematically. She argues that her study is consistent with many others that have hinted at altruism and empathy in elephants.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://news.nationalgeographic.com/

Source: http://news.nationalgeographic.com/

Novembre 2005

Titre / Title : Central Quang Nam weighs measures to handle local elephants

Lieu / Place : Asia, Vietnam
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques / Categories : Conservation, Human-Elephant Conflict

Résumé / Summary : While central Quang Nam was bracing for the impending typhoon, it had yet another task at hand - to capture or drive back the elephants that have been lurking in a residential area in the province. Four elephants, including a mother were presumably looking for her lost baby and are now lurking somewhere in Bac Tra My district where her baby had terrorized locals several days ago.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.thanhniennews.com/

Source: http://www.thanhniennews.com/

Novembre 2005

Titre / Title : Zimbabwe may cull or relocate park elephants

Lieu / Place : Africa, Zimbabwe
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques / Categories : Conservation, Event

Résumé / Summary : Zimbabwe may cull or relocate elephants from the country's largest national park after 50 of the animals died because of water shortages and habitat pressures. The elephant population in Hwange National Park had soared to more than 75 000, nearly double the park's estimated capacity of 45 000.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.int.iol.co.za/

Source: http://www.int.iol.co.za/

Novembre 2005

Titre / Title : Elephant Safari expected to herald new era of tourism in WB

Lieu / Place : Asia, India
Situation : Captive
Thématiques / Categories : Event

Résumé / Summary : With the tea and timber industries in decline in northern part of West Bengal, the only 'T' left in the region with bright prospects is tourism with the state government taking an initiative to start elephant safari on way to Darjeeling. The State Tourism Department has taken an initiative to introduce elephant-safari at Sukna in the foothills on way to Darjeeling and N F Railway is taking measures to revamp the heritage toy train service, the major tourist attraction of Darjeeling hills.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.hindu.com/

Source: file:///D:/DEDH/www.deselephantsetdeshommes.org/v

Novembre 2005

Titre / Title : Mastodon and mammoth remains keep turning up in Illinois

Lieu / Place : USA
Situation : Wild
Thématiques / Categories : Evolution, Research

Résumé / Summary : A few months after the last of the elephants left Chicago's Lincoln Park Zoo in May, amid complaints from activists that Illinois doesn't have a climate fit for such animals, remains of their ancient relatives were showing up around the state. While both mastodons and mammoths were quite prevalent in Illinois until some 10,000 or 11,000 years ago, there's no way of knowing what their total populations were. And although both animals resembled modern elephants, they were not closely related to each other.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.belleville.com/

Source: http://www.belleville.com/

Novembre 2005

Titre / Title : No Diwali celebration due to elephant menace

Lieu / Place : Asia, India
Situation : Wild
Thématiques / Categories : Human-Elephant Conflict

Résumé / Summary : Driven to desperation by frequent intrusion of rogue elephants from neighbouring Jharkhand and Orissa, people of more than 100 villages in Chhattisgarh's Jashpur district have decided not to celebrate the festival of lights this year to protest the ''government failure to tackle the decade-old problem''. Besides, these villagers have also resolved not to accept any compensation from the government for the loss of property caused by the rogue elephants.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://news.webindia123.com/

Source: http://news.webindia123.com/

Novembre 2005

Titre / Title : Baby elephant to meet public today

Lieu / Place : USA
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques / Categories : Conservation, Veterinary, Welfare

Résumé / Summary : The baby elephant born at the Indianapolis Zoo last week will make his public debut today, Saturday and Sunday from 1-2 p.m. at the Zoo's African Elephant Preserve. The calf was born via artificial insemination to Kubwa at the zoo on Oct. 18, at approximately 8:30 p.m. He weighed 200 pounds at birth and started nursing from his mother within the first few hours. The new elephant currently weighs 210 pounds and continues to gain strength and weight each day, zoo officials report.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.indystar.com/

Source: http://www.indystar.com/

Novembre 2005

Titre / Title : Philadelphia Zoo puts off plans for new elephant exhibit

Lieu / Place : USA
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques / Categories : Welfare

Résumé / Summary : The Philadelphia Zoo is putting off plans for a $22 million expansion of its elephant exhibit because of rising costs and fundraising difficulties, leaving the elephants' future at the zoo in limbo. Zoo officials announced Friday they were pushing back plans to replace the current space with a 2.5-acre savanna, and putting their emphasis on rebuilding the zoo's aviary and building a new children's zoo - projects they hope to finish in 2007 and 2008.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.timesleader.com/

Source: http://www.timesleader.com/

Novembre 2005

Titre / Title : Quang Nam to have elephant preservation zone

Lieu / Place : Asia, Vietnam
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques / Categories : Conservation

Résumé / Summary : A 56,000ha elephant preservation site will be established in central Quang Nam Province to protect a herd of wild elephants that live there. Quang Nam Forest Protection Department has established a team of 65 rangers to protect the area.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://english.vietnamnet.vn/

Source: http://english.vietnamnet.vn/

Novembre 2005

Titre / Title : Baby elephant terrorizes central Vietnam village

Lieu / Place : Asia, Vietnam
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques / Categories : Human-Elephant Conflict

Résumé / Summary : A wild baby elephant broke the ribs of a man already in hospital with illness and destroyed several homes after running amok in a residential area in Quang Nam province Thursday morning. Tran Van Dung, who left his hospital bed to watch the elephant as it trumpeted down the road in Bac Tra My commune, was rushed back in soon after being run over by the animal. A task force is cordoning off the area to keep people away and force the beast back into the jungle.

Plus d'information disponible sur: / More information on : http://www.thanhniennews.com/

Source: http://www.thanhniennews.com/

Octobre 2005

Titre : Page « LIVRES » : douze nouvelles entrees / twelve new entries on the « BOOKS » page .

Résumé: La page « Livres » s’est enrichie de douze nouvelles entrees : 3 rapports de l’EIA, et 9 ouvrages sur l’elephant d’Asie : CIVET, Gerard et DELCOURT, Jerome DIGBY, Simon, de GEE, E.P, KUNZ,George F., LAIR, Richard C., MILROY, A J W, ORWELL, George, MENON, Vivek, MENON, Vivek et KUMAR, Ashok / 3 reports from the EIA and 9 books on the Asian elephant .

Octobre 2005

Titre : Burnt elephants well, but getting restless

Lieu : Africa, South Africa
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Conservation, Veterinary

Résumé: The Pilanesberg National Park elephants badly burned in a runaway veld fire last month are healing well and becoming restless and irritable at being cooped up in the trauma boma at Hammanskraal. Vets say the time has come for the elephants to be moved to a place where they may continue to be monitored and treated, but may take mudbaths and have more space.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.int.iol.co.za/index.php?set_id=1&click_id=14&art_id=vn20051024070227155C205285

Source: http://www.int.iol.co.za/

Octobre 2005

Titre : Elephants never forget their dead

Lieu : Africa, Kenya
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Research

Résumé: Today, in the Royal Society journal Biology Letters, the first hard evidence is published of how elephants, like humans, attach great importance to the dead, feeling moved to touch them with their trunks and feet, and often revisiting carcasses. Evidence of elephant mourning, though compelling, has been anecdotal until now. Working in the Amboseli National Park in Kenya the team carried out the first systematic study of elephant empathy for the dead, presenting elephants with a range of objects including elephant skulls, ivory, the skulls of rhino and buffalo, and pieces of wood.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2005/10/26/neleph26.xml&sSheet=/news/2005/10/26/ixhome.html

Source: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/

Octobre 2005

Titre : Khama may help settle Gweta land conflict

Lieu : Africa, Botswana
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Conservation, Human-Elephant Conflict

Résumé: The land conflict involving Gweta residents may soon end after they resolved that Vice President Ian Khama should be invited come and help assess the border line that separates their grazing land from wildlife areas. Gweta residents said that they hoped the construction of the kgotla offices would cater for others public officers working in the village. They lamented that elephants have broken into their sewerage pond, making it accessible to livestock to drink from, thus creating a health hazard.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.gov.bw/cgi-bin/news.cgi?d=20051026&i=Khama_may_help_settle_Gweta_land_conflict

Source: http://www.gov.bw/

Octobre 2005

Titre : Ethiopia cracks down on its illegal ivory market

Lieu : Africa, Ethiopia
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Conservation, CITES, Poaching

Résumé: Police and wildlife agents stormed into tourist shops earlier this year, looking for trinkets the government had long turned a blind eye to -- carved ivory from elephant tusks. International specialists on the illicit ivory trade hope Ethiopia's example will play a large role toward stopping sales from Africa to markets around the world, especially China and the rest of Asia. Owners, who are waiting to learn whether they will be charged for the alleged illegal sales, said they weren't given proper notice. They also believe the raids will not protect the country's elephant population. Several said that poachers in Ethiopia and neighboring countries would continue to shoot elephants for their ivory because of the surplus of buyers.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.boston.com/news/world/africa/articles/2005/10/26/ethiopia_cracks_down_on_its_illegal_ivory_market/

Source: http://www.boston.com/

Octobre 2005

Titre : Elephant - human conflict

Lieu : Asia, Sri Lanka
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Conservation, Human-Elephant Conflict

Résumé: It seems that elephant-human conflict has already become a serious problem to some areas of Sri Lanka. Wild elephants are entering the villages and roam at night, devastating houses and crops of the farmers. Wild Life Department, even amidst the dearth of officials has made all-out attempt in order to remedy this situation to a certain extent, but to no avail. Today the elephants are animals threatened with extinction and the elephant population in the country seems to be steadily decreasing due to human activities. These animals need to be saved from extinction.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.sundayobserver.lk/2005/10/23/new27.html

Source: http://www.sundayobserver.lk/

Octobre 2005

Titre : Young elephants kept illegally shifted to Delhi zoo

Lieu : Asia, India
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques : Welfare

Résumé: Two young elephants, being kept illegally here for use in religious festivals and weddings, have been seized and shifted to Delhi zoo. Acting on information from the Wildlife protection Society of India (WPSI), the Department of Wildlife Preservation (Government of India) and the Delhi Wildlife Department jointly raided two elephant owners in Yamuna Pushta area. Both the owners were unable to produce satisfactory documents.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.hindu.com/thehindu/holnus/002200510220345.htm

Source: http://www.hindu.com/

Octobre 2005

Titre : It's time to rest for TN elephants

Lieu : Asia, India
Situation : Captive
Thématiques : Welfare

Résumé: The annual rejuvenation camp for captive and temple elephants in Tamil Nadu would begin at Mudumalai Wildlife Sanctuary and National Park in neighbouring Nilgiris district, from November 21. About 75 elephants were expected to take 'rest' in the camp at Theppakkadu, being organised by the Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowments for the third year in a row. All arrangements, including electrified fencing, tents and shelters for mahouts, for the 48-day long camp would be completed by the middle of November.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://in.rediff.com/news/2005/oct/23tusk.htm

Source: http://in.rediff.com/news/2005/oct/23tusk.htm

Octobre 2005

Titre : Want to know more about pachyderms?

Lieu : USA
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques : Research

Résumé: There are Asian elephants and African elephants, and more recently, scientists have recognized that African elephants represent distinct subspecies -- savanna, or bush, elephants and forest elephants. The Indianapolis Zoo is home to only African elephants. Here are some facts about elephants: The Asian elephant population is estimated at 25,600 to 32,750; the African elephant population ranges from 400,000 to 660,000. In the United States, there are 221 African elephants (including the new Indianapolis calf and another born a day earlier in Tampa) and 273 Asian elephants at zoos, circuses and sanctuaries.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.indystar.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20051023/NEWS01/510230465

Source: http://www.indystar.com/

Octobre 2005

Titre : Scientists learn from birth

Lieu : USA
Situation : Captive
Thématiques : Conservation, Research

Résumé: Knowledge from elephant's pregnancy may someday help herds worldwide Kubwa, the Indianapolis Zoo's 29-year-old, 7,500-pound new mother, and her baby bull are part of science that someday could save the lives of wild elephants. The knowledge gleaned from the artificial insemination methods used to get Kubwa pregnant can help bolster elephant numbers where they are low or, possibly, allow effective birth-control measures to prevent overpopulation where there are too many elephants. At some point, it should be feasible to diversify the captive elephant gene pool by collecting and importing sperm from animals still in Africa.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.indystar.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20051023/NEWS01/510230463/1006

Source: http://www.indystar.com/

Octobre 2005

Titre : Zoo Expects Elephant Birth Will Boosts Visits

Lieu : USA
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques : Veterinary, Event

Résumé: The newest member of the elephant herd, announced Wednesday, is expected to further increase the number of visitors to the Indianapolis zoo. Zoo officials haven't yet decided when the elephant calf will go on public display, but they expect significant interest when he does. The zoo allowed media members into the elephant barn Thursday to take pictures of the African elephant calf that was born Tuesday night. The birth resulted from artificial insemination. The calf stands at about 36 inches tall and weighs just under 200 pounds, after losing a little weight since birth.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.theindychannel.com/family/5133752/detail.html

Source: http://www.theindychannel.com/

Octobre 2005

Titre : Antiseptic spray helps elephants heal quicker

Lieu : Africa, South Africa
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques : Conservation, Veterinary

Résumé: Two weeks after the outbreak of veld fires in various parts of the country, elephants are still feeling the pain the flames have left them in. A Durban North inventor who specialises in burns and wounds, Garth O' Connor, has offered to help the 13 remaining injured elephants with his Jet Med machine, which helps in treating burn wounds. The Jet Med irrigated and dried wounds without causing the pain associated with changing dressings. He said an antiseptic cylinder was pressurised, which converted the antiseptic into a spray.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.int.iol.co.za/index.php?set_id=1&click_id=14&art_id=vn20051020094212382C402658

Source: http://www.int.iol.co.za/

Octobre 2005

Titre : Jumbo baby delivered in less than 10 minutes Chicago

Lieu : USA
Situation : Wild, Zoo
Thématiques : Veterinary, Event

Résumé: It took less than 10 minutes for Kubwa the elephant to deliver her 90kg baby boy. But what is truly historic about Tuesday's birth is how the baby was conceived. Just five years after Kubwa became the first African elephant to successfully deliver a calf conceived through artificial insemination, the proud mama did it again. She is now the first elephant to have delivered two calves conceived artificially.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.int.iol.co.za/index.php?set_id=1&click_id=29&art_id=qw1129782241669B221

Source: http://www.int.iol.co.za/

Octobre 2005

Titre : Burnt baby elephant euthanised

Lieu : Africa, South Africa
Situation : Captive
Thématiques : Conservation, Veterinary

Résumé: A team of experts is caring for the surviving 13 elephants rescued after the fire, which swept through the park in North West, destroying 5000 to 6000 hectares. Traumatised and stressed, the normally free-ranging animals had found captivity difficult. It was only now that their sense of calmness was returning and their behaviour normalising. It was feared that, after their trauma, the elephants might become a danger to humans in a park with as high a density of tourists as the Pilanesberg. A task group had been set up to identify suitable sites.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://iafrica.com/news/sa/506819.htm

Source: http://iafrica.com/

Octobre 2005

Titre : Pumpkin Treats For Elephants, Chimps At NC Zoo

Lieu : USA
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques : Welfare, Event

Résumé: It's one of the North Carolina Zoo's most popular attractions - the annual "pachyderm pumpkin pounding." Elephants and chimpanzees have the opportunity to pound, pulverize and eventually eat the pumpkins in their exhibits. The zoo says this part of what they term an "animal enrichment program."

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://kutv.com/topstories/local_story_293233119.html

Source: http://kutv.com/

Octobre 2005

Titre : Zoo's son shines

Lieu : USA
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques : Veterinary, Event

Résumé: The new elephant baby at the Indianapolis Zoo is doing great -- medically, developmentally and temperamentally -- as he greeted the media in his stall with his mother, Kubwa. The bull, born Tuesday evening, about a month earlier than expected, seemed mostly oblivious to cameras but fiercely interested in nursing and generally sticking close to Mom.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.indystar.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20051021/NEWS01/510210502

Source: http://www.indystar.com/

Octobre 2005

Titre : New home for pachyderm

Lieu : Asia, India
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques : Veterinary, Welfare

Résumé: The three-month-old elephant calf, which was rescued at Hale Kakana Kote forest near Nagarahole, was brought to the Mysore Zoo on Sunday. The Forest Department officials found the calf while searching for its mother’s body, which had died recently. The calf is hale and healthy and it was sent for medical examination immediately after bringing to the Zoo.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.deccanherald.com/deccanherald/oct172005/index20564020051016.asp

Source: http://www.deccanherald.com/

Octobre 2005

Titre : Zoo's elephants, apes baffled by the quiet life

Lieu : USA
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques : Welfare

Résumé: A missing alligator has resurfaced, elephants are forlorn and apes are agitated at Audubon Zoo, one of the nation's most renowned animal sanctuaries, left by Hurricane Katrina both broken and broke. Panya and Jean, the zoo's two elephants, crave attention. At 5 tons and with flanks hard as concrete, Jean seems to miss her audience. She perked up when a National Guard unit set up camp in the parking lot. Whenever they visited, she'd come running.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.myrtlebeachonline.com/mld/myrtlebeachonline/news/nation/12922161.htm

Source: http://www.myrtlebeachonline.com/

Octobre 2005

Titre : Using Texts to Save Kenya's Elephants

Lieu : Africa, Kenya
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques : Conservation, Research

Résumé: This is no ordinary hunt. The gun is not loaded with bullets, but tranquilliser darts. Mr Craig and his fellow conservationists hope to keep a track on the elephants in the Samburu National Park in northern Kenya, by using mobile phones, so they can send SMS messages giving their latest location. A few miles away, at a research station, elephant expert Iain Douglas-Hamilton and software engineer David Gachuche pore over a laptop screen. A map of Samburu flashes up, with dozens of tiny dots marked. Each dot represents the position of a "collared" elephant. Every hour, the SIM card sends a text with the elephant's location. Over months, entire migration routes are being discovered.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://theseoultimes.com/ST/?url=/ST/db/read.php?idx=1639

Source: http://theseoultimes.com/

Octobre 2005

Titre : Elephants push tribals to trees

Lieu : Asia, India
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Human-Elephant Conflict

Résumé: This is the newest addition to Basadera village in west Singhbhum district of Jharkhand where tribals have moved in these houses to escape the menace of elephants. Elephants have recently been straying into the village in search of food and have been on a destruction spree, forcing villagers to build such tree houses to save themselves. Trees chosen for the purpose are extra-strong, as they have to withstand the thumping of the hungry and angry elephants.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.hindustantimes.com/news/181_1522080,0035.htm

Source: http://www.hindustantimes.com/

Octobre 2005

Titre : A date with elephants for polo

Lieu : Asia, India
Situation : Captive
Thématiques : Event

Résumé: Recently, polo lovers of Jaipur organised a polo match between the two teams from Pakistan and Germany with players riding elephants instead of the customary horses.The players needed special arrangements while negotiating the ground sitting on the pachyderms. They used specially designed sticks to strike the ball. The umpire was also sitting on another elephant taking the number of participating elephants to seven.Usually, there is an award ceremony and certificates are given to each player. This prize distribution ceremony is followed by a buffet dinner.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.hindustantimes.com/news/181_1522579,000600030012.htm

Source: http://www.hindustantimes.com/

Octobre 2005

Titre : Elephants succumb to injuries after blaze

Lieu : Africa, South Africa
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques : Conservation, Veterinary

Résumé: Two elephant calves rescued from the Pilanesberg National Park after a horrendous veld fire in September have died of lung damage from inhaling smoke. A third elephant also has respiratory problems and is being monitored. The two calves, aged 14 and 16 months, died within three days of each other. The surviving 13 elephants are doing well. An expert on wildlife rehabilitation, Karen Trendler, and an NSPCA vet have joined Blundell and his team on the farm where the elephants are being kept. Trendler said no elephant would be euthanased unnecessarily.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.int.iol.co.za/index.php?set_id=1&click_id=14&art_id=vn20051018075555808C659266

Source: http://www.int.iol.co.za/

Octobre 2005

Titre : African Elephant calf born at Tampa's Lowry Park

Lieu : USA
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques : Welfare, Event

Résumé: Surrounded by the zoo’s family of elephants, “Ellie,” a 20-year-old, African elephant at Tampa’s Lowry Park Zoo gave birth to the male calf before dawn Monday, October 17, in her night house maternity ward. The calf represents the first and only elephant born at Tampa’s Lowry Park Zoo.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.tampabays10.com/news/news.aspx?storyid=20067

Source: http://www.tampabays10.com/

Octobre 2005

Titre : Pachyderm killes two in Nagaland

Lieu : Asia, India
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Human-Elephant

Résumé: In a bizarre incident, a domestic elephant suddenly went berserk and trampled to death its owner and another at Wakching village in Nagaland's Mon district yesterday. There were four domestic elephants at Lumbering in the jungles of Wakching village, but unfortunately one of the elephants went wild and killed the owner of the spot. In utter confusion, the villagers of Wakching appealed to police and Assam Rifles for help, who after obtaining warrant from the concerned authorities shot dead the rouge elephant with the help of the villagers.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.newkerala.com/news.php?action=fullnews&id=37122

Source: http://www.newkerala.com/

Octobre 2005

Titre : Baby elephant born at Indianapolis Zoo

Lieu : USA
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques : Veterinary, Welfare

Résumé: The Indianapolis Zoo welcomed a new member into its family as African elephant Kubwa gave birth to a 200-pound calf. The male calf born at about 8:30 p.m. Tuesday came about a month early of the typical 22-month gestation period for the species.Debbie Olson, Director of Conservation and Science Programs, said the birth is a boost for the zoo, its visitors and its breeding program. The artificially conceived calf began nursing last night and initial exams by zoo veterinarians indicate mother and baby are healthy.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.indystar.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20051019/NEWS01/510190504

Source: http://www.indystar.com/

Octobre 2005

Titre : Corridor destruction, elephants stray into Orissa villages

Lieu : Asia, India
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Conservation, Human-Elephant Conflict

Résumé: Sarat Pradhan of Burukina village finds it risky to venture out of his home after the sunset as a herd of elephants, not seen in five years, are on prowl in his village. All this attributed to the destruction of natural corridors of elephant population across the state, which compels the pachyderms to stray into human habitat areas, wildlife experts said.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.newkerala.com/news.php?action=fullnews&id=37718

Source: http://www.newkerala.com/

Octobre 2005

Titre : COUP DE COEUR de la redaction pour un spectacle : De memoire d'Elephant, on n'avait pas vu ça !

Résumé: De memoire d'Elephant, on n'avait pas vu ça ! est le second spectacle du tryptique propose par le F.L.C.B.G.V (Front de Liberation de la ContreBasse et des Gros Volumes). L'etude approfondie des gros volumes a amene la contrebasse a decouvrir la baleine. Ici, la projection d'un diaporama conduit les artistes dans une demarche de creation ou les images, source nouvelle d'inspiration, viennent enrichir l'interpretation musicale. La musique interpretee en direct, est nourrie d'influences jazz, classique ou parfois traditionnelles, elle se mele aux imitations de sons d'animaux, au frottement de la terre, au souffle des elements, aux craquements du bois. L'entreprise parait impossible tant le drame est imminent, mais l'elephant resiste et comme la contrebasse, il ne veut plus etre le balourd du cirque. Il doit redevenir le pilier du monde !

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.bernard-abeille.com/elephant/elephant.htm

Source: http://www.bernard-abeille.com/

Octobre 2005

Titre : COUP DE COEUR de la redaction pour un magazine : article de Terre Sauvage : la memoire perdue des matriarches

Résumé: « Ces quarantes dernieres annees, 85% des elephants d’Afrique ont disparu. Et avec eux, l’indipensable memoire familiale des matriarches, ces femelles agees guidant les clans, au gre des pluies, vers les points d‘eau et les savanes herbues. […] Les elephants sont de grands nomades, parcourant parfois pres de 10 km par jour dans un territoire modele par les disponibilites en nourriture. Or, l’homme ne cesse de s’etendre, grignotant des terres a la faune sauvage, afin d’y etablir ses cultures et ses habitations. […] Certains corridors entre les deux zones doivent etre gardes intacts afin que les pachydermes puissent vadrouiller d’une aire de nourrissage a une autre.»

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.terre-sauvage.com/

Source: http://www.terre-sauvage.com/

Octobre 2005

Titre : Aussie Zoo Hearing Puts Asian Elephants on Hold

Lieu : Asia, Thailand
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques : Conservation, Veterinary, Welfare

Résumé: Two hours west of Bangkok, Thailand, eight Asian elephants are waiting. For nearly a year the group of pachyderms has been packed and ready to begin a new life in Australia. The Australian government has approved their importation, effectively giving them visas to enter the country and set up home in custom-made quarters at Sydney's Taronga Zoo and the Melbourne Zoo. But a coalition of animal welfare groups argues there is no conservation benefit in moving the elephants to Australia. This week the groups will challenge the government's decision in court.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2005/10/1012_051012_zoo_elephants.html

Source: http://news.nationalgeographic.com/

Octobre 2005

Titre : Minister in threat to kill elephants, lions

Lieu : Africa, kenya
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Human-Elephant Conflict, Research

Résumé: Minister of State William ole Ntimama yesterday threatened to lead the Maasai in killing elephants and lions, which prowl Narok and Ntulele areas. The Narok North MP blamed the wild animals for killing four people last month and called on the Kenya Wildlife Service to act. He said that the marauding elephants had been trampling crops and killing people.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.eastandard.net/hm_news/news.php?articleid=30380

Source: http://www.eastandard.net/

Octobre 2005

Titre : Orphaned baby elephant finds new home in Kaziranga

Lieu : Asia, India
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques : Conservation, Veterinary, Welfare

Résumé: Forest officials rescued a five-week-old orphan elephant calf from the Rupaimukh area, bordering Jorhat and Sivasagar districts of upper Assam, last week and transported her to the Centre for Wildlife Rehabilitation and Conservation (CWRC) at the Kaziranga National Park here. But there was a paucity of funds to raise animals at the centre. The cost of providing milk for 10 elephants itself amounts to over Rs.100,000 ($2,235) a month.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.newkerala.com/news.php?action=fullnews&id=35053

Source: http://www.newkerala.com/

Octobre 2005

Titre : Ivory smugglers to be sacked, minister says

Lieu : Africa, Kenya
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : CITES, Poaching

Résumé: Tourism minister Morris Dzoro yesterday warned that any Government official linked to the shipment of elephant tusks worth Sh36.5 million to the Philippines would be sacked. He called on the Philippines Government to extend investigations to Kenya. Last week, Philippines customs officials seized 850kg of tusks suspected to have been air freighted to Manila in September. At KWS, head of corporate communications Connie Maina said Interpol was investigating the matter.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.eastandard.net/hm_news/news.php?articleid=30430

Source: http://www.eastandard.net/

Octobre 2005

Titre : Zoo Elephants Get To Pulverize Pumpkins

Lieu : USA
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques : Welfare

Résumé: Three of the Cincinnati Zoo's Asian elephants got a breakfast Thursday worth kicking up their heels about. As part of the zoo's halloween celebrations, each of them took turns using their feet to pulverize some large pumpkins. Zoo officials say elephants will often kick or smash their food to create smaller, more manageable portions.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.wcpo.com/news/2005/local/10/13/zoo.html

Source: http://www.wcpo.com/

Octobre 2005

Titre : Philadelphia Zoo may send elephant away after shoving match

Lieu : USA
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques : Veterinary, Welfare

Résumé: Philadelphia Zoo officials said Thursday that an elephant that was injured in a shoving match with another elephant in August has been isolated since then and could be sent away. Dulary is being kept in a concrete barn while she heals from surgery and receives treatment for an infection. The U.S. Department of Agriculture conducted an investigation at the zoo this week. A spokesman said the agency is expected to report its findings soon. Critics maintain that putting African and Asian elephants together is asking for trouble.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.timesleader.com/mld/timesleader/12896701.htm

Source: http://www.timesleader.com/

Octobre 2005

Titre : Professionals trained to monitor Asian elephants

Lieu : Asia, China
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques : Human-Elephant Conflict, Research

Résumé: Wildlife observers are being trained in southwest China's Yunnan Province to monitor and protect the critically-endangered Asian elephants that roam virgin forests in the western and southern parts of the province. The training program, scheduled for Oct. 10-15, is sponsored by MIKE, an international environmental protection system that protects elephants from ivory poachers. The trainees will be taught the basics of surveying in the wild, the use of research tools, data collection and how to fill out international standard monitoring forms. The surveys in remote villages where elephants frequent will also provide information about the animal's temperament and living habits and hopefully minimize harm to human beings, domestic animals and cropland.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/english/doc/2005-10/14/content_485026.htm

Source: http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/

Octobre 2005

Titre : Burning debate over ellies

Lieu : Africa, South Africa
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques : Veterinary

Résumé: Fourteen badly burnt young elephants rescued from a wildfire in the Pilanesberg National Park are caught in a tug of war between conservationists about whether they should be put out of their misery. The National Council of SPCAs (NSPCA) sent a high-level delegation of five veterinarians to check on the elephants after one of them died of its injuries. The vets had recommended that at least three of the elephants be euthanised. But the North West Parks and Tourism Board, which has been funding the rescue operation, said the vets treating the elephants were wary of using painkillers because these can cause fatal stomach problems.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.mg.co.za/articlePage.aspx?articleid=253727&area=/insight/insight__national/

Source: http://www.mg.co.za/

Octobre 2005

Titre : Audubon Zoo quiet without visitors

Lieu : USA
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques : Welfare

Résumé: Oak limbs are a rare treat for the two Asian elephants, and Hurricane Katrina left them with a smorgasbord. Normally used to welcoming hordes of pint-sized visitors and putting on a daily show, the two pachyderms are having to adjust instead to the whirr of helicopters. The two Asian elephants are getting very few visitors these days. Though it escaped major flooding, the zoo is closed to the public for the time being. The animals are fine, but the zoo isn't in any shape to open.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.katc.com/Global/story.asp?S=3980781

Source: http://www.katc.com/

Octobre 2005

Titre : Shortage of elephants in Jaipur disappoints tourists wanting a ride

Lieu : Asia, India
Situation : Captive
Thématiques : Welfare

Résumé: Tourists visiting Jaipur, which has the reputation of being a princely state, are irked over the shortages of elephants in the area, especially at a time when the elephant ride at prominent tourist spots in Rajasthan has been restored by the state government. Tourists gathering in the “Pink City” to enjoy an elephant ride, expressed their deep annoyance over the dilly-dallying attitude of the authorities, who had suspended elephant rides 20 days ago.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.newkerala.com/news.php?action=fullnews&id=36236

Source: http://www.newkerala.com/

Octobre 2005

Titre : Overcoming little glitches under the big top

Lieu : USA
Situation : Circus
Thématiques : Welfare

Résumé: This year's Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey show in Boston -- one of three, touring simultaneously -- was directed for the first time in the circus's history by a woman, Sylvia Hase. Despite the continuing protests of animal rights activities, there was a large complement of animals, including llamas, sheepdogs, miniature horses, elephants (some of them born in Ringling's Elephant Conservation Center). The elephants performed with amazing grace; one of them even looked dignified doing a headstand.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.boston.com/ae/theater_arts/articles/2005/10/10/overcoming_little_glitches_under_the_big_top/

Source: http://www.boston.com/

Octobre 2005

Titre : De nouveaux «Hobbits» en Indonesie

Lieu : Asia, Indonesie
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Research, Evolution

Résumé: Consideres comme de lointains descendants d'Homo erectus, ces minuscules hominides appartiennent a une nouvelle espece baptisee Homo floresiensis, du nom de l'ile indonesienne de Flores sur laquelle ils auraient sejourne entre 95 000 et 12 000 ans avant l'epoque presente. L’'Homo floresiensis serait bien la descendant d'un groupe isole et tres tardif d'Homo erectus dont le nanisme serait la consequence de son insularite : un phenomene decrit chez d'autres especes, comme le stegodon, un elephant liliputien dont Homo floriensis, qui maitrisait le feu, faisait son ordinaire.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.lefigaro.fr/sciences/20051013.FIG0128.html?112505

Source: http://www.lefigaro.fr/

Octobre 2005

Titre : Tiny Humans Hunted Tiny Elephants?

Lieu : Asia, Indonesia
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Research, Evolution

Résumé: Like a page out of "Lord of the Rings," researchers say they have found additional evidence that suggests a population of tiny, human-like creatures lived on the remote Indonesian island of Flores, where they hunted animals that resembled dwarf elephants. Archaeologists believe the population lived there from 95,000 to as recently as 12,000 years ago, when a volcanic eruption appears to have done them in.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://dsc.discovery.com/news/briefs/20051010/hobbit.html

Source: http://dsc.discovery.com/

Octobre 2005

Titre : Rajasthan lifts ban on elephant rides to Amber Fort

Lieu : Asia, India
Situation : Captive
Thématiques : Welfare

Résumé: Tourists can once again enjoy elephant rides at the Amber Fort in this Rajasthan capital with the government lifting a ban that was imposed after a rogue elephant killed one person and injured two tourists. The decision to lift the ban was taken at a meeting of senior officials here Monday. It was decided that 61 elephants, who were found to be in sound mental and physical health, would be allowed to ferry tourists to the fort. Meanwhile, in a bid to avoid further casualties, the state government has issued a set of norms to be followed by mahouts and elephant owners.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.newkerala.com/newsdaily.php?action=fullnews&id=34152

Source: http://www.newkerala.com/

Octobre 2005

Titre : Philippines customs intercept elephant-tusk shipments

Lieu : Asia, Philippine
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : CITES, Poaching

Résumé: Philippine police have intercepted more than 800 kilogrammes of elephant tusks being smuggled into the country from Kenya. The police were tipped off and seized the illegal shipments flown from Nairobi in two separate flights last month. No one had been arrested and an investigation was under way.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://breakingnews.iol.ie/news/story.asp?j=158792108&p=y5879z8y4

Source: http://breakingnews.iol.ie/

Octobre 2005

Titre : Page « DOCUMENTAIRES » : quatre nouvelles entrees / four new entries on the « DOCUMENTARIES » page .

Résumé: La page « Documentaires » s’est enrichie de quatre nouvelles entrees : ALLEN, David, BRAINE, Tim, FREEMAN, Dan et TAKEUCHI, Kensuke.

Octobre 2005

Titre : The Fall of Elephants and Its poachers

Lieu : Asia, India
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques : Conservation, Human-Elephant Conflict, Poaching

Résumé: Thousand acres of land surrounding Mahato protection forest in Tambusai sub district, Indragiri Hulu district, Riau, has been converted to palm oil plantation. And in this area human and elephant conflict often occurs. Perhaps some oil palm plantations have impinged the protection forest. People’s involvement in conservation and protection of protected animals, by reporting any violation should be supported by commitment from the police to investigate and catch the main actor behind elephant poaching in Riau. Lots of expectation were put on the police and other parties involved to commit themselves in un-covering the poaching network.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.wwf.or.id/tessonilo/Default.php?ID=881&wwf_lang=1

Source: http://www.wwf.or.id/

Octobre 2005

Titre : Chhattisgarh to provide habitat to rogue elephants

Lieu : Asia, India
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques : Conservation, Human-Elephant Conflict

Résumé: Faced with the problem of elephant intrusions from neighbouring states of Jharkhand and Orissa, the Chhattisgarh government is considering providing a natural habitat for pachyderms in the forests near here in Korba district. The forest department has identified a 40 square KM area in the forests of Lemru, under Kudmura forest range, to provide a natural habitat to the elephants. However, other herds of elephants, which are roaming in Raigarh, Sarguja and Jashpur districts, have wreacked havoc in the villages, posing threat to life and property. These elephants could be pushed to Lemru forests, which is a suitable habitat for the tuskers.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://news.webindia123.com/news/showdetails.asp?id=131708&cat=India

Source: http://news.webindia123.com/

Octobre 2005

Titre : Oregon Zoo Welcomes Elephant Experts From Around The World

Lieu : USA
Situation : Wild, Captive
Thématiques : Conservation, Human-Elephant Conflict, Research, Welfare, Event

Résumé: With a reputation for one of the most innovative and successful elephant management programs in the nation, the Oregon Zoo has been chosen to host the 26th Annual Elephant Managers Workshop on October 5-9. Elephant managers, keepers, veterinarians and researchers from as far away as England, New Zealand and Africa will gather to discuss the latest methods of elephant management and care. Over the course of five days, the workshop will feature presentations and discussions concerning all areas of elephant management like husbandry, enrichment and veterinary care.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.glendaleoregonnews.com/articles/index.cfm?artOID=317301&cp=10976

Source: http://www.glendaleoregonnews.com/

Octobre 2005

Titre : Elephant tramples man to death in Bhopal

Lieu : Asia, India
Situation : Captive
Thématiques : Human-Elephant Conflict

Résumé: An elephant went on rampage in a residential area of Bhopal on Monday, trampling a hermit to death, eyewitnesses and officials said. Eyewitnesses said the elephant attacked the person who was peacefully going about his chore of collecting food and money from the people in the street, without any provocation. Forest officials, who have kept the pachyderm under observation to study its behaviour, said sometimes the elephant gets terribly irritated by the kind of food given to it and that might have been the provocation for its rash behaviour.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.newkerala.com/newsdaily.php?action=fullnews&id=33582

Source: http://www.newkerala.com/

Octobre 2005

Titre : KWS blamed as wild animals kill 19, injure 38 in Narok

Lieu : Africa, Kenya
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Human-Elephant Conflict

Résumé: More than 19 people have been killed and 38 others injured in Narok by wild animals in the past one year, area. Farmers have incurred more than Sh50 million loss in the past three months. Ntulele residents demonstrated against the killing of four people by elephants from Maasai Mara Game Reserve in a month. The protesters accused KWS of laxity in solving the human/wildlife conflict. They threatened to block the busy Narok/Mai Mahiu road again to prevent tourists from accessing the game reserve.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.eastandard.net/hm_news/news.php?articleid=30258

Source: http://www.eastandard.net/

Octobre 2005

Titre : Parade, feast marks elephants' day, activists cry for care

Lieu : Asia, India
Situation : Captive
Thématiques : Welfare, Event

Résumé: A colourful parade of elephants and a special feast were held here on the occasion of World Elephants' Day on Tuesday, while animal rights groups appealed to owners and mahouts to care for the animals. About 40 pachyderms led by Gajaratnam Padmnabhan marched from the 'Manjulaal' at the eastern corridor of the Sri Krishna temple to the statue of legendary tusker Guruvayur Kesavan to pay floral tributes. Expressing concern over reports of atrocities on captive elephants, Thrissur-based Elephant Lovers Association urged owners and trainers to treat the animal compassionately.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.manoramaonline.com/servlet/ContentServer?pagename=manorama/MmArticle/CommonFullStory&cid=1128406741317&c=MmArticle&p=1002194839100&count=10&colid=1002258272845&channel=News

Source: http://www.manoramaonline.com/

Octobre 2005

Titre : Activists Call For Sanctuary For Ailing Zoo Elephant

Lieu : USA
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques : Welfare

Résumé: Animal activists protested at the Los Angeles Zoo after uncovering new information that they say shows that a 47-year-old Asian elephant named Gita is terminally ill. Catherine Doyle of "In Defense of Animals" claims Gita's condition is a result of poor living conditions at the zoo. Doyle said Gita is suffering from irrepable damage to the feet and joints -- foot infections that are invading the bones in her left toes and causing them to rot away. Kovacik reported that zoo officials continue to say that "Gita is OK" and is doing well.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.nbc4.tv/news/5061445/detail.html

Source: http://www.nbc4.tv/

Octobre 2005

Titre : Opposition to importing of Asian elephants gains momentum

Lieu : Asia, Thailand
Situation : Captive
Thématiques : Conservation

Résumé: The groups - IFAW, Humane Society International (HSI) and RSPCA - in a joint statement said that they would appeal against the decision by the Australian Minister for Environment, Ian Campbell, to allow the elephants from Thailand to go to Taronga and Melbourne zoos in the country. The appeal will begin on Oct 11 October, at the Administrative Appeals Tribunal here. The groups felt that this import fails to meet the requirements of Australia's environment legislation.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.newkerala.com/news.php?action=fullnews&id=31036

Source: http://www.newkerala.com/

Octobre 2005

Titre : Increase in elephant population in TN

Lieu : Asia, India
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Conservation

Résumé: The population of elephants in Tamil Nadu forests has recorded an increase, from 3,600 in 2002 to 4,250 in the 2005 census. Attributing the increase to various schemes by the state government and also a strict vigil by officials, the department has maintained and protected the flora and fauna, without any major damage.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.chennaionline.com/colnews/newsitem.asp?NEWSID=%7BEAAA4D11-EC70-476B-8D69-C0408758057B%7D&CATEGORYNAME=Tamil%20Nadu

Source: http://www.chennaionline.com/

Octobre 2005

Titre : Elephants cause extensive damage to crops

Lieu : Asia, India
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Human-Elephant Conflict

Résumé: A group of 50 elephants, which were send in to the deep forests returned last evening to the Ayakudi area near Palani Hills in Didigul District. The elephants, which caused extensive damage to crops, were sent to the forest along with trained elephants last week. Forest officials said the elephants killed three farmers within 15 days when they attempted drive them away from the fields. They said the elephants damaged crops and trees worth about Rs one crore. Officials said that steps would be taken again tomorrow to send the elephants back to the forest.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.chennaionline.com/colnews/newsitem.asp?NEWSID=%7B3E2DC4BB-0B14-416D-A498-7299EC292605%7D&CATEGORYNAME=Tamil%20Nadu

Source: http://www.chennaionline.com/

Octobre 2005

Titre : Elephant dung from circus won't go to waste in Troy

Lieu : USA
Situation : Captive, Circus
Thématiques : Event

Résumé: The Kelly Miller Circus is in town through today, and under the contract, it's the chamber's responsibility to get rid of the animals' excretions. With three elephants and a herd of other exotic animals, that's about 8 cubic yards -- or two medium-sized Dumpsters -- of aromatic manure over the two days the circus is in town. So the chamber is offering the most exotic compost likely to be available in Troy, free for the pickup.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.belleville.com/mld/belleville/news/local/12821147.htm

Source: http://www.belleville.com/

Octobre 2005

Titre : Lifeline for Kenya's 'lost' wilderness

Lieu : Africa, Kenya
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques : Conservation, Poaching

Résumé: Sera is a remote and inhospitable part of Kenya. Gangs of poachers shot the last of the Black Rhino in Sera a decade ago. The sustained slaughter, which began in the 1970s, also decimated elephant populations, with Kenya losing 80% of its herds. Incursions by armed Somali bandits, known as shifta, have deterred all but a few of the Samburu from grazing their cattle here. Lawlessness seems to have locked the land in a downward spiral. But an ambitious project is under way to reverse the fortunes of Sera and its people. Sera Wildlife Conservancy Trust is part of an experiment focussing on the restoration - rather than protection - of 'the wild'.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/4241608.stm

Source: http://news.bbc.co.uk/

Octobre 2005

Titre : Female elephant and calf found dead inside forest

Lieu : Asia, India
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Veterinary, Event

Résumé: A female elephant and a calf were found dead in the Baruan hills in Pabitranagar area under Talcher Forest Range of Angul Territorial Division. The local village women found the bodies while they were out to the forest to collect mushrooms and informed the forest officials. The Forest officials today recovered the decomposed bodies and sent them post-mortem. Angul Forest Circle Conservator P K Mohapatra ruled out poaching stating that the preliminary report indicated that the elephant and the calf have died due to lightening.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://news.webindia123.com/news/showdetails.asp?id=131086&cat=India

Source: http://news.webindia123.com/

Octobre 2005

Titre : Circus walks into row over captive elephant

Lieu : USA
Situation : Captive, Circus
Thématiques : Welfare

Résumé: The Bobby Roberts Super Circus has walked into another row with animal rights campaigners as it prepares to open for a five-day run in Carlisle. This time the Captive Animals’ Protection Society is lobbying for Anne, Britain’s last circus elephant, to be freed and put into ‘retirement’. CAPS claims it receives more complaints about the Bobby Roberts Circus than any other in the country. But campaigners say the 52-year-old elephant is in pain from arthritis and should be put into a ‘more sympathetic, naturalistic environment’.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.newsandstar.co.uk/news/viewarticle.aspx?id=288274

Source: http://www.newsandstar.co.uk/

Octobre 2005

Titre : Governor meets officials over elephant attacks issue

Lieu : Asia, India
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Human-Elephant Conflict

Résumé: Jharkhand Governor Syed Sibte Razi today held a meeting with the top Forest Department officials here to discuss the situation arising from the ongoing attacks of wild elephants in different parts of the state. A Raj Bhawan communique said Mr Razi, expressing concerned over the attacks, instructed the officials to ensure every measure to protect the villagers from the attacks of pachyderms. Several villagers have been killed in wild elephant attacks during last fortnight.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.newkerala.com/news.php?action=fullnews&id=30274

Source: http://www.newkerala.com/

Octobre 2005

Titre : Elephant procession in Guruvayur

Lieu : Asia, India
Situation : Captive
Thématiques : Event

Résumé: As many as 30 elephants took part in a colourful procession to mark the World Elephants Day today, at this famous temple town. A mass elephant feast, seminar on `law of protection of captive elephants and caring', and a public meeting were also held during the day under the aegis of the Lord Sree Krishna Temple administration here. The elephants paid homage to late tusker Guruvayur Kesavan by garlanding its statue on the outskirts of the temple. Tableaux and folklore art forms also added splendour to the colourful event.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.newkerala.com/news.php?action=fullnews&id=30261

Source: http://www.newkerala.com/

Octobre 2005

Titre : Two elephants near plantation relocated

Lieu : Asia, India
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques : Conservation, Human-Elephant Conflict

Résumé: Two elephants which had been living in the forest next to a plantation in Tawau for the last three months were successfully relocated after a four-day operation. The two bulls were released three days ago at the Kuamut forest reserve in Kinabatangan. The relocation headed off a potential conflict between the elephants and humans.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.nst.com.my/Current_News/NST/Tuesday/National/20051004080804/Article/indexb_html

Source: http://www.nst.com.my/

Octobre 2005

Titre : Thailand’s urban giants

Lieu : Asia, Thailand
Situation : Captive
Thématiques : Conservation, Welfare

Résumé: “In the city of Khon Kaen, rising from the plains of the northeastern Thai region of Isaan, I visit a 40-year-old street elephant called Bom and her three-year-old offspring, a big, pushy boy named Minimax. They've been rented out by their owner to two mahouts and three assistants. Working the streets is a simple racket: The elephants march along under their mahouts' guidance, extending trunks toward passersby, occasionally adding a curtsy or head waggle while assistants fan out, hawking overpriced bananas or sugarcane to feed the giants.”

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www7.nationalgeographic.com/ngm/0510/feature5/index.html

Source: http://www7.nationalgeographic.com/

Octobre 2005

Titre : Elephants Fitted with GPS Collars to Track Movements in Tanzania

Lieu : Africa, Tanzania
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques : Conservation, Research

Résumé: AWF elephant research and conservation efforts in the Kilimanjaro Heartland got a major boost when elephant researcher Alfred Kikoti successfully fitted GPS collars on six elephants near Mt. Kilimanjaro in northern Tanzania. The six GPS (Global Positioning System) collars communicate with satellites to track and record information on the elephants’ movements. The research will help AWF and other conservation groups identify the key habitats and “movement corridors” that must be conserved, as expanding human populations and agricultural areas threaten to cut off traditional elephant corridors.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.awf.org/news/28645

Source: http://www.awf.org/

Octobre 2005

Titre : Europe is leading ivory trade hub, a new report reveals

Lieu : Europe
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Research, CITES, Poaching

Résumé: Unexpectedly large volumes of ivory products continue to be sold in the UK – and across Europe – despite indications of an overall drop in demand following the international trade ban on ivory. A new report published on 27th September 2005 by Care for the Wild International (CWI) and Save The Elephants (STE) reveals the results of a groundbreaking investigation – detailed in the report – by world ivory trade experts Dr Esmond Martin and Dr Daniel Stiles, who discovered thousands of ivory products for sale in five European countries: the UK, Germany, France, Spain and Italy.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.careforthewild.org/newsstory.asp?apid=79

Source: http://www.careforthewild.org/

Octobre 2005

Titre : Royal elephants auctioned for conservation

Lieu : Europe, The Netherlands
Situation : Collection
Thématiques : Conservation, Event

Résumé: A vast array of elephant collectables of the late WWF Founder-President HRH Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands was auctioned by Sotheby’s at Het Loo Palace, a former royal residence of the Dutch House of Orange. The €379,250 raised from the auction will go to WWF conservation efforts in Borneo. The elephant was Prince Bernhard’s favourite animal and during his lifetime amassed a collection of 1,000 elephants in all shapes and sizes, ranging from precious art objects and wood carvings to stuffed animals and toys.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.panda.org/news_facts/newsroom/news.cfm?uNewsID=23617

Source: http://www.panda.org/

Octobre 2005

Titre : Feast for royal guests

Lieu : Asia, India
Situation : Captive
Thématiques : Veterinary, Event

Résumé: Dasara jumbos are having a jumbo feast. Earlier, they were being served ‘mudde’, a mixture of ragi and horse gram, and fodder branches. Now that they are royal guests in the royal city, they are served with ‘royal’ food till the grand Dasara finale, reports Shankar Bennur from Mysore. Speaking to Deccan Herald, Dr Nagaraj, who is responsible for keeping the elephants fit and healthy, said high-calorie and protein-rich food is served to elephants to improve their physical fitness.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.deccanherald.com/deccanherald/sep302005/index201852005929.asp

Source: http://www.deccanherald.com/

Octobre 2005

Titre : Elephant move to Tsavo stops until January

Lieu : Africa, Kenya
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques : Conservation

Résumé: The translocation of elephants from Kwale will stop until January owing to the onset of rains. Kenya Wildlife Services (KWS) Head of Elephant Programmes, Patrick Omondi said they were taking a break because roads leading out of Shimba Hills would be impassable. The transfer, when complete, will be the largest moving of elephants from any animal sanctuary in the world, costing Sh250 million.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.eastandard.net/hm_news/news.php?articleid=29720

Source: http://www.eastandard.net/

Octobre 2005

Titre : Five people trampled to death by wild elephant

Lieu : Asia, India
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Human-Elephant Conflict

Résumé: A wild elephant trampled to death five people, including a father and his son, and caused destruction to houses in Pithoria-Patratu area, about 50 km from here, during the past 24-hours. The same elephant killed another two people in Bhadani Nagar in Hazaribagh district few days ago.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://news.webindia123.com/news/showdetails.asp?id=126076&cat=India

Source: http://news.webindia123.com/

Octobre 2005

Titre : Panic calls for shooting rogue pachyderm

Lieu : Asia, India
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Human-Elephant Conflict

Résumé: The Jharkhand forest department has declared a rampaging tusker as "badmas" (rogue) and ordered it to be killed as it has become dangerous for human beings. The elephant has killed seven people over the past as many days on the outskirts of state capital Ranchi. The rogue tusker has got separated from its herd and has wreaked havoc by killing people and damaging properties.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.newkerala.com/news.php?action=fullnews&id=29482

Source: http://www.newkerala.com/

Octobre 2005

Titre : Couple honored for work that began with one baby elephant

Lieu : USA
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques : Event

Résumé: Meet Sammye and John Seawell, winners of a Lifetime Achievement Award at the Anchorage Chamber of Commerce 48th Gold Pan Awards event on Sept. 17. The Alaska Zoo founders have shepherded it from a single elephant to the 60-or-so-member Noah's Ark it is today. They've volunteered there for about three decades. It all started with an elephant, explained Sammye, 86, and a contest held in honor of the Alaska Purchase Centennial in the mid-1960s. Owners of two stores teamed up to sell a large share of Chiffon tissue and won a contest, the prize of which was Annabelle the elephant.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.adn.com/news/alaska/story/7012197p-6914357c.html

Source: http://www.adn.com/

Octobre 2005

Titre : Elephant rides in Amber Fort banned

Lieu : Asia, India
Situation : Captive
Thématiques : Welfare, Event

Résumé: Rajasthan's tourism department has banned elephant rides at the historic Amber Fort after one of the pachyderms ran amok earlier this month killing a guide and injuring two foreign tourists. Many elephant owners were found guilty of not feeding their animals properly or keeping their surroundings unclean. Well placed sources in the tourism department said a committee constituted by the state government a few days back in its report found that out of 91 elephants that were checked, six were not in a sound mental condition.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://news.webindia123.com/news/showdetails.asp?id=120337&n_date=20050925&cat=India

Source: http://news.webindia123.com/

Octobre 2005

Titre : Pain of living in elephant territory

Lieu : Africa, Kenya
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques : Conservation, Human-Elephant Conflict

Résumé: Dozens of animals were moved to the Tsavo National Park. For the residents of Msangatamu village, Kwale, only one word describes the event — relief. For decades, they have lived with the world’s largest terrestrial mammal. They have become accustomed to spending sleepless nights, watching over their farms, losing their property and sometimes their lives in an area rife with incidents of human/wildlife conflict. But now, with over 100 elephants translocated, they are optimistic that their crops will once more flourish, free of attacks by the marauding jumbo. Their children, like thousands of others, would now go to school regularly.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.eastandard.net/mags/society/articles.php?articleid=29425

Source: http://www.eastandard.net/

Octobre 2005

Titre : His trunk is packed

Lieu : Africa
Situation : Literature
Thématiques : Event

Résumé: In his latest book, Babar's World Tour, the benevolent behemoth and his pachyderm posse travel to such faraway places as Thailand, Egypt, Germany, Cambodia and Antarctica. De Brunhoff, who now divides his time between Key West and New York, turned 80 last month. Babar, meanwhile, is celebrating his 75th anniversary this year. The group sets down in more than a dozen places, most of which de Brunhoff and his wife, biographer Phyllis Rose, have also visited. In India, they encounter elephants who, as is the local custom, sport elaborate decorations. "It was meant to introduce children to how different things were done in different places," says Rose of the book.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.orlandosentinel.com/travel/printedition/orl-babar2505sep25,0,3431117.story?coll=orl-travel-headlines-print

Source: http://www.orlandosentinel.com/

Octobre 2005

Titre : Elephants, birds, cable cars to join Chiang Mai safari

Lieu : Asia, Thailand
Situation : Captive
Thématiques : Welfare, Event

Résumé: Three recreation projects with a combined investment of Bt3 billion are being developed in Chiang Mai under theme “Chiang Mai World”, designed to compete with man-made tourist destinations in Hong Kong and Singapore and to establish Chiang Mai as a new regional tourism hub. The projects are the Chiang Mai Night Safari, the Elephant Park and Bird Tunnel and the Cable Line. The Night Safari will have local produce shops, elephant rides and tour buses. Pisal said the Elephant Park and Bird Tunnel would be finished by the end of 2006 and located next to the night safari. There will be more than 600 elephants, which will make it the country’s largest elephant park.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://nationmultimedia.com/2005/09/26/business/index.php?news=business_18706157.html

Source: http://nationmultimedia.com/

Octobre 2005

Titre : Chobe vying to be one of Africa's greatest

Lieu : Africa, Botswana
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques : Conservation, Welfare

Résumé: Chobe has - justifiably - been described as one of Africa's great national parks. With its rolling grass plains, dusty mopane woodlands, and the lush flood plains of the Chobe and Linyanti rivers, the park can, in just a single day, provide the most diverse and exciting of bush experiences.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.int.iol.co.za/index.php?set_id=14&click_id=417&art_id=vn20050924141926116C571679

Source: http://www.int.iol.co.za/

Octobre 2005

Titre : Ex-Detroit Zoo elephants mix well in new Calif. home

Lieu : USA
Situation : Captive
Thématiques : Conservation, Welfare

Résumé: Former Detroit Zoo elephants Wanda and Winky are making a good adjustment to their new home at an animal refuge in California. The pair left Michigan on April 5 and arrived three days later at the sanctuary, run by the Performing Animal Welfare Society, near Sacramento. Their new home is in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. Signs of their improved health include weight loss, less trouble with arthritis and healing of many of their foot abscesses.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.freep.com/news/statewire/sw121776_20050926.htm

Source: http://www.freep.com/

Octobre 2005

Titre : Six thousand tuskers in firing line

Lieu : Africa, South Africa
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques : Conservation

Résumé: The Kruger National Park wants to shoot up to 6 000 elephants as part of a national culling programme that could start next winter. Thousands of elephants in other state and private reserves around the country will also be culled, if a South African National Parks (SANParks) report on elephant management submitted to Minister of Environmental Affairs and Tourism Marthinus van Schalkwyk is endorsed by the public. Van Schalkwyk said this week that culling — stopped more than a decade ago, mainly because of local and international opposition — had been approved by the Cabinet as a solution to growing elephant numbers. This plan recommended culling between 400 and 1 000 elephants a year over five years. In zones of envisaged “low impact”, elephant numbers would be reduced; in “high-impact” zones around the central section of the park, numbers would be left to fluctuate.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.mg.co.za/articlePage.aspx?articleid=252061&area=/insight/insight__national/

Source: http://www.mg.co.za/

Octobre 2005

Titre : Wild elephants kill one, injure two

Lieu : Asia, India
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Human-Elephant Conflict

Résumé: Wild elephants killed one person and injured two others in Dumritand village under Silli police station area, police said today. Jibar Ram Mahto (55) was attacked by a herd of wild elephants, which came from the nearby forest last morning. The pachyderms dashed him against the ground, killing him on the spot. The herd also attacked Arun and Sohrai of nearby Marankiri village. Both have been admitted to a local hospital. The villagers angry with the incident blocked the Ranchi-Purulia road demanding measures to stop the frequent elephant attacks.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://news.webindia123.com/news/showdetails.asp?id=123274&cat=India

Source: http://news.webindia123.com/

Octobre 2005

Titre : DRC accuses fleeing Ugandan rebels of elephant poaching

Lieu : Africa, Democratic Republic of Congo
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Poaching

Résumé: Members of Uganda’s notorious Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) are terrorising civilians and killing wildlife in the restive eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. A band of LRA fighters led by the group’s deputy chief Vincent Otti that fled to the DRC earlier this month have terrified the local population and have begun poaching elephants in Garamba National Park. A Garamba-based official with the Congolese Institute for the Conservation of Nature (ICCN) confirmed the poaching incidents and said the rebels were also assaulting the residents of the town of Aba just outside the park.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.citizen.co.za/index/article.aspx?pDesc=8507,1,22

Source: http://www.citizen.co.za/

Octobre 2005

Titre : Elephants go jobless in Rajasthan

Lieu : Asia, India
Situation : Captive
Thématiques : Welfare, Event

Résumé: The Rajasthan Government’s decision to ban elephant rides to the famous 16th century Amber Fort , has resulted in these pachyderms and their mahouts being without work. After a tourist escort was trampled to death by a visually-impaired elephant, the state’s tourism department stopped elephant rides to the fort. Till now, an elephant ride was seen as an integral part of a visit by tourists in Rajasthan. Elephant rides were introduced in 1953, and now, 120 of these animals have been left jobless because of the ban. The mahouts or the caretakers of the elephants say, the ban leaves them with no alternative means of livelihood.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.newkerala.com/news.php?action=fullnews&id=27245

Source: http://www.newkerala.com/

Octobre 2005

Titre : Using chilli as a barrier against elephants

Lieu : Africa, Zambia
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Conservation, Human-Elephant Conflict

Résumé: In the Zambezi valley in southern Zambia, small-scale farmers are growing chilli peppers as a deterrent against elephants that raid their crops – and marketing the end result as an eco-friendly product. From Kenya to Namibia, elephants and farmers are coming into closer contact as growing populations put pressure on land. The animals can wipe out the annual harvests of entire villages with devastating consequences for the rural poor who often live on a knife-edge of survival. Conservationists say the project is an innovative way to help subsistence farmers find markets for their cash crops while bringing some lasting peace between man and beast.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://thestar.com.my/lifestyle/story.asp?file=/2005/9/27/lifefocus/11964837&sec=lifefocus

Source: http://thestar.com.my/

Octobre 2005

Titre : Kenya Unveils Wildlife Protection Program

Lieu : Africa, Kenya
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques : Conservation, Poaching

Résumé: The struggling parks where Kenya's largest elephant and rhino populations live will get trucks, communication equipment and better roads in a $1.25 million anti-poaching program unveiled Thursday. The vehicles, communication equipment and road improvements are key elements in anti-poaching operations, as are education programs that also will be funded in the project for the Tsavo region.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://abcnews.go.com/Travel/print?id=1150052

Source: http://abcnews.go.com/

Octobre 2005

Titre : Weak controls allow illegal ivory trade to flourish in Britain

Lieu : Europe
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Poaching

Résumé: Campaigners are concerned that the thousands of ivory products available in Britain are fuelling the illegal poaching of elephants in Africa and Asia. Investigators who compiled the report strongly criticised Britain for having the weakest controls in Europe over the trade in ivory. They also warned that even legally sourced ivory contributes to the slaughter of elephants and urged people not to buy anything made from it. Britain now has the ninth largest ivory trade in the world, with huge exports to America as well as a thriving domestic trade.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://news.independent.co.uk/uk/crime/article315529.ece

Source: http://news.independent.co.uk/

Octobre 2005

Titre : Europe is 'fuelling ivory trade'

Lieu : Europe
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Poaching

Résumé: Europe's thriving ivory retail market is threatening an increase in elephant poaching, conservationists have warned. More than 27,000 ivory products were found on sale in five major European countries where investigators went: the UK, Germany, France, Italy and Spain. Despite having one of the harshest penalties in Europe for trading illegal ivory, it was found that the UK had the poorest law enforcement record of the countries surveyed.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/4287548.stm

Source: http://news.bbc.co.uk/

Septembre 2005

Titre : Page « COLLOQUE » : quatre nouvelles entrees / four new entries on the « SYMPOSIUMS » page .

Résumé: La page « Colloques » s’est enrichie de quatre nouvelles entrees : 10 - 16 October 2005, 19th Sondrio Festival, 8-9 October 2005, Wildlife Conservation Expo, 4 – 10 October 2005, World Animal Week and 30 September - 6 October 2005, the 8th World Wilderness Congress .

Septembre 2005

Titre : Elephants, Whales and Humans – a Conservation Triple Bill at the Two Oceans Aquarium

Lieu : Africa, South Africa
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Conservation

Résumé: Three of South Africa’s most eminent conservationists are to speak in a three-handed speaking event that promises to address some of this country’s most intriguing animal issues. Whales, elephants and the role of the human in nature, will take the stand when IFAW hosts a public event at the Agfa Auditorium, Two Oceans Aquarium on Wednesday, 28th September. Professor Rudi van Aarde, Professor of Zoology, University of Pretoria, will address the issue of a “Conservation Alternative for African Elephants”.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.ifaw.org/ifaw/general/default.aspx?oid=147622

Source: http://www.ifaw.org/

Septembre 2005

Titre : IFAW, Kenya Wildlife Service to Enhance Tsavo National Park

Lieu : Africa, Kenya
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques : Conservation, Human-Elephant Conflict, Poaching

Résumé: Kenya’s Vice President, Hon Moody Awori, today unveiled a US 1.25 million dollar rehabilitation program developed by IFAW and the Kenya Wildlife Service, to enhance routine operations, research and education and wildlife security within the Tsavo National Park ecosystem. IFAW’s partnership with KWS in Tsavo will cover six broad areas, namely: enhancement of basic park operations and infrastructure; law enforcement; human-wildlife conflict resolution; research; conservation education and community conservation.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.ifaw.org/ifaw/general/default.aspx?oid=147794

Source: http://www.ifaw.org/

Septembre 2005

Titre : IFAW et son partenaire KWS devoilent leurs plans de relance des operations du parc Tsavo

Lieu : Africa, Kenya
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques : Conservation, Human-Elephant Conflict, Research, Poaching

Résumé: Moody Awori, Vice President du Kenya, a devoile un programme de rehabilitation de 1,25 millions de dollars soutenu par IFAW, afin de relancer le fonctionnement normal du parc, la recherche et l'education, et la securite des animaux sauvages dans le cadre de l'ecosysteme de Tsavo. Le partenariat entre IFAW et le KWS a Tsavo portera sur six grands domaines: amelioration du fonctionnement et des infrastructures elementaires du parc; application de la loi; resolution des conflits entre populations et animaux sauvages; recherche; education a la conservation et faire beneficier la population locale a travers les projets de developpement

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.ifaw.org/ifaw/general/default.aspx?oid=147907

Source: http://www.ifaw.org/

Septembre 2005

Titre : 10,000 elephants may be destroyed

Lieu : Africa, South Africa
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques : Conservation

Résumé: The South African government plans to end its 10-year ban on culling elephants, which may result in the slaughter of up to 10,000 of the beasts. But anticipating protest from animal welfare groups around the world, the government will have an 18-month "consultation period" before starting the cull. The current elephant population of about 14,000 in the Kruger Park reportedly has become a threat to the habitats of rare antelopes, eagles and other threatened creatures.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.sciencedaily.com/upi/?feed=TopNews&article=UPI-1-20050921-11430600-bc-safrica-elephants.xml

Source: http://www.sciencedaily.com/

Septembre 2005

Titre : On conservation and elephants

Lieu : Asia, Thailand
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Conservation

Résumé: With the future status of the Dong Payayen/Khao Yai forest complex in doubt, how will the elephants be protected? The interaction between flora and fauna, and the conservation of this interaction, is of the utmost importance for the social well-being of Thailand. Large animals that require considerable space, food and water, like elephants, are used by scientists as indicators of the overall health of the forest.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.bangkokpost.com/en/Outlook/21Sep2005_out02.php

Source: http://www.bangkokpost.com/

Septembre 2005

Titre : Wanted: good home for large but lucky pet

Lieu : Asia, Thailand
Situation : Captive
Thématiques : Welfare

Résumé: The owner of the Ayutthaya elephant farm, 45 miles north of Bangkok, is selling about 20 of his 140 pachyderms. Prices start at 2m baht (£27,000) and the animals come with a verbal guarantee of being well bred, well behaved and a source of good luck. But there are a few strings attached. Mr Laithongrian will sell his animals only to Thai nationals who have enough land and a demonstrable knowledge of elephant rearing.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.guardian.co.uk/international/story/0,3604,1574584,00.html

Source: http://www.guardian.co.uk/

Septembre 2005

Titre : Elephant kills NZ man in Africa

Lieu : Africa, Zambia
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Event

Résumé: A Waikato microbologist has been killed by an elephant while on holiday in Africa. Bevan Jones, 75, was killed on Saturday by an elephant that strayed from its herd. Mr Jones, who lived in Hamilton for 20 years before retiring to Waihi with his wife Elaine, had been on a camping trip in Zambia with his oldest son Colin. Mrs Jones had flown to Zambia immediately after the tragedy and was due to fly back to New Zealand with her son this weekend.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.stuff.co.nz/stuff/0,2106,3418695a10,00.html

Source: http://www.stuff.co.nz/

Septembre 2005

Titre : 20 elephants burnt in game park veld fire

Lieu : Africa, South Africa
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Veterinary, Event

Résumé: Twenty elephants have been severely burnt and one has had to be put down in a raging veld fire, which broke out at the Pilanesberg Game Park near Sun City, in the North West. Medical rescue teams have been rushed to the area to attend to the injured wild animals. Seven of the 20 injured elephants have been transported to a special place were they will receive special treatment.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.sabcnews.com/south_africa/general/0,2172,112990,00.html

Source: http://www.sabcnews.com/

Septembre 2005

Titre : UP to set up elephant reserve near Uttranchal border

Lieu : Asia, India
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques : Conservation, Human-Elephant Conflict

Résumé: Uttar Pradesh has decided to set up an elephant reserve near the Uttranchal border to create a safe corridor for the pachyderms who roam freely between the Rajaji National Park and the Saharanpur-Bijnor forest reserve. To be set up under the Elephant Reserve Project, the proposed reserve would be set up during a span of five years. The proposed reserve would help lessen the man-animal conflict in the area.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://news.webindia123.com/news/showdetails.asp?id=119509&cat=India

Source: http://news.webindia123.com/

Septembre 2005

Titre : Kenya tackles poaching

Lieu : Africa, Kenya
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques : Conservation, Human-Elephant Conflict, Poaching

Résumé: The struggling parks that host Kenya's largest elephant and rhino populations will get trucks, planes and communication equipment and better roads in a $1.25m anti-poaching programme unveiled on Thursday. The vehicles, communication equipment and road improvements are key elements in anti-poaching operations, as are conservation education programmes that also will be funded in the project for the Tsavo region.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.news24.com/News24/Africa/News/0,,2-11-1447_1804823,00.html

Source: http://www.news24.com/

Septembre 2005

Titre : Burnt elephants taken to a safe house

Lieu : Africa, South Africa
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Conservation, Veterinary, Event

Résumé: Thirteen of the more than 20 elephants that got burned in a run away fire in the Pilansberg Game Park, in the North West, yesterday, have been rescued and taken to a safe facility. One elephant was put down. According to park officials, no other animals were hurt in the fire. Visitors to the park are, however, being asked to be on the look out for injured animals and to alert the authorities to their whereabouts immediately.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.sabcnews.com/south_africa/general/0,2172,113016,00.html

Source: http://www.sabcnews.com/

Septembre 2005

Titre : The jumbo highway

Lieu : Asia, India
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques : Conservation

Résumé: Karnataka is the first in the country to notify an Elephant Corridor and two of them are already in place including the Kanniyanpura Corridor near Moyar River at the Bandipur National Park and the Bekkattur Arabikere Corridor that connects the Kollegal Reserve Forest division to Billigiri Ranga Sanctuary. The elephant corridors are part of the Elephant Reserve 7, which has been christened the Mysore Elephant Reserve. This Elephant Reserve 7 originates in the Nilgiris and connects the Eastern Ghats to the Western Ghats, through the Nilgiris Biosphere Reserve. The purpose of the corridor is to provide connectivity of elephant habitats. Since the habitat is getting fragmented, the need for strengthening these connecting forest areas and migrating paths of the endangered Asian elephant is critical.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.deccanherald.com/deccanherald/sep202005/spectrum1117102005919.asp

Source: http://www.deccanherald.com/

Septembre 2005

Titre : S.Africa says may resume lethal elephant culls

Lieu : Africa, South Africa
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Conservation

Résumé: South Africa signaled on Tuesday it wanted to resume lethal culls to contain its burgeoning elephant population and said a final decision would be made early next year after public consultations. Such a move is sure to provoke a global outcry from animal welfare groups who view the practice, which involves the rounding up and shooting of entire family groups, as cruel. A draft plan for elephant management will be published for public comment by the end of this year with the aim of finalising it with cabinet approval in the first quarter of 2006.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.alertnet.org/thenews/newsdesk/L20676184.htm

Source: http://www.alertnet.org/

Septembre 2005

Titre : Getting Elephants Pregnant is Tough

Lieu : USA
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques : Veterinary

Résumé: An ultrasound taken Sunday morning revealed that Woodland Park Zoo's 26-year-old Asian elephant, Chai, is ovulating, prompting scientists to try once again to inseminate her artificially. Fresh bull elephant semen was rushed to Seattle from the Oregon Zoo in Portland and the Tulsa Zoo in Oklahoma on Sunday, and the tricky business was performed that evening. More semen was expected to be received Monday, and zoo officials scheduled a second attempt for Tuesday afternoon – if Chai is still ovulating.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://abclocal.go.com/wpvi/story?section=animals_oddities&id=3458671

Source: http://abclocal.go.com/

Septembre 2005

Titre : Do you feel like some heavy petting?

Lieu : Asia, Thailand
Situation : Captive
Thématiques : Event

Résumé: Laithongrian Meephan, 47, owner of the Ayutthaya Elephant Farm, 70km north of Bangkok, is selling about 20 of them. Prices start at two-million baht (about R310 000) apiece for the beasts, which he promises are well bred, well trained, well behaved and a source of luck.The sale of wild elephants is forbidden by law, but the Ayutthaya ones on sale are domesticated, the offspring of an "elephant wedding" held several years ago.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.int.iol.co.za/index.php?set_id=1&click_id=29&art_id=vn20050920070053195C762437

Source: http://www.int.iol.co.za/

Septembre 2005

Titre : Fruiting season and logging draw wild elephants

Lieu : Asia, Malaysia
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Human-Elephant Conflict

Résumé: The fruiting season and logging activities in the Setiu and Hulu Terengganu districts have drawn wild elephants out of their habitat in the interior areas. Elephants have ransacked villagers' plantations around the forest areas and one even attacked a ranger. Trucks carrying fruits have also not been spared. Villagers in both districts are now terrified to work in their orchards, fearing that the elephants would return.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.nst.com.my/Current_News/NST/Tuesday/NewsBreak/20050920184921/Article/indexb_html

Source: http://www.nst.com.my/

Septembre 2005

Titre : Les cirques belges vont accorder plus d'attention a leurs animaux

Lieu : Europe, Belgique
Situation : Captive, Circus
Thématiques : Welfare

Résumé: Hier, la Belgique s'est dotee d'une nouvelle legislation permettant aux animaux sauvages, detenus dans des cirques, de disposer d'autant d'espace que dans les parcs zoologiques. L'application se fera progressivement avec un premier rendez-vous au 1er decembre 2005. A cette date, tous les animaux sauvages (a l'exclusion des fauves et elephants, a partir du 1.1.2012) devront disposer d'autant d'espace que dans les zoos. Pour les elephants, des etapes transitoires sont imposees a partir du 1er decembre 2005, notamment pour leur hebergement interieur et exterieur : espace interieur de 15 m2 et exterieur de 100 m2 (interdiction d'attache). Les conditions de detention d'un elephant, au repos, devront correspondre au minimum a un espace interieur de 30 m2 et exterieur de 1 000 m2 (+ 200 m2 par individu supplementaire) agremente d'une piece d'eau avec douche.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.univers-nature.com/inf/inf_actualite1.cgi?id=2017

Source: http://www.univers-nature.com/

Septembre 2005

Titre : Page « DOCUMENTAIRES » : trois nouvelles entrees / three new entries on the « DOCUMENTARIES » page / Page « LIVRES » : deux nouvelles entree / two new entries on the « BOOKS » page / Page « COLLOQUE » : deux nouvelle entrees / two new entries on the « SYMPOSIUMS » page .

Résumé: La page « Documentaires » s’est enrichie de trois nouvelles entrees a SAMARASINGHE, Srinath Christopher, Aliya, l'elephant du Sri Lanka, SINGH, Vijay, L'homme et l'elephant/Rencontre en Inde avec Chami et son elephant Ana, WILLIS, Martin, Nature Extreme : Le Langage Animal. / La page « Livres » s’est enrichie de deux nouvelles entrees a ASTLE, W. L.,A History of Wildlife Conservation and Management in the Mid-Luangwa Valley, Zambia et un ouvrage COLLECTIF, 2nd World of Elephants Congress: Short Papers and Abstracts / La page « Colloques » s’est enrichie de deux nouvelles entrees : September 28 - October 2 2005 : 6th annual Planet in Focus festival et 22 – 25 September 2005 : The 2nd International Congress "The World of Elephants".

Septembre 2005

Titre : Wildlife authorities seize large ivory cache in Cameroon

Lieu : Africa, Cameroon
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Conservation, Poaching

Résumé: Law enforcement officials in southern Cameroon have arrested five poachers after being caught with close to 100 elephant tusks, as well as the remains of other slaughtered endangered species such as leopard and chimpanzee. It is reported that the poachers used a military truck to transport their cargo when they were arrested. The ivory is transported to major cities principally by road, but also reaches regional and international destinations by air and through seaports. Cameroon and the Democratic Republic of Congo are two of the most important countries in terms of illegal trade routes abroad.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.panda.org/about_wwf/what_we_do/species/news/news.cfm?uNewsID=23192

Source: http://www.panda.org/

Septembre 2005

Titre : L’elephant D'afrique Centrale Au Centre Du Debat

Lieu : Africa, Cameroon
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Conservation, Poaching

Résumé: Les specialistes de l’elephant d’Afrique se sont reunis du 29 Aout au 02 Septembre 2005 a Limbe au Cameroun pour elaborer un cadre logique de la strategie de conservation de l’elephant en Afrique centrale (CAECS). Quatre objectifs ont ete definis, a savoir ameliorer la connaissance des populations d’elephants et de leurs habitats, susciter l’adhesion du grand public a la conservation de l’elephant, maintenir/reconstituer la connectivite entre les populations d’elephants d’Afrique Centrale, reduire le braconnage a l’elephant et le commerce illicite de ses produits.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.iucn.org/places/brac/index.htm

Source: http://www.iucn.org/

Septembre 2005

Titre : Tracing the human footprint

Lieu : Africa
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques : Conservation, Research

Résumé: Whereas the Megatransect was a single long hike across some of the wildest remaining forests of central Africa, the Megaflyover is a zigzaggy marathon of low-altitude flights tracing cloverleaf patterns over much of the continent, from Cape Town to Tangier. The Megaflyover has a similar purpose: to gather abundant, incremental, and systematized data on the state of wild landscapes and the trends of human-caused transformation. Hopping his way across southern Africa and then northward on a sinuous chain of one-day flights, Mike Fay arranged collaborations wherever possible with local conservationists, field scientists, or national agencies : in Namibia he worked with Keith Leggett, a researcher tracing movement patterns of desert-dwelling elephants. In Kenya he offered flight hours to Iain Douglas-Hamilton.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www7.nationalgeographic.com/ngm/0509/feature1/

Source: http://www7.nationalgeographic.com/

Septembre 2005

Titre : Explore Zambia's bush meat trade

Lieu : Africa, Zambia
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Conservation, CITES, Poaching

Résumé: On a visit home, an African writer travels from remote valley to village to city, contemplating the relationship between people and wildlife. In 1970 the Luangwa Valley contained one of Africa's greatest concentrations of elephants and rhinos. By the mid-1980s elephants in the entire valley had been poached down to fewer than 15,000. A thousand elephants a year were being slaughtered in the north park alone. Realizing that the only way to regain the park was to regain the people who could be its stewards, the Owenses encouraged Chief Mukungule and his people to exchange poaching and porter work for small-scale industries. Then, in 1990, the CITES put into effect a moratorium on trade in ivory. Elephant numbers slowly began to recover, to such an extent that now the animals are spilling across the park's boundaries, and the villagers of Mukungule beat gongs and plant fences of chili peppers in an effort to keep the beasts from sailing like battleships through their crops at night.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www7.nationalgeographic.com/ngm/0509/feature6/index.html

Source: http://www7.nationalgeographic.com/

Septembre 2005

Titre : West Bengal eyes eco-tourism to feed elephants

Lieu : Asia, India
Situation : Captive
Thématiques : Conservation

Résumé: India’s wildlife reserves plan to make elephants an integral part of eco-tourism to recover the whopping cost of maintaining them. On an average an elephant needs approximately 2,300 dollars annually for their upkeep. As elephants rescued from lumberyards and circuses add to the numbers, park authorities say they are left with no other option. Officials said they were even ready to sell out the animals.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.newkerala.com/newsdaily.php?action=fullnews&id=23422

Source: http://www.newkerala.com/

Septembre 2005

Titre : Four Elephant Calves, Buffaloes Die in Matetsi

Lieu : Africa, Zimbabwe
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques : Veterinary

Résumé: Four elephant calves and several buffaloes have died in the dry Matetsi area between Hwange National Park and Victoria Falls amid revelations that there could be massive deaths of wildlife due to starvation. Dr Foggin said there were strong indications that wildlife, particularly the weaners, could have starved to death because of the current drought. Dr Foggin said the area from which the elephants were dying was highly concentrated with Africa's largest land mammal competing for food and water with other game animals.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://allafrica.com/stories/200509160488.html

Source: http://allafrica.com/

Septembre 2005

Titre : Scientists try once more to inseminate Woodland Park Zoo elephant

Lieu : USA
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques : Conservation, Veterinary

Résumé: An ultrasound taken Sunday morning revealed that Woodland Park Zoo's 26-year-old Asian elephant, Chai, is ovulating, prompting two German scientists to try once again to inseminate her artificially. Fresh bull elephant semen was rushed to Seattle from the Oregon Zoo in Portland and the Tulsa Zoo in Oklahoma on Sunday, and the tricky business was performed that evening. Successful reproduction of captive elephants may be critical to the species' long-term survival.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/local/aplocal_story.asp?category=6420&slug=WA%20Elephant%20Insemination

Source: http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/

Septembre 2005

Titre : Rajasthan to probe trampling of guide by elephant

Lieu : Asia, India
Situation : Captive
Thématiques : Event

Résumé: In the wake of a tour guide being trampled to death by an elephant last week, Rajasthan has set up a committee to probe the causes of "unusual" behaviour of elephants that ferry tourists to the Amber Fort here. Thursday's incident - reportedly due to the animal's irritation at a camera flashlight and in which two Belgian tourists were also injured - sparked off safety fears at one of the three mightiest forts in and around Jaipur city.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.newkerala.com/newsdaily.php?action=fullnews&id=23849

Source: http://www.newkerala.com/

Septembre 2005

Titre : Saving the Asian tusker is an elephantine task

Lieu : Asia, India
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Conservation

Résumé: Sanctuary Magazine together with DSP Merrill Lynch hosted an evening with American wildlife biologist David Ferguson to discuss the future of the Asian elephant in the country that worships the elephant God. The two-hour seminar involved the screening of the film 'Elephant: God or Destroyer?' by Krishnendu Bose followed by an interactive session. "We all need to think about what we are doing for wild elephants and their habitats. Threats to the elephant come not only from poaching for ivory but also from the rapid loss of elephant habitats," said Hemendra Kothari, Chairman, DSP Merrill Lynch and founder of the Wildlife Conservation Trust.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.cybernoon.com/DisplayArticle.asp?section=fromthepress&subsection=inbombay&xfile=September2005_inbombay_standard7970

Source: http://www.cybernoon.com/

Septembre 2005

Titre : Seven more elephants escape from Kruger Park

Lieu : Africa, South Africa
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Conservation

Résumé: Seven more elephants have escaped from the Kruger National Park (KNP) and are roaming through the Matsulu location near Nelspruit in Mpumalanga. This follows the escape of six elephants that were put down in Limpopo Province last week, because they could not be safely herded back into the park. Louw Stein of the Mpumalanga Parks Board says the reason why elephants are escaping from the park, is the shortage of edible vegetation. He says this is due to a large bush fire that swept through the park recently. Stein says at this stage they have one of their officers in a helicopter and they are in the progress of chasing the elephants back to the KNP.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.sabcnews.com/south_africa/general/0,2172,112464,00.html

Source: http://www.sabcnews.com/

Septembre 2005

Titre : Elephant kills one, injures two Belgian tourists

Lieu : Asia, India
Situation : Captive
Thématiques : Event

Résumé: An elephant trampled a man to death and injured two Belgian tourists seriously when it went out of control at Amber fort on the outskirts of this Rajasthan capital Thursday. Vinod Bambha, 45, the manager of a travel agency, was escorting tourists Whars Mausini, 74, and Louis Dominique, 49, who had come from Delhi, around the popular tourist site when the incident occurred.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.newkerala.com/newsdaily.php?action=fullnews&id=22827

Source: http://www.newkerala.com/

Septembre 2005

Titre : Idaho Company Designs First Ever Treadmill For Plump Pachyderm

Lieu : USA
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques : Welfare

Résumé: The 16,000-pound device is now being assembled at the Alaska Zoo in Anchorage to help four-ton Maggie lose about a thousand pounds. Maggie is confined and alone. The cold Alaska winters keep her indoors part of the year. That's got some animal advocates pushing to have Maggie retired to a sanctuary or moved to a zoo in a warmer climate.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.kbcitv.com/x5154.xml?ParentPageID=x5157&ContentID=x68380&Layout=KBCI.xsl&AdGroupID=x5154

Source: http://www.kbcitv.com/

Septembre 2005

Titre : Uttar Pradesh to carve out new elephant sanctuary

Lieu : Asia, India
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques : Conservation

Résumé: Uttar Pradesh wildlife authorities are in the process of setting up a new elephant sanctuary in the state's western areas after a lion's share of wildlife went to Uttaranchal when the state was split five years ago. After Uttaranchal was carved out five years ago, the forests of Uttar Pradesh were left with barely 35-odd elephants as Rajaji National Park near Haridwar and the world famous Corbett National Park went to the hill state.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://news.webindia123.com/news/showdetails.asp?id=116605&n_date=20050915&cat=India

Source: http://news.webindia123.com/

Septembre 2005

Titre : Trunk calls

Lieu : Africa, Kenya
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Conservation, Research

Résumé: Researchers in Kenya and South Africa are using cellphone technology to gather information on elephants, cheetahs, leopards and other animals. The relatively cheap tracking device includes a no-frills cellphone that is put in a weatherproof case with a GPS receiver, memory card and software to operate the system. The unit, placed on a collar, is then tied around the neck of a wild animal. Then the phone goes to sleep again, preserving battery power. The tagged animals can also be tracked on the internet by software that maps their location using data sent by text messaging. The information collected has offered new insight into the habits of the largest land animals.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.mg.co.za/articlePage.aspx?articleid=251206&area=/breaking_news/breaking_news__africa/

Source: http://www.mg.co.za/

Septembre 2005

Titre : Maggie's Special Delivery

Lieu : USA
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques : Welfare

Résumé: Today Maggie the Elephant's long awaited treadmill was delivered to the Alaska Zoo. The first of it's kind in the world; the zoo hopes the treadmill will help Maggie continue to be healthy for years to come. Designed in Idaho and built here in Alaska, the goal is to keep Maggie moving during the cold winter months. The goal of keepers and zoo officials is to introduce her to the treadmill slowly and hopefully have her on it by thanksgiving. The treadmill is just on of many improvements to Maggie's exhibit. Her newly remodeled elephant house also features better ventilation, a softer floor, and nearly doubles its former size.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.ktva.com/Stories/0,1413,163~6882~3051490,00.html

Source: http://www.ktva.com/

Septembre 2005

Titre : What is the Future of the Asian Elephant?

Lieu : Asia, India
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Conservation, Research, Event

Résumé: Hemendra Kothari, Chairman, DSP Merril Lynch and Bittu Sahgal, Editor, Sanctuary Magazine invite you to a wildlife evening with conservation biologist, Dave Ferguson, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service on the 15th Sep 2005, Mumbai. This will be followed by the screening of 'Elephant: God or Destroyer?' a film by Krishendu Bose.

Plus d'information disponible sur:


Septembre 2005

Titre : Are elephants an endangered species in U.S. zoos?

Lieu : USA
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques : Conservation, Welfare

Résumé: In recent years, seven zoos have stopped displaying the largest and perhaps most popular land animal. The AZA requires accredited zoos to have at least two elephants and recommends three or more. The current average is four. In the future, most zoos will have between three and six elephants. Elephant exhibits have come under attack by animal rights groups that contend elephants need much more space than zoos can provide. Moreover, critics say, female elephants are highly social and should live in herds.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.suntimes.com/output/news/cst-nws-eleph14.html

Source: http://www.suntimes.com/

Septembre 2005

Titre : N Goan forest under watch after elephants’ menace

Lieu : Asia, India
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Conservation, Human-Elephant Conflict

Résumé: The deputy conservator of forests is keeping a watch over the north Goan villages and the forest area, even though three elephants disturbing the region for over past three months have already crossed the Goan border and are currently in the state of Maharashtra. Meanwhile, the sources in the Forest Department informed that major revamping of the Bondla wildlife sanctuary would be undertaken in the near future. It was also informed that the cages for the animals at the sanctuary have been replaced with the new ones, and a ward for ailing animals, a veterinary clinic and two snake enclosures set up.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.navhindtimes.com/stories.php?part=news&Story_ID=09149

Source: http://www.navhindtimes.com/

Septembre 2005

Titre : Elephants know best time for a trunk call

Lieu : Africa, Namibia
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Research

Résumé: Namibian elephants prefer to broadcast their very low-frequency calls at exactly the times of day when the air is best for carrying sound a long way, research has found. In a three-week study that incorporated a range of meteorological equipment and an array of eight microphones, Garstang and team found 42% of all elephant calls were made during the stable air period three hours after sunset. The next most popular calling time during the two hours after sunrise, also a time when the acoustics of the atmosphere are the best for carrying calls great distances. The stratified air and the inversion help to bend sound back toward the ground, therefore propagating it further along.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://abc.net.au/science/news/stories/s1460035.htm

Source: http://abc.net.au/science/news/stories/s1460035.htm

Septembre 2005

Titre : How do you get a 4-ton elephant to work out?

Lieu : USA
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques : Conservation, Welfare

Résumé: The treadmill arrived Monday and was lowered through the roof, which has been removed for a renovation project to double Maggie's living space. The treadmill sits in a well in the elephant house so that it will be flush with the floor. It also is equipped with gates on either end so she can get on and off the treadmill, which is separated from her main living quarters by steel beams. Maggie's weight became an issue when the broader question of her welfare was raised after the zoo's only other elephant died of a chronic foot infection in 1997. In an effort to simulate that experience, Maggie has had to strain and reach for her food, now hung from structures inside her paddock as part of her lifestyle enrichment program. Her diet also was changed to help her shed some pounds.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/RTGAM.20050914.welephant0914/BNStory/International/

Source: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/

Septembre 2005

Titre : Council Considers Expanding Elephant Space

Lieu : USA
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques : Welfare

Résumé: It's been nearly two months since El Paso City Council voted to look into expanding the El Paso Zoo elephant exhibit. Mayor Cook says there are three possibilities including expanding the current exhibit by removing a rock formation that separates the two yards by using space behind the current utility facility or use Washington park which would add considerable space.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.kfoxtv.com/news/4970302/detail.html

Source: http://www.kfoxtv.com/

Septembre 2005

Titre : Zimbabwean wildlife dying in drought

Lieu : Africa, Zimbabwe
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques : Conservation, Welfare

Résumé: Elephants and buffaloes are dying of starvation in a wildlife-rich area of western Zimbabwe. At least four elephant calves and several buffaloes have died recently in the Matetsi area near Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe's prime tourist resort. A wildlife expert blamed the drought for the deaths. There is a "delay in diesel supplies, which is used to pump water engines scattered across the sanctuary".

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.mg.co.za/articlepage.aspx?area=/breaking_news/breaking_news__africa/&articleid=251155

Source: http://www.mg.co.za/

Septembre 2005

Titre : Blind elephants also carry tourists in Jaipur

Lieu : Asia, India
Situation : Captive
Thématiques : Welfare

Résumé: In a startling revelation, a former tourist official Friday said that 20 of the 100-odd elephants engaged in carrying tourists to the famous Amber Fort near here are blind, leading to increasing cases of accidents. It is said that most elephant owners engage unemployed youth from Bihar and Uttar Pradesh as mahouts who have no knowledge of handling elephants.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://news.webindia123.com/news/showdetails.asp?id=117068&cat=India

Source: http://news.webindia123.com/

Septembre 2005

Titre : Zimbabwe and China in tiger deal

Lieu : Africa, Zimbawe
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Conservation, Research

Résumé: Zimbabwe is about to import four endangered Siberian tigers from China for captive breeding. China had received zebras, elephants and impala as part of an "exchange programme". The tigers are intended for captive breeding in the Hwange National Park, 500km west of the capital Harare.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/4250238.stm

Source: http://news.bbc.co.uk/

Septembre 2005

Titre : Kerala HC asks Devaswom Boards to properly maintain elephants

Lieu : Asia, India
Situation : Captive
Thématiques : Welfare

Résumé: The Kerala High Court today directed the Travancore and Kochi Devaswom Boards to take necessary steps as required under the Captive Elephants rules to protect the elephants under their control. The court said there was an urgent necessity to take immediate steps to take care of the pachyderms. The court issued the directives while disposing of a petition filed by C N Sukumaran Nair of Muvvattupuzha, an elephant lover and temple devotee.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.newkerala.com/news.php?action=fullnews&id=20811

Source: http://www.newkerala.com/

Septembre 2005

Titre : Six escaped elephants shot

Lieu : Africa, South Africa
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Human-Elephant Conflict

Résumé: Six elephants that escaped from the Kruger National Park have been shot dead. They first broke a fence two days ago but were chased back. The elephants were lured to Canningsmoore, East of Marite. The parks officials were reluctant to risk chasing them back again as they were grazing in between small communities and could have endangered the residents. The tusks will be given to the Limpopo environmental affairs and tourism authorities and the meat will go the locals.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.sabcnews.com/south_africa/general/0,2172,112082,00.html

Source: http://www.sabcnews.com/

Septembre 2005

Titre : Working in Thailand an eye-opening experience for precocious Japanese actor

Lieu : Asia, Thailand
Situation : Captive
Thématiques : Conservation, Event

Résumé: Last year Yuya Yagira, 14, waded his way through the elite league of performers to become the youngest person to ever win the best actor award at the Cannes Film Festival. Yuya's face will be seen at Bangkok theatres again with the September 15 opening of Shining Boy & Little Randy. It is based on a true story of Tetsumu Ogawa, a sensitive boy who endured a social stigma because he found it almost impossible to communicate with other humans. But one day Tetsumu discovered that, through some special wavelengths, he's able to communicate with elephants. The filming took Yuya to Mae Sa Elephant Camp in Chiang Mai, where the boy lived and worked and played with his long-tusked co-stars.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.bangkokpost.com/en/Realtime/09Sep2005_real02.php

Source: http://www.bangkokpost.com/

Septembre 2005

Titre : Scots prepare for jumbo polo clash

Lieu : Asia, Thailand
Situation : Captive
Thématiques : Welfare, Event

Résumé: Scotland could be in with a chance of winning a major trophy if they beat Germany - in the semi finals of an elephant polo tournament. The event is organised by The Anantara Resort and Spa Hua Hin, in association with the Tourism Authority of Thailand and is in its fifth year. This year's tournament is the largest in the history of the sport, with 16 teams from around the world taking part. The tournament will again be raising money for Thailand's National Elephant Institute's conservation centre in Lampang.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://news.scotsman.com/latest.cfm?id=1918032005

Source: http://news.scotsman.com/

Septembre 2005

Titre : D-Day looms for jumbos in Kruger

Lieu : Africa, South Africa
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques : Conservation

Résumé: A long-awaited report by South African National Parks (SANP) that proposes ways to manage the rapidly growing elephant population of Kruger Park will be presented to Marthinus van Schalkwyk, the environmental affairs and tourism minister, on September 20. The report will address the controversial option of culling. It will also look at other methods of managing populations, including contraception and allowing the animals to re-enter traditional range areas. The recommendations will also be closely scrutinised by officials in Botswana and Zimbabwe, who have suggested that culling might be the only way to control the growth of their elephant populations.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.iol.co.za/index.php?set_id=1&click_id=143&art_id=vn20050911111507793C208824

Source: http://www.iol.co.za/

Septembre 2005

Titre : Elephants trumpet their success

Lieu : Asia, Thailand
Situation : Captive
Thématiques : Event

Résumé: Scotland's national elephant polo team and reigning world champions have won an international competition for the second year running. The team, Chivas Regal Scotland, scored a "golden goal" in extra time to win against the Thai favourites. The King's Cup which was held from 5-11 September was the first part of the newly created Chivas Life Series.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/scotland/4235210.stm

Source: http://news.bbc.co.uk/

Septembre 2005

Titre : Action plan to preserve elephant, rhino soon Nepal

Lieu : Asia, Nepal
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Conservation

Résumé: The Department of National Parks and Wildlife Conservation (DNPWC) will come up with an action plan for the preservation of elephant and rhino within 2005. There are about 180 to 185 elephants in the country, they are working out a plan to preserve the species through habitat development. The action plan in the offing aims at promoting conservation of different wildlife species one at a time. The global threat towards the depletion of wildlife has prompted the department to work out action oriented plans to preserve species of animals that are on the verge of extinction.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.gorkhapatra.org.np/pageloader.php?file=2005/09/12/topstories/main12

Source: http://www.gorkhapatra.org.np/

Septembre 2005

Titre : Audubon Zoo weathers Katrina's fury

Lieu : USA
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques : Welfare

Résumé: The Asian elephant was playfully slinging sticks Sunday from her pen at the Audubon Zoo. Behind her, a waterfall cascaded into a pool that's pristine for the first time since the hurricane hit two weeks ago. Elsewhere at the zoo, a massive cleanup is under way. There are pathways to clear, toppled trees to dispose, fences to mend and an errant alligator to corral.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://2theadvocate.com/stories/091205/new_zoo001.shtml

Source: http://2theadvocate.com/

Septembre 2005

Titre : All in a day's shoot

Lieu : USA
Situation : Captive
Thématiques : Event

Résumé: Two pachyderms weighing about 9,000 pounds apiece were sent running through the intersection of Mill and Neal streets as part of a television commercial being shot for GM Goodwrench. The shots included a runaway concrete truck that will be morphed into the elephants to give a sense of danger and misdirection for two 30-second commercials due to begin airing Oct. 24. The truck and a car almost collide at the intersection for the scene. It was just another day at the office for elephant handler Eduardo Moreno, whose firm provides pachyderms for movies, music videos, commercials and studios.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.theunion.com/article/20050912/NEWS/109120108

Source: http://www.theunion.com/

Septembre 2005

Titre : Page « DOCUMENTAIRES » : cinq nouvelles entrées / five new entries on the « DOCUMENTARIES » page.

Résumé: La page « Documentaires » s’est enrichie de cinq nouvelles entrees a SCOTT, Jonathan and STRACHAN, Michaela, Elephant Diaries, NOONAN, Michel, The Biology and Conservation of the Asian Elephant , DAMOUR, Jim, Les elephants du Sri Lanka, SELKIRK, Philip, L'Elephant, Champion De Polo et HEINS, Jean-Uwe, Le Village Des Elephants. Ces trois derniers documentaires seront diffuses sur France O et Arte dans les jours qui viennent (voir notre page « TV & Radio » pour le programme).

Septembre 2005

Titre : Sri Lankan policeman killed by wild elephant Sri Lanka

Lieu : Asia, Sri Lanka
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Human-Elephant Conflict

Résumé: A Sri Lankan police inspector was killed when he tried to chase away a wild elephant from a village in the north west of the country. He tried to chase the elephant after villagers made a complaint, but the elephant grabbed him by its trunk and dashed him on the ground before escaping back into the jungle. At least 100 elephants are killed in Sri Lanka each year while marauding elephants raiding villages kill some 50 to 60 people.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.abc.net.au/ra/news/stories/s1455539.htm

Source: http://www.abc.net.au/

Septembre 2005

Titre : Elephants Roam Downtown Des Moines

Lieu : USA
Situation : Captive, Circus
Thématiques : Event

Résumé: Elephants walked the streets of Des Moines on Tuesday night to welcome in the Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey Circus. Of course, a street cleaner strolled behind the big guys in case there were any "accidents." The Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey Circus is in town now through the 11th.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.woi-tv.com/Global/story.asp?S=3817017&nav=1LFXeEZh

Source: http://www.woi-tv.com/

Septembre 2005

Titre : Villagers dig trench to keep elephants at bay

Lieu : Africa, Kenya
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques : Human-Elephant Conflict

Résumé: For a long time residents of Laikipia District have been in conflict with elephants. The wild animals have killed, maimed and wrecked havoc on private farms. Now, the locals have resolved that enough is enough. The community is digging a 42km-long moat around their homesteads. The locals think the conflict started in the 1990’s when the vast forest cover was subdivided and subsequently cleared for settlement.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.eastandard.net/hm_news/news.php?articleid=28611

Source: http://www.eastandard.net/

Septembre 2005

Titre : Braconniers, mineurs et squatteurs quittent le parc national de Sapo

Lieu : Africa, Liberia
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques : Conservation, Poaching

Résumé: Les defenseurs de l'environnement de la nature ont deloge des centaines de squatters du plus grand parc national du Liberia pour mettre fin au massacre de la faune protegee et a l'exploitation illegale des mines d'or. Pres de 500 personnes ont ete deplacees du parc national de Sapo vers le sud-est du Liberia dans le cadre d'un programme de cinq jours mene conjointement avec les casques bleus de l'ONU et le gouvernement. Le parc national de Sapo, qui se situe dans le comte de Sinoe, a ete cree en 1983 et abrite de nombreux leopards, des elephants, des hippopotames nains et des chimpanzes. Avec pres de 700 km2, c'est l'un des plus grands espaces de foret protegee de la sous-region.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://fr.allafrica.com/stories/200509060359.html

Source: http://fr.allafrica.com/

Septembre 2005

Titre : Elephants Procession Among Highlights Of Merdeka Month Closing Event

Lieu : Asia, Malaysia
Situation : Captive
Thématiques : Event

Résumé: A procession of 10 elephants bearing Malay "warriors" to depict the power of the ancient Malay empires will be among the highlights of the Merdeka Month closing ceremony to be held in Darulaman Park, Jitra, on Sept 16. Among the VIPs expected at the event will be the Sultan of Terengganu who is the Deputy Yang di-Pertuan Agong, the Sultan of Kedah and Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.bernama.com.my/bernama/state_news/news.php?id=153574&cat=nt

Source: http://www.bernama.com.my/

Septembre 2005

Titre : Elephants destroy crops in Dungun farm

Lieu : Asia, Malaysia
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Human-Elephant Conflict

Résumé: A herd of 30 elephants destroyed crops on a 2.6ha farm about 3am in Kuala Jengai, Dungun today. In late August, elephants destroyed crops on two occasions in the same village and now villagers are scared to work in their orchards. Loss was estimated at RM20,000.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.nst.com.my/Current_News/NST/Saturday/NewsBreak/20050903164349/Article/indexb_html

Source: http://www.nst.com.my/

Septembre 2005

Titre : Cambodia tiger hunter gets jail

Lieu : Asia, Cambodia
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Poaching

Résumé: A Cambodian court has sentenced a notorious tiger hunter to seven years in prison. Conservationists estimate that Yor Ngun has killed at least 19 tigers, as well as 40 leopards, 30 elephants, 43 bears and more than 500 wild oxen. The 57-year-old is thought to have been trapping and snaring animals in Cambodia's jungles since the 1970s. He was arrested by forestry officials in 2004 but was released after signing a promise not to re-offend. He was re-arrested in March 2005 after being caught transporting bear jaws and claws.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/4211506.stm

Source: http://news.bbc.co.uk/

Septembre 2005

Titre : Wild elephants strike again

Lieu : Asia, Malaysia
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques : Human-Elephant Conflict

Résumé: A herd of 30 elephants destroyed crops on a 2.6ha farm at about 3am in Kuala Jengai, Dungun today. State Wildlife and National Parks director Razidan Md Yasin said a team of rangers was dispatched to Kuala Jengai to capture the elephants today. He said rangers followed a trail of elephant tracks, smashed fences and uprooted trees in Kuala Jengai this morning but they were unable to locate the elephants.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.nst.com.my/Current_News/NST/Sunday/National/20050904080951/Article/indexb_html

Source: http://www.nst.com.my/

Septembre 2005

Titre : Kenyan rangers nab suspected poachers

Lieu : Africa, Kenya
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Poaching

Résumé: Rangers have arrested three Kenyan men and seized 22 elephant tusks weighing 130kg that they tried to sell. Two Rangers posed as buyers and arrested the men on Tuesday last week. Two other suspects got away when the rangers moved to arrest them. The three men were charged in court on Thursday.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.iol.co.za/index.php?set_id=1&click_id=87&art_id=qw1125927001824B251

Source: http://www.iol.co.za/

Septembre 2005

Titre : Sumatra elephants in danger

Lieu : Asia, Indonesia
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques : Conservation, Human-Elephant Conflict, Research

Résumé: Expert has called on Indonesian government to step in to save Sumatra elephants whose population is dwindling in recent years. The declining population was attributed to the rapid deforestation of Sumatra's jungles, forest fires and the conversion of forests to plantations. Elephants have ventured into nearby villages in search of food, leading to the fatalities of both humans and elephants. In order to protect the rare species, the government has established training centers for elephants in where they are trained to help humans lift cargo or logs.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://english.people.com.cn/200509/05/eng20050905_206618.html

Source: http://english.people.com.cn/

Septembre 2005

Titre : Kenyan Rangers Resume Move of Elephants

Lieu : Africa, Kenya
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques : Conservation

Résumé: Kenya has resumed its largest ever relocation of elephants, moving 50 of 400 pachyderms expected to make the trip on flatbed trailers from an overcrowded national park to a more secure reserve. In the past 10 days, the Kenya Wildlife Service has moved 50 out of 400 elephants from Shimba Hills 218 miles to the northern part of Tsavo East National Park. The wildlife service staff are monitoring the elephants after the move and so far all are well in their new home.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.guardian.co.uk/worldlatest/story/0,1280,-5256285,00.html

Source: http://www.guardian.co.uk/

Septembre 2005

Titre : Rangers arrest three with 22 elephant tusks in Kenya

Lieu : Africa, Kenya
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Poaching

Résumé: Rangers from the Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) have arrested three suspects and seized 22 elephant tusks they were trying to sell in the southeastern part of the country. KWS officials said investigations are under way to find the origin of the tusks, but said it appeared they could have come from poaching. Kabukuru explained that the three men would be charged in court this week with possession of illegal trophies.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.mg.co.za/articlePage.aspx?articleid=250144&area=/breaking_news/breaking_news__africa/

Source: http://www.mg.co.za/

Septembre 2005

Titre : Elephant Polo Tournament Begins In Thailand

Lieu : Asia, Thailand
Situation : Captive
Thématiques : Conservation, Welfare, Event

Résumé: Sixteen international teams are going trunk-to-trunk for the competition's coveted golden trophy. The seven-day event promises some fierce on-field battles with 30 jumbo elephants and 48 players competing for a prime position in the finals. The event attracts hundreds of spectators and raises thousands of dollars for charity. So far, the competition has raised $100,000 for the National Elephant Institute, which provides medical care for the animals and training for elephant handlers.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.nbc4.tv/irresistible/4939454/detail.html

Source: http://www.nbc4.tv/

Septembre 2005

Titre : Chillies cool conflict between man and elephants

Lieu : Africa, Zambia
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Conservation, Human-Elephant Conflict

Résumé: It has spiced up many a meal but now the fiery chilli pepper is being used to cool an ancient feud between farmers and wild elephants in Africa. In the Zambezi valley in southern Zambia, small-scale farmers are growing chilli peppers as a deterrent against elephants that raid their crops -- and marketing the end result as an eco-friendly product. The Elephant Pepper Development Trust says farmers have resettled the Zambezi valley in large numbers in the last 20 years because of pressure on land elsewhere and they have found themselves competing with thousands of elephants.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://today.reuters.com/news/NewsArticle.aspx?type=scienceNews&storyID=uri:2005-09-06T121616Z_01_SCH619616_RTRIDST_0_SCIENCE-ENVIRONMENT-CHILLIES-DC.XML&pageNumber=1&summit=

Source: http://today.reuters.com/

Septembre 2005

Titre : Art happens - once elephants provide raw `material'

Lieu : USA
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques : Event

Résumé: Their dung is perfect material, Easton says, for his little sculptures. Looks like mud and hay. "Sculptures" may not be the right word, though. Easton doesn't really sculpt them. He basically looks for the best specimens and goes from there. His poopheads are most often transformed into heads of people or animals, or beings that aren't either, like the devil. He paints them and adds appendages like ears and noses and undulating tongues. Most come from the female elephants at the Kansas City Zoo, where Easton used to be an elephant keeper and is now a maintenance supervisor.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.fortwayne.com/mld/newssentinel/12571176.htm

Source: http://www.fortwayne.com/

Septembre 2005

Titre : Page « LIVRES » : cinq nouvelles entrées / five new entries on our BOOKS’page

Résumé: La page «Livres » s’est enrichie de cinq nouvelles entrees a : BAKER, Sir Samuel W., Eight Years Wanderings In Ceylon, BLOND, Georges, The Elephants, DANIEL, J.C., Week With Elephants : Proceedings of Intl. Seminar on the Conservation of Asian Elephant, PELT, Jean-Marie, Nouveau tour du monde d'un ecologiste et TENNENT, J.E., Sketches of Natural History of Ceylon.

Septembre 2005

Titre : Zoo waits expectantly for pitter patter of pachyderm feet

Lieu : USA
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques : Conservation, Veterinary

Résumé: Grass is part of the regular diet for Sri, who is one of two Asian elephants at the zoo due to give birth within the next year. Martha Fischer, curator of mammals/ungulates at the zoo, said Sri was brought to the zoo in 2002 to breed with Raja, the zoo's lone bull elephant, on the recommendation of the Elephant Species Survival Plan of the AZAA. Trainers have also been having Sri do leg-lifts to keep in shape. The facilities staff has begun baby-proofing the elephant area.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.stltoday.com/stltoday/neighborhoods/stories.nsf/news/story/E076397171FDAD2A8625706C00787F62?OpenDocument

Source: http://www.stltoday.com/

Septembre 2005

Titre : Siegfried & Roy elephant dies of natural causes

Lieu : USA
Situation : Captive
Thématiques : Veterinary

Résumé: The four-ton Thai elephant used in the Siegfried and Roy show has died of natural causes. 57-year-old Gildah died Wednesday night at The Mirage hotel-casino's sprawling animal habitat, nearly four months after celebrating her birthday with fans. The illusionist say Gildah was at the center of their animal family for more than 25 years, and performed with them in Las Vegas and around the world.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.krnv.com/Global/story.asp?S=3795933&nav=8faOe2Pz

Source: http://www.krnv.com/

Septembre 2005

Titre : Poachers, miners, squatters leave Sapo National Park

Lieu : Africa, Liberia
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques : Conservation, Human-Elephant Conflict, Poaching

Résumé: Conservationists have moved hundreds of squatters out of Liberia's largest national park, putting an end to their slaughter of wildlife and illegal gold mining. About 500 people had been transported out of Sapo National Park in south-eastern Liberia during a five-day programme carried out in conjunction with UN peacekeepers and the government. Sapo National Park, which lies in Sinoe County, was established in 1983 and is home to leopards, forest elephants, pygmy hippos and chimpanzees.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.alertnet.org/thenews/newsdesk/IRIN/b61c6bbbe6449fef049d21e1a16c10db.htm

Source: http://www.alertnet.org/

Septembre 2005

Titre : Zoos coping with damage, helicopter roar

Lieu : USA
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques : Welfare

Résumé: Almost a week after Hurricane Katrina hit, the animal kingdom at the New Orleans zoo and the aquarium is struggling. The elephants, orangutans and rhinoceroses have fared relatively well. But now they face a new threat. The constant buzzing of low-flying relief and rescue helicopters are frightening the animals. Asian elephants Jean and Panya bolted across their small savanna into a brick shelter as one passing copter whooshed overhead Saturday.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/nationworld/chi-0509040402sep04,1,7164070.story?coll=chi-newsnationworld-hed&ctrack=1&cset=true

Source: http://www.chicagotribune.com/

Septembre 2005

Titre : Indian experts to help Australia on elephant import

Lieu : Asia, India & Australia
Situation : Captive
Thématiques : Event

Résumé: Elephant expert Jacob Cheeran is packing his bags for Sydney where he will give his expert opinion on the controversial import of eight elephants from Thailand to six zoos in Australia. The three NGOs against the project pointed out that the import was not going to support the long-term survival of the species, either in Australia or in Thailand. The importing country cannot make a viable population of elephants by breeding them properly. The experts said the performance of Australian zoos was dismal in captive breeding of animals.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.newkerala.com/news.php?action=fullnews&id=18223

Source: http://www.newkerala.com/

Septembre 2005

Titre : Elephant hunter surrenders

Lieu : Asia, India
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Poaching

Résumé: A man wanted in connection with inter-state poaching cases surrendered before the Divisional Forest Officer at Chalakkudi in Thrissur district today. The poacher, identified as Kunjan Varkey, was wanted in connection with elephant hunting cases and sandalwood smuggling. Varkey, hailing from Randukai near Chalakkudi, had been involved in several poaching cases, including hunting of elephants in Tamil Nadu and Kerala forests.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.chennaionline.com/colnews/newsitem.asp?NEWSID=%7B94867971-6B1D-492A-AC70-D2677D8ACE2C%7D&CATEGORYNAME=CRME

Source: http://www.chennaionline.com/

Septembre 2005

Titre : 400 elephants moved from overcrowded reserve

Lieu : Africa, Kenya
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques : Conservation, Human-Elephant Conflict

Résumé: Kenya began moving 400 elephants from an overcrowded reserve on its Indian Ocean coast on Thursday in an unprecedented transportation intended to protect the environment and reduce conflict with local people. Kenya has 28,000 elephants, many of which are coming into increasing conflict with peasant farmers who have settled on land the animals treat as their territory. KWS plans to transport one elephant family -- up to seven animals -- on specially strengthened trucks every day. Poachers annihilated the elephant population in Tsavo East in the 1970s and 1980s, so KWS hopes the re-introduction of 400 animals will boost tourism there.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.leadingthecharge.com/stories/news-0065407.html

Source: http://www.leadingthecharge.com/

Septembre 2005

Titre : PETA wants elephant probe

Lieu : USA
Situation : Captive, Circus
Thématiques : Human-Elephant

Résumé: People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals asked the federal government on Tuesday to investigate Cole Bros. Circus after one of its elephants reportedly grabbed the arm of a woman at a Pennsylvania fair. One of those elephants wrapped its trunk around an 18-year-old woman at a fair in Mount Pleasant Township, Pa., on Thursday. The woman sprained her wrist and told the newspaper that the elephant's trainer didn't seem too concerned about the incident and continued selling elephant food shortly after it happened.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/local/volusia/orl-velephant3105aug31,0,247506.story?coll=orl-news-headlines-volusia

Source: http://www.orlandosentinel.com/

Septembre 2005

Titre : Sharp tips of Dasara jumbo’s tusks broken

Lieu : Asia, India
Situation : Captive
Thématiques : Event

Résumé: Dasara elephant Balarama, which carries the golden howdah on its back during Vijayadashami procession in Mysore, has broken the sharp tips of its tusks in a freak tussle with another elephant in the forests of Nagarahole. This freak incident has come to light on Monday. However, the majestic elephant, which will be the centre of the cynosure at Dasara, is gearing up to take part in the Dasara procession. Balarama, which is presently in a elephant camp in Veerannahosahalli forests in Nagarahole Park, broke the tip portions of the tusks in the fight with another elephant.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.deccanherald.com/deccanherald/aug312005/district1726202005830.asp

Source: http://www.deccanherald.com/

Septembre 2005

Titre : Zimbabwe bans hunting to protect elephants

Lieu : Africa, Zimbabwe
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Poaching

Résumé: Zimbabwe, home to thousands of elephants, has banned safari hunting in the western districts of Dete and Hwange to protect a "presidential" elephant herd. Safari tourism in the area has been in steep decline since 2000 when Mugabe loyalists invaded farms and other land in support of the government's controversial seizure of white-owned farmland. Conservationists have complained that rampant poaching has accompanied the invasions amid a breakdown of law and order in the countryside.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.alertnet.org/thenews/newsdesk/L31681162.htm

Source: http://www.alertnet.org/

Septembre 2005

Titre : Tame elephants curb wild cousins

Lieu : Asia, India
Situation : Wild, Captive
Thématiques : Conservation, Human-Elephant Conflict

Résumé: In India's north-eastern state of Assam, groups of tame elephants, called kunkis, are being used to control the excesses of their wild cousins. Marauding wild herds cause mayhem and a number of deaths every year. Now more than 200 "raids", putting tame elephants in the path of wild herds to get them to back off, have been conducted by expert handlers. The unique tactic has been perfected as part of a human-elephant conflict-mitigation strategy. Forest officials track the movement of the herds of wild elephants and the kunkis then proceed to the area that is threatened. The scheme comes under the North Bank Landscape Project of the WWF.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/south_asia/4201642.stm

Source: http://news.bbc.co.uk/

Septembre 2005

Titre : Page « COLLOQUES » : deux nouvelles entrées / two new entries on our « SYMPOSIUMS »’page

Résumé: La page «Colloques » s’est enrichie de deux nouvelles entrees : du 6 - 9 octobre 2005, FESTIVAL INTERNATIONAL DU FILM ECOLOGIQUE et du 7 - 11 septembre, PREMIER FESTIVAL D'ART "FAUNE-FLORE".

Septembre 2005

Titre : Page « LIVRES » : six nouvelles entrées / six new entries on our BOOKS’page

Résumé: La page «Livres » s’est enrichie de six nouvelles entrees a : CONOVER, Michael, Resolving Human Wildlife Conflicts: The Science of Wildlife Damage Management, GURUNG, K.K., Singh, Raj, Field Guide to the Mammals of the Indian Subcontinent: Where to Watch Mammals in India, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Pakistan, JAYEWARDENE, Jayantha, The Elephant in Sri Lanka, SANDERSON, George P., Thirteen Years Among the Wild Beasts of India : Their Haunts and Habits from Personal Observation; With an Account of the Modes, TABER, Richard D., Wildlife, Conservation, and Human Welfare et WOODROFFE, Rosie, People and Wildlife, Conflict or Co-existence?.

Septembre 2005

Titre : Elephants May Leave Philadelphia Zoo

Lieu : USA
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques : Welfare

Résumé: The Philadelphia Zoo may have to send some of its resident elephants packing if it can't secure millions of dollars from the state for a new elephant exhibit. The zoo's herd currently occupies a quarter-acre yard with an 1,800-square-foot barn, built in the 1940s. While the enclosure meets the current standards of the AZAA, some said it doesn't give the elephants the ability to forage or roam. The zoo said if it can't build the savanna, it will send its breeding-age elephants elsewhere. The older elephants would remain at the zoo.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.nbc10.com/news/4908430/detail.html

Source: http://www.nbc10.com/

Septembre 2005

Titre : Man Tries To Save Elephants With Poopy Paper

Lieu : USA
Situation : Captive
Thématiques : Conservation, Human-Elephant Conflict

Résumé: Wald works with a group in Sri Lanka, where farmers often think of elephants as pests and kill them. Instead, Wald is trying to show the farmers how valuable the animals can be by turning dung into dollars. Each pachyderm pumps out about 500 pounds of poop every day. It gets boiled, turned into pulp and crafted into paper.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://wcco.com/topstories/local_story_239101529.html

Source: http://wcco.com/

Septembre 2005

Titre : Elephant relocated from crowded reserve

Lieu : Africa, Kenya
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques : Conservation

Résumé: Shimba Hills National Reserve, Kenya. A first family of five elephants was relocated yesterday from this overcrowded reserve in Kenya's coastal region. The five are among 400 elephants earmarked for relocation from the reserve, where they are being captured and winched into a crate for the 140-kilometre drive to a new home in Tsavo East National Park.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/ArticleNews/TPStory/LAC/20050827/WORLDN27/TPInternational/TopStories

Source: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/

Septembre 2005

Titre : Fair turns foul for woman after elephant encounter

Lieu : USA
Situation : Captive, Circus
Thématiques : Event

Résumé: A North Huntingdon Township woman says her first trip to the Westmoreland Fair ended in pain after a four-ton circus elephant grabbed her wrist with its trunk. Bonnie Hill, who works with the elephants, claimed that she did not see the elephant grab anyone. Elephant trainer Adam Hill said the elephants have never displayed aggressive tendencies and the circus has never had any similar incidents. However, fair officials have no plans to halt the final circus performances today or remove the animals from the fairgrounds.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://pittsburghlive.com/x/tribune-review/trib/westmoreland/s_367999.html

Source: http://pittsburghlive.com/

Septembre 2005

Titre : Thai Elephant Hurt in Mine Blast Gets Prosthesis

Lieu : Asia, Thailand
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Veterinary

Résumé: A Thai elephant that attracted worldwide attention when her foot was amputated after she stepped on a land mine has been fitted with a temporary prosthesis. The 44-year-old female elephant, Motola , is expected to wear the lightweight, canvas shoe-like device for five to eight months until her leg is strong enough to carry a heavier, permanent one. Motola was injured in 1999 while working at a logging camp near the border with neighboring Myanmar, a region peppered with landmines after a half-century of insurgency. Her mangled, left front foot was subsequently amputated, and she has hobbled on three feet since.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,167267,00.html

Source: http://www.foxnews.com/

Septembre 2005

Titre : The fine art of giving an elephant a bath

Lieu : USA
Situation : Captive, Circus
Thématiques : Welfare

Résumé: It’s 7:30 a.m. in the elephant compound on the Ringling show. Early every morning, the nine docile bulls have their morning bath. Then comes skin care, loofahs to exfoliate, and then a good rubdown of Murphy’s oil soap. Four of the elephants on the show were born at the Ringling Center for Elephant Conservation in Florida. Those four are young bulls, anxious to play. Sara likes to climb on tires and toss things around.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.qctimes.net/articles/2005/08/28/opinion/columnists/bill_wundram/doc4311327a207ab849549544.txt

Source: http://www.qctimes.net/

Septembre 2005

Titre : Kenya elephant evacuation crumbles under jumbo load

Lieu : Africa, Kenya
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques : Conservation, Human-Elephant Conflict, Veterinary

Résumé: The 22-year-old bull elephant was tranquilized, bound with rope and loaded onto a truck for what should have been the start of an ambitious relocation operation. Then Kenya Wildlife Service rangers discovered their truck wasn't up to the job. The $3.2 million exercise, the biggest elephant relocation Kenya has ever attempted, was suspended indefinitely Thursday after the truck's trailer broke under the bull's weight. The bull was to have been the first of 400 elephants to be taken on an eight-hour drive from crowded Shimba Hills National Reserve more than 350 kilometers to the northern part of Tsavo East National Park. The schedule for the government-financed operation is now uncertain.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://edition.cnn.com/2005/WORLD/africa/08/25/kenya.elephants.ap/

Source: http://edition.cnn.com/

Septembre 2005

Titre : Elephants May Keep Circus From Coming To Town

Lieu : USA
Situation : Captive, Zoo, Circus
Thématiques : Welfare

Résumé: On Thursday, city officials heard testimony from an elephant expert on their proposed elephant ordinance : it would change the way circuses come to town. The Ringling Brothers Barnum and Bailey Circus and its scores of elephants may become a thing of the past in Chicago. Ald. Mary Ann Smith is proposing that the city require circuses to provide 3,600 square feet for a single elephant and 1,800 square feet for each additional elephant. City zoos would have to provide five indoor and five outdoor acres for each elephant.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://cbs2chicago.com/topstories/local_story_237120157.html

Source: http://cbs2chicago.com/

Septembre 2005

Titre : Commonwealth Games: India denies plans for tiger and elephant parade

Lieu : Asia, Australia
Situation : Captive
Thématiques : Welfare, Event

Résumé: India’s sports officials Wednesday vehemently denied reports they wanted to parade tigers and elephants at the closing ceremony of next year’s Commonwealth Games in Australia. Melbourne 2006 Games chairman Ron Walker had been quoted in media reports as saying that India, hosts of the subsequent Commonwealth Games in 2010, planned to have the exotic animals taking part in a flag-handover ceremony.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.dailytimes.com.pk/default.asp?page=story_25-8-2005_pg2_13

Source: http://www.dailytimes.com.pk/

Septembre 2005

Titre : Columbus Zoo : Tests confirm viral infection kills young male elephant

Lieu : USA
Situation : Captive
Thématiques : Veterinary

Résumé: Final results from an autopsy show 7-year-old Asian elephant Ganesh died of a viral infection from a strain of herpes that is specific to elephants. The autopsy was performed last week by the zoo's animal health department and by pathologists from The Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine. Zoo officials are not sure how Ganesh contracted the infection, and there is no definite way to know when he was exposed to it. For precautionary measures, the zoo's one-and-a-half-year-old elephant, Bodhi, has been placed on anti-viral medicine.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.thisweeknews.com/thisweek.php?edition=common&story=thisweeknews/082505/Powell/News/082505-News-642530.html

Source: http://www.thisweeknews.com/

Septembre 2005

Titre : Mysterious pink elephant has Copperwood connection

Lieu : USA
Situation : Fake
Thématiques : Event

Résumé: Salvaged first at the intersection of North Millbend Drive and Grogan's Mill Road and recently spotted at the South County Chamber of Commerce's Mad-Hatter's Ball, this pink elephant statuette is turning up everywhere in South County. Employees from the covenant administration, parks and fire departments of the Community Associations of The Woodlands 'rescued' the nameless elephant from this dangerous intersection and have given the pachyderm a new home. From the main office of the Community Associations of The Woodlands, the elephant is helping raise money for the Copperwood Apartment fire victims through the "Name the Pink Elephant" contest.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.zwire.com/site/news.cfm?BRD=1574&dept_id=532539&newsid=15093125&PAG=461&rfi=9

Source: http://www.zwire.com/

Septembre 2005

Titre : Kenya Begins Massive Elephant Relocation Program

Lieu : Africa, Kenya
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques : Conservation, Human-Elephant Conflict, Veterinary, Welfare

Résumé: Once in danger of being wiped out by poachers, elephants have overrun a Kenyan coastal preserve. They've raided nearby farms and even attacked villagers, forcing wildlife authorities there to move about 400 of them to a bigger game park farther inland in Africa's largest-ever elephant relocation. Ranchers and farmers near the Tsavo East National Park are concerned that Kenya's wildlife service is just transplanting the elephant problem. They want assurances that their ranches and farms are protected from elephant intrusions. In addition to the water holes, Kenya's wildlife service erected a 41-kilometer electric fence to discourage the elephants from wandering near community farms.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.voanews.com/english/Africa/2005-08-26-voa33.cfm

Source: http://www.voanews.com/

Septembre 2005

Titre : Zoo elephants have no educational value, expert says

Lieu : USA
Situation : Captive
Thématiques : Welfare

Résumé: Looking at elephants in zoos has little if any value because the animals don't behave as they do in the wild, said Poole. That's because they're often "neurotic'' and overweight, she said. Poole spoke before a City Council committee considering an ordinance that would restrict the use of elephants in circuses and would essentially prohibit the animals in Chicago zoos. Elephants need more space than most zoos can provide and are social animals whose lives are disrupted by premature separation from their mothers, Poole said.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.suntimes.com/output/news/cst-nws-ele26.html

Source: http://www.suntimes.com/

Septembre 2005

Titre : Les Etats-Unis, ultime refuge pour les lions et les elephants

Lieu : USA
Situation : Wild, Captive
Thématiques : Welfare, Event

Résumé: Un scientifique americain propose une revolution dans la conservation des especes menacees. Il propose de creer aux Etats-Unis de vastes reserves pour y accueillir les grands mammiferes africains et asiatiques menaces de disparition. Josh Donlan et ses quinze cosignataires se montrent volontiers provocateurs. Ils se disent avant tout optimistes. Leur projet de «re-ensauvagement de l'Amerique du Nord» part du constat que, depuis longtemps, la Terre n'est plus vierge. «Il faut passer de la gestion de l'extinction a la restauration active des processus naturels», indiquent-ils.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.lefigaro.fr/sciences/20050818.FIG0293.html?072508

Source: http://www.lefigaro.fr/

Septembre 2005

Titre : Zoo ready to bid sad farewell to elephants

Lieu : Ireland
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques : Research

Résumé: Elephants Judy and Kirsty, who have been at the Dublin’s zoo for a decade, will be moving to Neunkirchen Zoo in western Germany in mid September. The decision to move the elephants was a difficult one, but the zoo was committed to an elephant breeding programme. After the pair leave, the elephant exhibit at Dublin Zoo is set to be expanded and refurbished to recreate the natural Asian rainforest environment of the elephants. As well as the arrival of the females from the Netherlands, one or more of whom may be pregnant when they come to Ireland, the zoo will also be looking to obtain a bull elephant in the next few years to get the breeding programme up and running.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://breakingnews.iol.ie/news/story.asp?j=153521818&p=y535zz5z4

Source: http://breakingnews.iol.ie/

Aout 2005

Titre : Page « DOCUMENTAIRES » : deux nouvelles entrées

Résumé: La page « Documentaires » s’est enrichie de deux nouvelles entrees a COLES, Phil et a KENNEDY, Joe : des documentaires sur le Zambeze et l’Indonesie. Ces documentaires seront diffuses sur France5 dans les semaines qui viennent (voir notre page « TV & Radio » pour le programme).

Aout 2005

Titre : Lions, Elephants to Roam the U.S. Plains?

Lieu : USA
Situation : Wildlife area
Thématiques : Conservation, Event

Résumé: A team of U.S. biologists and conservationists is proposing a plan which goal is to restore giant wild mammals to North America, like those that roamed the continent during the Ice Age—mammoths, saber-toothed cats, and the extinct American cheetah, among others. Since those animals have long been extinct, the scientists propose repopulating the U.S. with the creatures' closest living relatives—such as lions, cheetahs, elephants, and camels. The goal is to create a massive "ecological history park," where the large mammals could wander freely, much like their Ice Age counterparts did some 13,000 years ago. All of the animals proposed as proxies are available as captive animals in North America.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2005/08/0817_050817_animal_park.html

Source: http://news.nationalgeographic.com/

Aout 2005

Titre : L.A. mayor wants elephant study

Lieu : USA
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques : Conservation, Welfare

Résumé: The mayor of Los Angeles wants an independent review of the elephant quarters at the Los Angeles Zoo, to help determine the future of the animals. Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, who promised to improve conditions at the Los Angeles Zoo during his campaign, has noted that some zoos across the nation have closed their exhibits in a growing movement to send elephants to accredited sanctuaries. One plan for the elephants is to build a two-acre pachyderm exhibit, but some wildlife activists said elephants walk some 30 miles a day in the wild and would be best suited to a 100-acre elephant sanctuary.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.sciencedaily.com/upi/?feed=TopNews&article=UPI-1-20050820-17211300-bc-us-losangeleszoo.xml

Source: http://www.sciencedaily.com/

Aout 2005

Titre : Kenya to relocate hundreds of elephants

Lieu : Africa, Kenya
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques : Conservation, Human-Elephant Conflict, Welfare

Résumé: The Kenya Wildlife Service will relocate 400 elephants to Kenya's largest national park, from a smaller national reserve in the country's south-east that has too many elephants. The $3,2-million exercise will begin on Thursday and involve transporting elephants more than 350km to the northern part of Tsavo East National Park, from Shimba Hills National Reserve. The organisation's researchers estimate that the Shimba Hills National Reserve can only hold 200 elephants, while Tsavo East National Park has 10 397 elephants, down from a peak of 25 268 in 1972. The Kenya Wildlife Service has taken steps to reduce the possibility of elephants damaging nearby farms, a constant threat facing wildlife authorities as Kenya's population grows and more people move to once-empty land to farm, at times close to national parks.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.mg.co.za/articlepage.aspx?area=/breaking_news/breaking_news__africa/&articleid=248717

Source: http://www.mg.co.za/

Aout 2005

Titre : Elephants storm Zimbabwe resort

Lieu : Africa, Zimbabwe
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Human-Elephant Conflict

Résumé: A herd of stray elephants has gone on the rampage in the northern Zimbabwean resort town of Kariba. The elephants destroyed homes and caused residents to flee from a township near a national park. A team from Zimbabwe's National Parks and Wildlife Management Authority is trying to find out why the animals seem to be moving closer to people's houses. Zimbabwe has some 100,000 elephants, while its parks have a capacity for just 45,000.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/4153118.stm

Source: http://news.bbc.co.uk/

Aout 2005

Titre : Borneo's pygmy elephants to be tracked via satellite

Lieu : Asia, Borneo
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Conservation, Research

Résumé: Newly discovered pygmy elephants in Borneo are being outfitted with transmitters to allow orbiting satellites to track them as they migrate through dense rain forest mountains. Each tag, a grey, brick-like device strapped around the elephant's neck, will transmit its whereabouts to a satellite three times a day for 18 months until the battery runs out. It will be replaced as often as necessary over the course of the five-year project. There are estimated to be fewer than 1,500 of the elephants. DNA evidence shows Borneo's elephants were isolated about 300,000 years ago from their cousins on mainland Asia and Sumatra. During that period, they grew smaller with larger ears, longer tails and straighter tusks. Their genetic distinctiveness makes them a high priority population for conservation.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/world/archives/2005/08/16/2003267940

Source: http://www.taipeitimes.com/

Aout 2005

Titre : Jaipur to have elephant village

Lieu : Asia, India
Situation : Captive
Thématiques : Conservation, Veterinary, Welfare

Résumé: Elephants in Jaipur and their keepers will have a new home, with work on a 'hathi gaon' (elephant village) to start soon. The Jaipur Development Authority (JDA) has handed over possession of 30 hectares of land on the Delhi bypass road to the Rajasthan Tourism department. After completion of the project all the elephants in the city are expected to bid adieu to their present nomadic status. Under the project, the tourism department will provide shelter to about 100 elephants. The project would include a natural park-like shelter for elephants with extensive plantation, a well-equipped veterinary hospital and proper sewerage facilities. Other tourist facilities would include restaurants, an artefact manufacturing centre and a special museum depicting Rajasthani culture and tradition.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.eians.com/stories/2005/08/17/17ssa.shtml

Source: http://www.eians.com/

Aout 2005

Titre : Cincinnati Zoo Elephant Dies

Lieu : USA
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques : Veterinary, Event

Résumé: A young male Asian elephant on loan from the Cincinnati Zoo was found dead in his stall at the Columbus Zoo on Tuesday. Ganesh was 7 years old and weighed in the neighborhood of 7,000 pounds, not even half grown. The tentative diagnosis following a necropsy was that Ganesh died of a viral infection from a strain of herpes that is specific to elephants.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.wcpo.com/news/2005/local/08/16/ganesh_rev.html

Source: http://www.wcpo.com/

Aout 2005

Titre : Wild elephants show sign of following ‘Kunki’ instructions

Lieu : Asia, India
Situation : Wild, Captive
Thématiques : Human-Elephant Conflict

Résumé: The three wild elephants have shown the first sign of following the instructions of the trained ‘Kunki’ tuskers in Kodshel village this evening. The operations which was suspended for three days was re-started this morning. The forest officials opined that if the same trend continues the ‘Kunki’ elephant would be able to bring out the wild tuskers from their hide-outs. In view of wild elephant had started dogging the ‘Kunkis’ the forest officials had thought of tranquilizing the wild tuskers and two experts from Bangalore and Mysore are scheduled to arrive in Goa tomorrow.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.navhindtimes.com/stories.php?part=news&Story_ID=081832

Source: http://www.navhindtimes.com/

Aout 2005

Titre : Police in Indonesia shoot dead three elephant poachers Indonesia

Lieu : Asia, Indonesia
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Poaching

Résumé: Indonesian police say they have shot dead three elephant poachers in a protected forest reserve in Sumatra. Police say the poachers resisted arrest after being discovered in the Mahoto reserve in Riau province. A fourth poacher was injured in the clash and arrested. A police spokesman says elephant tusks were found in the poachers' hut, but he could not say how many.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.abc.net.au/ra/news/stories/s1441915.htm

Source: http://www.abc.net.au/

Aout 2005

Titre : Mayor's zoo study could have elephants packing their trunks

Lieu : USA
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques : Welfare

Résumé: Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa has called for an independent review of elephant quarters at the Los Angeles Zoo, a move that could determine whether to send the pachyderms packing to a wildlife sanctuary. The study puts on hold nearly $11 million requested to complete construction of the $19 million Pachyderm Forest, an exhibit already more than a year behind schedule.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www2.dailynews.com/news/ci_2957715

Source: http://www2.dailynews.com/

Aout 2005

Titre : Adult male elephant captured after rampage in smallholding

Lieu : Asia, Malaysia
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Human-Elephant Conflict

Résumé: The State Wildlife Department today captured an adult male elephant believed to be part of a herd that went on a rampage in several villages here over the past few months. The elephant was caught by 20 rangers led by Nasharudin Othman in a jungle in Sungai Rual at 11.30am.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.nst.com.my/Current_News/NST/Saturday/NewsBreak/20050820182448/Article/indexb_html

Source: http://www.nst.com.my/

Aout 2005

Titre : Page « LIVRES » : quatre nouvelles entrées / four new entries on our BOOKS’page

Résumé: La page «Livres » s’est enrichie de quatre nouvelles entrees a : APPS, Peter, Creatures of Habit - Understanding African Animal Behaviour, BUTCHART, Duncan, WildWatch: field observations of African mammals, birds and other wildlife, WHITEHOUSE, Anna, A Field Guide to the Addo Elephants et WOLFSEN MCCOLAUGH, Doreen, Wild Lives Guidebook.

Aout 2005

Titre : AWF Leadership Training Update - Changing the Future of Africa

Lieu : Africa
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Conservation, Research

Résumé: Given poverty levels and overly stretched public budgets, and growing pressures on wildlife throughout Africa, the need for continued support for wildlife education and training initiatives is perhaps greater today than ever. This work is perhaps best exemplified by AWF's Charlotte Fellowship Program. Established in 1996, the program was established to provide financial assistance for master's or doctoral degree-level training and research. The Program is committed to enhancing the effectiveness and impact of African nationals in the field of conservation through the increased knowledge, skills, and credentials obtained through an advanced degree.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://awf.org/success/charlotte.php

Source: http://awf.org/

Aout 2005

Titre : Kids' eyes as wide as the elephant they rode on

Lieu : USA
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques : Event

Résumé: The Elbarassi kids, of Acton, had just ridden on an elephant's back. They were jazzed. The elephant ride is surely the slowest -- and shortest -- of all the attractions at the Indiana State Fair. It's expensive, too. Franzen works with circuses, including the Peru, Ind.-based International Circus Hall of Fame circus, which performs three shows daily at the fair. In between, Franzen sells rides on his friendliest elephant, Okha.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.indystar.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20050812/SPECIAL03/508120530/1006/NEWS01

Source: http://www.indystar.com/

Aout 2005

Titre : Wild elephants will be driven away within two days

Lieu : Asia, India
Situation : Wild, Captive
Thématiques : Human-Elephant Conflict

Résumé: Two wild female elephants and their calf, disturbing the north Goan villages, for past three months, would be driven away to Maharashtra, within next two days. Assistance was being sought from the Karnataka government to bring five trained elephants to help the wild elephants go back to their natural habitat from where they strayed into Goa. The assessment of damages caused by the wild elephants is being carried out in order to pay compensation to the affected persons. Teams of villagers along with the field staff of the department of forest have been formed in five affected villages to carry out patrolling during night hours.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.navhindtimes.com/stories.php?part=news&Story_ID=081225

Source: http://www.navhindtimes.com/

Aout 2005

Titre : The elephant that nobody wants

Lieu : Asia, India
Situation : Captive
Thématiques : Welfare

Résumé: Chanchal is a female elephant with an absentee mahout and friends in the Bombay Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (BSPCA). On August 8 at 11 pm, BSPCA volunteers found Chanchal tied to a metal cot at Saidham, Goregaon (East) and her mahout missing. She remained unattended the whole of Tuesday, with boisterous children playing cricket on the empty patch of land where she had been camped for some time. By Tuesday evening, the BSPCA registered a complaint at the Dindoshi police station and the mahout was soon arrested. The mahout, arrested under the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1995, was later released with a warning.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://cities.expressindia.com/fullstory.php?newsid=143820

Source: http://cities.expressindia.com/

Aout 2005

Titre : Efforts on to drive away wild elephants

Lieu : Asia, India
Situation : Wild, Captive
Thématiques : Human-Elephant Conflict

Résumé: The state Chief Conservator of Forests said that the efforts to lead the two wild elephants and a calf out of Goa, with the assistance of Kunki elephants from Karnataka continues without any success. The wild elephants were brought on the Nadora plateau for a couple of times, guided by the Kunki elephants, but escaped to the forest areas as soon as they landed on the open space of the plateau.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.navhindtimes.com/stories.php?part=news&Story_ID=081428

Source: http://www.navhindtimes.com/

Aout 2005

Titre : Elephant kills two in Sri Lanka

Lieu : Asia, Sri Lanka
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Human-Elephant Conflict

Résumé: Police in eastern Sri Lanka say a wild elephant has run amok killing two people and injuring three others before it was shot dead. The elephant strayed into the town of Mahindapura in the district of Ampara, destroying a number of vehicles and homes. They tried to capture the elephant, which had escaped from a nearby sanctuary, but could not control it.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/south_asia/4153124.stm

Source: http://news.bbc.co.uk/

Aout 2005

Titre : Necropsy results

Lieu : USA
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques : Veterinary

Résumé: We now know how the baby elephant Kedar died. Results from Cornell University indicate he died from a torsion or twisting of the intestinal tract. This resulted in the loss of blood supply to the intestine and a rapid build up of toxins in the blood stream. It's possible the torsion happened from the presence of an abnormal amount of water and air in the intestine, which Kedar may have swallowed after falling into the pool. Kedar died Thursday, just four days after being born.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://news10now.com/content/top_stories/default.asp?ArID=46947

Source: http://news10now.com/

Aout 2005

Titre : Tusk found in Kellogg construction identified as a Columbian Mammoth

Lieu : USA
Situation : Wild, Captive
Thématiques : Research, Evolution

Résumé: A Wichita State Anthropologist says he’s nearly certain an Elephant Tusk found in the highway 54 construction project is that of a Columbian Mammoth. Dr. David Hughes an Associate Professor in the Department of Anthropology said the tusk will help them learn more about how people survived in this area thousands of years ago. Hughes is estimating the tusk to be at least 10,000 years old. The Columbian Mammoth became extinct around that time. The Mammoths once roamed the plains numbering in the thousands.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.kbsd6.com/servlet/Satellite?pagename=KBSD/MGArticle/BSD_BasicArticle&c=MGArticle&cid=1031784321583

Source: http://www.kbsd6.com/

Aout 2005

Titre : Five trained elephants arrived from Shimoga

Lieu : Asia, India
Situation : Wild, Captive
Thématiques : Human-Elephant Conflict, Research

Résumé: The five trained elephants that arrived from Shimoga in Karnataka yesterday to drive away the wild elephants now rampaging in the Pirna-Sal area, have set up base near the Amthane water tank in Bicholim taluka. The team leader - elephant jamedar - Mr Mohammed Hanif said that his trained elephants will first try to make dosti (friendship) with the wild tuskers and then lead them towards the Karnataka border. If the friendship strategy fails, the trained elephants will surround the wild elephants in a semicircle, (two elephants on the flanks and one in the centre) and drive the wild elephants towards Karnataka. Mr Hanif is unwilling to set a time limit to the operation. There are too many variables in this kind of an operation and one has to improvise from situation to situation, he says. The entire operation should cost around Rs 2 or Rs 3 lakh.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.navhindtimes.com/stories.php?part=news&Story_ID=080931

Source: http://www.navhindtimes.com/

Aout 2005

Titre : Elephants in San Jose?

Lieu : USA
Situation : Wild, Captive
Thématiques : Research, Evolution

Résumé: In an A's cap and shorts in the hot sun, Goodwin methodically removed clod after clod of sandy clay with a hammer, slowly revealing the bones of one of the city's earliest residents, a mammoth. Goodwin says the mammoth was a Columbian mammoth, Mammuthus columbi, a relative of the elephant and a less hairy cousin of the more northerly woolly mammoth. Mammoths migrated to North America about 2 million years ago, lived in the Bay Area during the Pleistocene and went extinct around the world about 11,000 years ago.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.berkeley.edu/news/media/releases/2005/08/08_mammoth.shtml

Source: http://www.berkeley.edu/

Aout 2005

Titre : Taming Elephants

Lieu : Asia, India
Situation : Wild, Captive
Thématiques : Human-Elephant Conflict

Résumé: The state government has brought kunkis or trained elephants to drive out the wild elephants that have attacked the villages of Pirna, Colvale and Revora for past two months. As Goa has dense forests around its geographical territory, such intrusions by wild elephants or other species of wildlife could not be ruled out in the future. Meanwhile, the government has to make the people aware that the elephants which attacked the villages in Bardez area are basically not wild or violent by nature. The fact is they have strayed into the villages of Goa. Even the experts endorse the fact that the three animals from their natural habitat in Karnataka travelled deep inside Maharashtra only to return to Goa, with the biotic pressure forcing them to do so. Usually the elephants do not venture into the villages, unless forced by the hunger.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.navhindtimes.com/stories.php?part=news&Story_ID=08104

Source: http://www.navhindtimes.com/

Aout 2005

Titre : India's wild elephant population has risen

Lieu : Asia, India
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Conservation, Research

Résumé: India's wild elephant population has risen, if initial findings of an ongoing census are to be believed. The Project Elephant outlay had increased from Rs.350 million in the ninth plan to Rs.710 million during the 10th plan (2002-07). Also, on account of stringent measures taken, cases of ivory poaching had come down from 62 to 17. Project Elephant had also notified 25 reserves in various parts of the country and identified another 15 for the future.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.eians.com/stories/2005/08/10/10wild.shtml

Source: http://www.eians.com/

Aout 2005

Titre : Honolulu Zoo elephant undergoes rare procedure

Lieu : USA
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques : Conservation, Veterinary

Résumé: Vaigai, a 20-year-old Asian elephant at the Honolulu Zoo, was artificially inseminated Wednesday morning, but the procedure came a day earlier than expected. Only one problem--there was no fresh donor. So with no fresh semen available it meant implementing "Plan B."Currently, there are only 10 Asian bulls contributing to the gene pool. The bull in this case, though, has been dead for three years. But fresh is always better. Fresh semen has a 50 percent success rate on one insemination.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://khon.com/khon/display.cfm?storyID=6274§ionID=1162

Source: http://khon.com/

Aout 2005

Titre : Effort to stop poaching in Shivalik reserve

Lieu : Asia, India
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Conservation, Poaching

Résumé: Disturbed by a spate of poaching incidents in the Shivalik elephant reserve in Uttaranchal, the state government is imparting special training to the staff of its forest department. Jointly organised by Wildlife Trust of India (WTI) and the state forest department, the training will prepare over 780 personnel in the art of wildlife crime prevention. In July, two cases of elephant poaching were reported from the reserve while 27 were reported last year.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.eians.com/stories/2005/08/11/11eff.shtml

Source: http://www.eians.com/

Aout 2005

Titre : Elephant throws out first pitch

Lieu : USA
Situation : Captive
Thématiques : Event

Résumé: The ceremonial first pitch at a West Michigan Whitecaps baseball game was full of surprises. Not only was Friday's pitch thrown by an elephant, but the ball went straight to catcher Chris Robinson's mitt. Fans and players cheered the 9-foot (2.7-meter)-tall, four-ton African elephant named Laura after she flipped the ball high and wide.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.cnn.com/2005/US/08/13/elephant.pitch.ap/index.html?section=cnn_topstories

Source: http://www.cnn.com/

Aout 2005

Titre : La reserve naturelle est un veritable paradis ecotouristique.

Lieu : Africa, Cameroon
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques : Conservation

Résumé: Dans la reserve naturelle de Campo-Ma'an pour pouvoir vivre le deplacement des troupeaux entiers de buffles, elephants, gorilles, antilopes il faut franchir les limites de "l'Unite technique operationnelle" (Uto) au plus tard a 7h. En effet chaque matin, les animaux migrent du cote Est de la piste qui relie Ma'an a Campo vers l'Ouest. Ils font le chemin inverse en fin d'apres-midi, generalement autour de 17h. C'est le regne de l'animal roi dans la reserve. La chasse, le defrichement et les feux de brousse sont interdits et il faut montrer patte blanche aux "ecogardes" pour acceder dans le perimetre de la reserve.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://fr.allafrica.com/stories/200508080830.html

Source: http://fr.allafrica.com/

Aout 2005

Titre : Fighting elephants with chili

Lieu : Africa, Congo Democratic Republic
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Conservation, Human-Elephant Conflict,

Résumé: A little bit of spicy chili peppers is all African farmers need to keep hungry elephants from stealing crops. By planting a few rows of chili peppers around the perimeter of their crops, farmers have created a buffer zone that's spicy enough to keep elephants, buffalo and other hungry mammals away. Farmers also can mix the chili peppers into a spray that drives animals away. Chili peppers have been used to keep elephants away since 1997 because they were a cheap alternative to building expensive electric fences. And as a bonus, the peppers have turned into a valuable cash crop themselves.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://msnbc.msn.com/id/8839779/

Source: http://msnbc.msn.com/

Aout 2005

Titre : Protection de l'environnement : 30 mois pour outiller le Cameroun

Lieu : Africa, Cameroon
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques : Conservation, Research

Résumé: Parmi les facteurs qui participent a la degradation de l'environnement au Cameroun, il faut relever les changements d'affectation et d'utilisation des terres qui reduisent ou meme font disparaitre la faune et la flore sauvages ; l'installation anarchique des cultures commerciales et des cultures de subsistance sur brulis, et aussi l'extension des etablissements humains. Conscient de tous ces problemes et surtout des besoins croissants du pays dans le domaine de l'environnement et du developpement durable, le sous-programme " Appui a la protection et la regeneration de l'environnement et des ressources naturelles pour promouvoir le developpement durable (Apren) " a ete lance le 5 août dernier a Yaounde.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://fr.allafrica.com/stories/200508080871.html

Source: http://fr.allafrica.com/

Aout 2005

Titre : Roaming with elephants in wild Kenya

Lieu : Africa, Kenya
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques : Conservation, Research, Veterinary

Résumé: There are 56 keepers in D. Sheldrick’s employ between the nursery in Nairobi National Park and two camps in Tsavo, where the older ones begin their reintegration into the wild. The keepers are with the elephants 24 hours a day, seven days a week, always within physical touch, until the animals have made friends among the wild herds and are ready to substitute their human family with an elephant one. This process may take many years, but they are never pushed out. Thus far D. Sheldrick has saved about 67 newborn milk-dependent orphans, as well as many older ones.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.iol.co.za/index.php?set_id=14&click_id=420&art_id=vn20050805114617869C663561

Source: http://www.iol.co.za/

Aout 2005

Titre : Un workshop regional sur la biodiversite

Lieu : Africa, Angola
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Conservation, Research

Résumé: Un workshop regional pour le Sud de l'Angola (Namibe, Huila et Cunene) se realise mardi a Lubango, province de Huila (sud) dans le cadre de consultation publique pour ameliorer les recommandations de la strategie et du plan d'action nationales pour la biodiversite (NBSAP). La strategie resulte de la necessite de mieux connaitre la biodiversite en Angola, les pressions exercees sur elle et ses potentialites. Le document devra fournir les indicateurs pour la protection de la biodiversite (diversite dans chaque espece, entre les especes et les ecosystemes).

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://fr.allafrica.com/stories/200508090357.html

Source: http://fr.allafrica.com/

Aout 2005

Titre : Spread of TB among elephants in Kerala causing concern

Lieu : Asia, India
Situation : Captive
Thématiques : Veterinary

Résumé: Spread of tuberculosis among captive elephants in Kerala is causing concern as eight pachyderms are reported to have died due to the disease in the last one year. Overwork, lack of proper diet, unhygienic upkeep and absence of periodic health check-up are said to be the reasons for the spread of the disease among elephants. Elephants are also exposed to the danger of the disease if their ‘mahouts’ are infected with tuberculosis.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.financialexpress.com/fe_full_story.php?content_id=98584

Source: http://www.financialexpress.com/

Aout 2005

Titre : Forest dept set to drive back wild elephants

Lieu : Asia, India
Situation : Wild, Captive
Thématiques : Conservation, Human-Elephant Conflict

Résumé: Nearly a fortnight after the three wild elephants struck terror among the people in villages of Bardez and Bicholim taluka, the government has finally brought five trained tuskers called ‘Kunki’, along with ten ‘mahouts’ from Shimoga district of Karnataka to drive them away so that they can reach to their habitation in Maharashtra. The operation may last for seven to ten days. Domestic and wild elephants have to interact through sounds and this exercise may take little over 12 hours.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.navhindtimes.com/stories.php?part=news&Story_ID=080840

Source: http://www.navhindtimes.com/

Aout 2005

Titre : Mourning continues for Kedar

Lieu : USA
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques : Event

Résumé: There was supposed to be an Elephant Extravaganza at the Rosamond Gifford Zoo this weekend. Instead, visitors and workers continue to mourn the death of baby Kedar. Since the elephant's death on Thursday, the zoo has received hundreds of cards and letters, flower arrangements, and even bags of peanuts in his memory.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://news10now.com/content/top_stories/default.asp?ArID=46842

Source: http://news10now.com/

Aout 2005

Titre : PETA wants probe into baby elephant's death

Lieu : USA
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques : Event

Résumé: PETA said the group sent a letter to U.S. Department of Agriculture Regional Director, questioning whether the county zoo may have violated federal Animal Welfare Act regulations concerning the handling of animals and enclosure safety. Cornell University veterinarians also on Monday disclosed their necropsy results, reporting that the baby elephant died from a torsion _ or twisting _ of the intestinal tract that likely resulted from the presence of an abnormal amount of water and air in the intestine.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.newsday.com/news/local/wire/newyork/ny-bc-ny--elephantbaby0808aug08,0,255515.story?coll=ny-region-apnewyork

Source: http://www.newsday.com/

Aout 2005

Titre : Wild Elephant Menace Unabated in Goa-Karnataka Grey Zone

Lieu : Asia, India
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Conservation, Human-Elephant Conflict

Résumé: Kunki elephants specially brought for operation to drive away three wild tuskers will be in action on Tuesday. The villages bordering Goa and Karnataka are reeling under fear of elephant menace for over a fortnight. One person is killed by wild elephants while paddy fields and other plantations were destroyed. The elephants attacked during night time.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.daijiworld.com/news/news_disp.asp?n_id=13489&n_tit=Wild%20Elephant%20Menace%20Unabated%20in%20Goa-Karnataka%20Grey%20Zone

Source: http://www.daijiworld.com/

Aout 2005

Titre : Marauding elephants on rampage in Mphuka’s chiefdom

Lieu : Africa, Zambia
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Human-Elephant

Résumé: Elephants have continued ravaging people’s winter gardens and granaries in Chief Mphuka’s area in Luangwa District threatening household food security for those depending on winter gardens for survival. The elephants have increased in number and were now going into villages destroying granaries and eating the local fruit Masau, that people have collected to supplement their meals. The government is trying to find non governmental organisations that could assist in solving the human and animal conflict, present in the district.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.zana.gov.zm/news/viewnews.cgi?category=11&id=1123500067

Source: http://www.zana.gov.zm/

Aout 2005

Titre : Goa resorts to trained tuskers to drive away wild ones

Lieu : Asia, India
Situation : Wild, Captive
Thématiques : Human-Elephant Conflict

Résumé: Trained elephants from Shimoga in Karnataka have arrived in Goa to help the state’s forest department to drive away wild elephants. These elephants will be given time to acclamatise themselves to Goa before they are deployed for tracking and driving away the wild ones. Five mobile teams, each consisting of six personnel are on the job at Revora, Nadora, Pirna and Adwalpal. The entire cost of the operation will be around 30 lakh rupees (68,182 dollars), which includes the hiring costs of the elephants and their insurance cover.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.newkerala.com/news.php?action=fullnews&id=12100

Source: http://www.newkerala.com/

Aout 2005

Titre : Page « DOCUMENTAIRES » : deux nouvelles entrées

Résumé: La page « Documentaires » s’est enrichie de deux nouvelles entrees a MARSHAL, Harry et a WARREN, Adrian : des documentaires sur le Bouthan et sur Etosha (Namibie). Ces documentaires seront diffuses sur France5 dans les semaines qui viennent (voir notre page « TV & Radio » pour le programme).

Aout 2005

Titre : Fighting Elephants with Chili

Lieu : Africa, Congo Democratic Republic
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Conservation, Human-Elephant Conflict

Résumé: A little bit of spicy chili peppers is all African farmers need to keep hungry elephants from stealing crops. By planting a few rows of chili peppers around the perimeter of their crops, farmers have created a buffer zone that's spicy enough to keep elephants, buffalo, and other hungry mammals away. Farmers also can mix the chili peppers into a spray that drives animals away. Proceeds from these spicy condiments are donated trust to support the development of chili growing projects.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.livescience.com/animalworld/050805_elephant_pepper.html

Source: http://www.livescience.com/

Aout 2005

Titre : 'Bucks for Baby' aids home for elephants

Lieu : USA
Situation : Captive, zoo
Thématiques : Welfare, Event

Résumé: The community is invited to help build a new home for the elephants at the Seneca Park Zoo. County Executive Maggie Brooks announced the launch of the "Bucks for the Baby" campaign Thursday in hopes of raising $250,000 in donations to help cover the cost of the new $4.4 million elephant exhibit under construction at the zoo. The complex will include an 11,000-square-foot barn able to house five elephants, and a 23,000-square-foot yard. County lawmakers approved up to $4.4 million in borrowing for the new exhibit. The money raised by the campaign will be used to reduce the amount that the county will ultimately have to borrow.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.democratandchronicle.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20050805/NEWS01/508050356/1002/NEWS

Source: http://www.democratandchronicle.com/

Aout 2005

Titre : Hunters buy ten elephants

Lieu : Africa, Botswana
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Human-Elephant Conflict, CITES

Résumé: Ten elephants from the Mmadinare area have been sold to citizen hunters in order to scare off problem jumbos from the area as well as to afford citizens the opportunity to enjoy hunting. Eight other elephants were raffled off early this year and all the 18 are expected to have been killed when the hunting season ends on September 21. The sale is meant to address the elephant/human conflict in the area and it will remain determinant of whether such sales continue or not. The ivory acquired by the licensee shall be kept as personal effects and are neither transferable nor exportable. All ivory from the hunting is to be weighed and marked in line with CITES requirement.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.gov.bw/cgi-bin/news.cgi?d=20050805&i=Hunters_buy_ten_elephants

Source: http://www.gov.bw/

Aout 2005

Titre : Elephants destroy houses

Lieu : Asia, Bhutan
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Human-Elephant Conflict

Résumé: The dense tropical jungles of southern Bhutan are a safe haven for elephants but for the villages nearby it is a different story. Rampaging elephants looking for food, liquor and salt are causing sleepless nights and damaging crop and property of villages bordering the forests. The elephants have also destroyed crops over the years. Most recently a 70 decimal area of paddy cultivation was completely destroyed a day before the harvest. The solar fencing were provided by the agriculture ministry for trial. Dekiling geog has submitted a proposal for a solar fencing to the agriculture ministry. Meanwhile, Umling geog has been facing problems in keeping people from across the border from stealing the solar fencing wires.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.kuenselonline.com/article.php?sid=5833

Source: http://www.kuenselonline.com/

Aout 2005

Titre : Syracuse zoo's new baby elephant dies

Lieu : USA
Situation : Captive, zoo
Thématiques : Event

Résumé: The elephant born Sunday at the Rosamond Gifford Zoo at Burnet Park died Thursday following a swimming pool accident, according to zoo officials. The 345-pound baby elephant named Kedar died shortly after 6 p.m., about 12 hours after he slipped past his protective adult family members and dove head-first into the pool. Four female elephants in the yard tried to pull him out, then went in after him but forced him into a deeper section of the pool.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.newsday.com/news/local/wire/newyork/ny-bc-ny-brf--elephantbaby0804aug04,0,4034627.story?coll=ny-region-apnewyork

Source: http://www.newsday.com/

Aout 2005

Titre : Post-office panic over pachydermal poo

Lieu : France
Situation : Captive
Thématiques : Event

Résumé: An envelope leaking a strange pinkish powder sparked an alert in a Paris suburban post office this week, but tests revealed the substance to be nothing more than desiccated elephant dung. With France on high terrorism alert following the London bombings last month, postal workers in a sorting centre in the north-western suburb of Bonneuil-en-France took no chance when they noticed the strange envelope from Sri Lanka with the powder inside. Police said the envelope was addressed to a Paris-based immigrant from Sri Lanka who apparently used the pachydermal poo for traditional religious rites.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.mg.co.za/articlepage.aspx?area=/breaking_news/other_news/&articleid=247394

Source: http://www.mg.co.za/

Aout 2005

Titre : Elephant-man conflict causing concern in Assam

Lieu : Asia, India
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Human-Elephant Conflict

Résumé: Plundering of croplands and consequent death of ten people caused by marauding elephants in a spate of recent incidents has brought to fore the worrying proportion that Elephant-man conflict has assumed in the state. A group of wild elephants plundered vast areas of cropland and killed ten people in a series of incidents in Upper Assam's Golaghat district highlighting the magnitude of the problem caused by unabated environmental abuse.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.ptinews.com/pti/ptisite.nsf/$all/11A4C36C0FA8B91265257054001C46D8

Source: http://www.ptinews.com/

Aout 2005

Titre : Sorrow, anger at elephant death

Lieu : USA
Situation : Captive, zoo
Thématiques : Event

Résumé: Central New Yorkers inundated the Rosamond Gifford Zoo with both heartfelt sympathy and angry criticism Friday after the death of Kedar, the zoo's baby elephant. The 345-pound male elephant, born Sunday, died Thursday night about 10 hours after he slipped past the protective watch of his mother and family, ending up in the deep end of a pool. By Friday afternoon, more than 125 e-mails, 45 cards and dozens of phone calls had come in to the zoo, comforting and adding to the pain of staff members some of whom wept outside the elephant exhibit over the loss of what they consider a family member.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.syracuse.com/news/poststandard/index.ssf?/base/news-0/112331771291260.xml&coll=1

Source: http://www.syracuse.com/

Aout 2005

Titre : Piments rouges contre elephants destructeurs de cultures au Congo

Lieu : Africa, Rebublique Democratique du Congo
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Conservation, Human-Elephant Conflict

Résumé: Des agriculteurs du Nord-Kivu, dans l'est de la Republique democratique du Congo (RDC), vont planter des piments rouges autour de leurs champs pour en eloigner les elephants, une methode douce preconisee par le Fonds mondial pour la nature (WWF). Dans les villages entourant Kiwandja, une localite situee en bordure du parc national de la Virunga, les pachydermes menent depuis bientot cinq ans des incursions devastatrices, pietinant ou engloutissant les maigres recoltes des habitants. Les incursions de pachydermes dans les champs s'expliquent selon les habitants et WWF par la presence de bandes armees dans le parc de la Virunga, a cheval entre entre la RDC et l'Ouganda.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://fr.news.yahoo.com/050728/202/4ipov.html

Source: http://fr.news.yahoo.com/

Aout 2005

Titre : Elephant art

Lieu : USA
Situation : Captive, zoo
Thématiques : Welfare, Event

Résumé: Emily and Ruth, the elephants at Buttonwood Park Zoo in New Bedford, recently lent their artistic talents to help the zoo raise funds at a gala to be held Saturday. The elephants each painted a child's rocking chair; the chairs will be auctioned at the fundraiser.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.southcoasttoday.com/daily/08-05/08-03-05/a04lo016.htm

Source: http://www.southcoasttoday.com/

Aout 2005

Titre : Forest Dept team to return with Kunki elephants soon

Lieu : Asia, India
Situation : Wild, Captive,
Thématiques : Human-Elephant Conflict

Résumé: A team of the Forest Department which had left for Shimoga in Karnataka, to bring the Kunki elephants for driving out the wild elephants disturbing the population in South Goan villages, would return any time with the help. The patrolling by the Forest Department officials in few of the affected South Goan villages, has been intensified. The Forest Department is continuously monitoring the movement of the two wild elephants and a calf, which is important for driving them out of the state with the help of Kunki elephants.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.navhindtimes.com/stories.php?part=news&Story_ID=080444

Source: http://www.navhindtimes.com/

Aout 2005

Titre : Elephant polo set for action-packed return

Lieu : Asia, Thailand
Situation : Captive
Thématiques : Event

Résumé: The fifth King's Cup Elephant Polo Tournament will not only feature some of the world's top horse polo players but also former rugby stars from New Zealand and Australia.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://archives.mybangkokpost.com/bkkarchives/frontstore/news_detail.html?aid=171938&textcat=Sports%20News&type=a&key=elephant%20polo&year=&click_page=1&search_cat=text&from=text_search

Source: http://archives.mybangkokpost.com/

Aout 2005

Titre : Zoo kicks off fundraising campaign for new elephant exhibit

Lieu : USA
Situation : Captive, zoo
Thématiques : Event

Résumé: The Seneca Park Zoo is eagerly awaiting the arrival of their new baby elephant and now it needs help to build a new home. Genny C is due next March and plans are in the works to build a new elephant barn and yard for Genny C and her baby and the zoo’s other elephant Lilac. Bucks for the baby is a community wide campaign to help raise funds for the expansion.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.10nbc.com/news.asp?template=item&story_id=15767

Source: http://www.10nbc.com/

Aout 2005

Titre : Projet de corridor ecologique reliant le “Kgalagadi Tranfrontier Park” (KTP) et la “Central Kalahari Game Reserve” (CKGR), le Western Kgalagadi Conservation Corridor

Lieu : Africa, Botswana
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques : Conservation, Research

Résumé: Le projet a pour objectif de maintenir et de restaurer l’acces aux ressources pour la faune sauvage dans un corridor ecologique reliant le KTP et la CKGR et d’y promouvoir un developpement communautaire, base sur l’utilisation durable des ressources naturelles, en particulier le tourisme. En France, Le Ministere de l’Ecologie et du Developpement durable (MEDD) et le Fonds Français pour l’Environnement Mondial (FFEM) participent a ce projet pour un montant total de 3,086 millions d’euros pour une duree prevue de 4 ans.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.ffem.net/jahia/webdav/site/ffem/users/administrateur/public/projets%20FFEM/Fiche_Projet_Botswana_Kgalagadi.pdf

Source: http://www.ffem.net/

Aout 2005

Titre : Wild Jumbos down to three in Wet Zone

Lieu : Asia, Sri Lanka
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques : Conservation, Research

Résumé: Only three wild elephants roam the Wet Zone once the most prolific breeding grounds of Elephas Zeylanicus….

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.iucn.org/places/srilanka/NewsHL.htm

Source: http://www.iucn.org/

Aout 2005

Titre : L'UICN en Afrique de l'Ouest

Lieu : Africa, West Africa area
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques : Conservation, Research

Résumé: Le programme regional collabore au projet MIKE qui forme les equipes de conservation a travers toute la region pour un meilleur suivi des activites anti-braconnage. Un charge de mission du groupe des specialistes de l'elephant africain a facilite l'elaboration d'une strategie de conservation de l'elephant en Afrique de l'Ouest et en assure la promotion et la mise en œuvre dans tous les pays de la region.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.iucn.org/brao/programmes/presentation.htm

Source: http://www.iucn.org/

Aout 2005

Titre : Interpol has chosen the Government of Kenya as the first-ever recipient of the Interpol Ecomessage Award

Lieu : Africa, Kenya
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : CITES, Poaching

Résumé: Ecomessage, a new Interpol reporting system designed in collaboration with IFAW, allows real-time access to wildlife crime information among law enforcement agencies worldwide. Ecomessage ensures critical data is transmitted efficiently to the Interpol General Secretariat in Lyon, France. IFAW, which helped develop Ecomessage, pledged up to US$30,000 in training and law enforcement equipment to the Ecomessage award winner. The award recognizes organizations which effectively contribute to the international fight against criminals who traffic in protected wildlife.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.ifaw.org/ifaw/general/default.aspx?oid=138235

Source: http://www.ifaw.org/

Aout 2005

Titre : Pachyderm 38: January - June 2005 - Journal of the African Elephant, African Rhino and Asian Rhino Specialist Groups

Lieu : Africa, Asia
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques : Conservation, Human-Elephant Conflict, Research, CITES, Poaching

Résumé: In this issue articles on : Changes in elephant numbers in major savanna populations in eastern and southern Africa - Systematic recording of human–elephant conflict: a case study in south-eastern Tanzania - Elephant crop damage in the Red Volta Valley, north-eastern Ghana - Nature and extent of human–elephant conflict in Bia Conservation Area, Ghana - Population survey of elephants in Okwangwo Division, Cross River National Park, Nigeria - Elephants in Cote d’Ivoire—a warning for West African conservation - Analyse biometrie des pointes d’elephants saisies dans le cadre de la lutte antibraconnage par les services de la conservation dans le massif du Sud-est Cameroun - Less room for a small population of elephants in severely encroached Mikeno massif, southern Virunga National Park, Democratic Republic of Congo.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.iucn.org/themes/ssc/sgs/afesg/pachy/pachy38.html

Source: http://www.iucn.org/

Aout 2005

Titre : Projets en cours de realisation au Kenya : developpement du Parc National de Meru et d’aires protegees contigues.

Lieu : Africa, Kenya
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques : Conservation

Résumé: Pret concessionnel de 8,2 millions d’euros, accompagne d’une subvention de 1,8 millions d’euros de Fond Français de l’Environnement Mondial (FFEM), soit un total de 10 millions d’euros. Mise en œuvre : Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS). Ce projet, qui a debute fin 2002, constitue un soutien a la relance du secteur touristique (diversification des circuits), a la conservation de la faune sauvage et de la biodiversite et a la securisation socio-economique de la region concernee.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.afd.fr/jahia/webdav/site/myjahiasite/users/administrateur/public/fiches-pays/kenya.pdf

Source: http://www.afd.fr/

Aout 2005

Titre : IUCN/SSC AfESG Guidelines for the in situ Translocation of the African Elephant for Conservation Purposes

Lieu : Africa
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques : Conservation

Résumé: Translocation is becoming an increasingly common tool in elephant management. Moving elephants is a complex operation that requires a great deal of expertise, planning and resources. In collaboration with the Re-introduction Specialist Group and the Veterinary Specialist Group, the AfESG has developed a set of translocation guidelines specific to elephants. The first edition of the IUCN/SSC AfESG Guidelines for the in situ Translocation of African Elephants for Conservation Purposes is now available from this site in English, French and Portuguese. These Guidelines provide informed advice to decision-makers in African elephant Range State Governments, managers on the ground, non-governmental organizations, donors and other practitioners wishing to re-introduce or supplement African elephant populations for the primary purpose of conserving the African elephant in the long term.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.iucn.org/themes/ssc/sgs/afesg/tools/index.html

Source: http://www.iucn.org/

Aout 2005

Titre : Projets en cours de realisation au Mozambique : Parcs National des Quirimbas et Transfrontalier du Limpopo

Lieu : Africa, Mozambique
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques : Conservation

Résumé: Dans le secteur de l’environnement, l’AFD a octroye fin 2003 un financement de 3,5 millions d’euros destine a la conservation et au developpement socio-economique du Parc National des Quirimbas dans la province de Cabo Delgado. Le Fonds Français pour l’Environnement Mondial (FFEM) participe au financement de ce projet en soutenant les activites liees a la conservation de la biodiversite. Plus recemment, l’AFD a marque un interet a participer, en partenariat avec la KFW (Allemagne), au projet de Parc Transfrontalier du Limpopo.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.afd.fr/jahia/webdav/site/myjahiasite/users/administrateur/public/fiches-pays/mozambique.pdf

Source: http://www.afd.fr/

Aout 2005

Titre : African elephant programme

Lieu : Africa
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques : Conservation, Human-Elephant Conflict, CITES, Poaching

Résumé: In 2000, WWF launched a new African Elephant Programme which aims to conserve forest and savanna elephant populations across Africa by supporting projects that improve protection and management, build capacity within range states, mitigate human-elephant conflict and reduce illegal trade. The African Elephant Update of June 2005 is now available (Monitoring radio-collared forest elephants in southeast Cameroon, Conserving elephants across borders: the Futi Corridor, Quirimbas elephant project moves into its last phase, Human-elephant conflict mitigation work expands around the Masai Mara, The elephants of Campo Ma'an, Domestic ivory markets under continued investigation, Support for CITES enforcement in Ethiopia).

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.panda.org/about_wwf/where_we_work/africa/what_we_do/elephant_programme/index.cfm

Source: http://www.panda.org/

Aout 2005

Titre : Date set for Asian elephant appeal

Lieu : Asia, Thailand & Australia
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques : Conservation, Welfare

Résumé: A legal appeal to decide the fate of eight Asian elephants earmarked for Australian zoos has been set for September 26, the Administrative Appeals Tribunal ruled today. Taronga and Melbourne zoos also agreed to not move the eight Asian elephants from Thailand until an appeal has been completed. In a move strongly supported by international experts, IFAW , RSPCA Australia and HSI are appealing against this decision on the grounds that the zoos cannot meet the biological and behavioural needs of the elephants and there is no conservation benefit to stocking Australian zoos with these animals.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.ifaw.org/ifaw/general/default.aspx?oid=138576

Source: http://www.ifaw.org/

Aout 2005

Titre : African conservation papers presented at conference in Brazil

Lieu : Africa, Asia
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques : Conservation, Research

Résumé: Last week nearly 2,000 of the world's leading environmental scientists of various disciplines met in Brasilia to present papers at the 19th Annual Meeting of the Society for Conservation Biology. The conference featured more than 750 oral presentations and 965 scientific abstracts. Below is an example of the African elephant conservation-related paper submitted for the conference : Regional Surveys Map The Forest Elephant Crisis In Central Africa. Anecdotal and limited scientific evidence indicate strongly that central Africa’s forest elephants are in the midst of a dramatic decline due to illegal killing for ivory and meat, and habitat fragmentation. The last regional inventory was published over 15 years ago. Results demonstrate between others that appropriate inventory and monitoring are essential to conservation planning and adaptive management.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://news.mongabay.com/2005/0727-cbc_africa.html

Source: http://news.mongabay.com/

Aout 2005

Titre : Tuberculosis spreading among elephants

Lieu : Asia, India
Situation : Captive
Thématiques : Veterinary, Welfare

Résumé: Spread of tuberculosis among captive elephants in Kerala is causing concern as eight jumbos were reported to have died of the disease in the last one year. Overwork, lack of proper diet, unhygienic upkeep and absence of periodic health check are said to be the reasons for the spread of the disease among elephants. Variations of ESR (erythro sedimentation rate) value in the blood of the elephant would also give indications of tuberculosis infection. The ESR value in the blood of a health pachyderm would be between 20 and 30 mm per hour. This would go up to 100 and 160 mm per hour when the animal was infected with tuberculosis. Variations in the ESR could also be caused by exhaustion resulting from overwork and it would be difficult to diagnose solely on that basis in the case of an elephant.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.chennaionline.com/colnews/newsitem.asp?NEWSID=%7B53E56605-5143-46B4-9282-6EEA97748339%7D&CATEGORYNAME=NATL

Source: http://www.chennaionline.com/

Aout 2005

Titre : British Army Imparts Anti-Poaching Skills to KU Game Rangers

Lieu : Africa, Malawi
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Poaching

Résumé: The British Army is helping in giving anti-poaching skills to Game Rangers at the Kasungu National Park. Of all the game, elephants have suffered the most due to poachers who regularly invade the park. For four weeks the British military spent time imparting anti-poaching skills and expertise to the Malawi Defence Forces (MDF) and the Kasungu National Park Game Rangers. The training would increase the capability of the game wardens, which will in turn save the game for tourism purposes and boost the country's economy. The aim of the training, among others, was to ensure a number of appropriately and motivated cadres, in order to meet the operational requirements of Malawi.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://allafrica.com/stories/200508010240.html

Source: http://allafrica.com/

Aout 2005

Titre : Syracuse zoo has a new baby elephant

Lieu : USA
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques : Conservation, Event

Résumé: After a 20-minute labor, an Asian elephant gave birth to a jumbo baby who was up and walking 10 minutes after he hit the ground Sunday at the Rosamond Gifford Zoo at Burnet Park. Kedar, whose name means "powerful" in Hindi, weighed in at 345 pounds and stood 38 inches tall. The baby is the ninth sired by Indy, considered one of the most important studs in the international Species Survival Plan for the endangered Asian elephant.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.newsday.com/news/local/wire/newyork/ny-bc-ny--elephantbaby0731jul31,0,2221600.story?coll=ny-region-apnewyork

Source: http://www.newsday.com/

Aout 2005

Titre : Crackers and guns: Elephant herding Sri Lanka style

Lieu : Asia, Sri Lanka
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Human-Elephant Conflict

Résumé: Wild elephants have trampled nine villagers to death here this year alone and angry farmers threatened to annihilate the entire herd. So alarmed authorities have decided to drive 120 elephants to a national park -- using firecrackers and guns. Hundreds of Sri Lanka's 3,500-strong elephant population are straying into human areas in search of food and water because of deforestation and cyclical droughts. Each year, 150 to 160 elephants are shot dead or poisoned by angry farmers.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://today.reuters.co.uk/news/newsArticle.aspx?type=oddlyEnoughNews&storyID=2005-08-02T115707Z_01_MOL242937_RTRIDST_0_OUKOE-SRILANKA-ELEPHANTS.XML

Source: http://today.reuters.co.uk/

Aout 2005

Titre : IFAW Rescues Elephant Calf From Poachers

Lieu : Asia, China
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Veterinary, Poaching

Résumé: Members of IFAW rescued a three-year old Asian elephant calf caught in a leg trap in China's Mengyang Nature Reserve. The elephant was found on July 9, crippled by a clamp on its right-rear leg. The calf, a victim of would-be poachers, was near death from a wound severely infected with maggots and fungus. After finding the trapped elephant, members of IFAW's Asian elephant protection team anesthetized the calf, freed its leg from the clamp and moved it to a location where its wounds could treated by medical staff.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://press.arrivenet.com/pol/article.php/677245.html

Source: http://press.arrivenet.com/

Aout 2005

Titre : Australia approves elephant import

Lieu : Asia, Thailand & Australia
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques : Welfare

Résumé: The eight elephants destined for zoos in Sydney and Melbourne have been in quarantine in Thailand since last October. After months of deliberation Australia's environment minister, Ian Campbell, has approved their importation and they are due to arrive later this year. Wildlife campaigners have insisted that scientific evidence has proved that elephants in zoos don't breed well and suffer a wide range of health problems. The government in Canberra is allowing these Asian elephants into Australia as part of a conservation programme which it believes will help safeguard the species.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www2.chinadaily.com.cn/english/doc/2005-08/01/content_465286.htm

Source: http://www2.chinadaily.com.cn/

Aout 2005

Titre : Elephant population increases in Jharkhand

Lieu : Asia, India
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques : Human-Elephant Conflict, Research

Résumé: The elephant population in Jharkhand has gone up to 800, a census conducted by the forest department reveals. The last census conducted two years ago had put the number at 772. The elephant sanctuary in Chaibasa has witnessed a good growth in population. The present census puts the number in the sanctuary at 371. More than 50 elephants were either killed or electrocuted during the last four years in the state. On the other hand, more than 300 people were reportedly trampled to death by the pachyderms.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.eians.com/stories/2005/07/29/29ra.shtml

Source: http://www.eians.com/

Aout 2005

Titre : Chillies to ward off elephants

Lieu : Africa, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Human-Elephant Conflict, Research

Résumé: Fed up with the constant destruction of their crops by marauding elephants, farmers in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) are trying a new method to fend off the pachyderms, planting red chillies around their farms. For nearly half a decade, the roving elephants have caused massive crop damage to farmers in Kiwandja village near Virunga National Park. The method, which has been successful both in Kenya and Zimbabwe, is expected to reduce the number of elephants killed by the farmers and is also recommended by the WWF. The move was mooted after furious farmers pressed local authorities to seek a solution to the trampling and eating of their meagre harvests.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.news24.com/News24/Africa/News/0,6119,2-11-1447_1745943,00.html

Source: http://www.news24.com/

Aout 2005

Titre : Elephants to stay in Thailand

Lieu : Asia, Thailand & Australia
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques : Conservation, Welfare

Résumé: Animal rights groups are claiming a small victory for eight Asian elephants, after two Australian zoos agreed to keep the animals in Thai quarantine while a tribunal reviews their importation permits. Federal Environment Minister Ian Campbell last week announced the Government had approved permits and captivity management plans for Taronga and Melbourne zoos to bring the elephants into Australia. But animal rights activists have appealed the decision in the Administrative Appeals Tribunal, saying it did not meet national wildlife trade requirements.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.bordermail.com.au/newsflow/pageitem?page_id=1015818

Source: http://www.bordermail.com.au/

Aout 2005

Titre : Man-elephant conflict on rise in Assam

Lieu : Asia, India
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques : Human-Elephant Conflict, Research

Résumé: Increasing modernisation has led to the man-elephant conflict assuming alarming proportions in the region, causing concern to both the forest department and wildlife activists. According to state forest department sources, 295 pachyderms had been killed in the state between 1996 and April this year, while the number of people killed during the said period stood at 397. The forest department officials attributed the rise in conflict to the unnatural growth in population and large-scale encroachment upon forest lands. Encroachment and deforestation were being considered as the two main reasons behind this problem. Rapid modernisation such as laying of railway tracks through elephant transit routes also compounded the problem.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.navhindtimes.com/stories.php?part=news&Story_ID=07313

Source: http://www.navhindtimes.com/

Aout 2005

Titre : Minister wants wildlife improvement in Uttaranchal

Lieu : Asia, India
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques : Conservation

Résumé: The animal habitat in Uttaranchal might significantly improve if the State Forest Minister has his way: develop good marshes, grasslands and tree cover complete with drinking and bathing water facilities suited to the different animals and climatic zones, develop solutions for animals, especially elephants trapped in isolated pockets due to fragmentation of the habitat by development schemes, roads and human settlements over the past several decades. The goal of developing Uttaranchal into an ideal animal territory may be achieved only if the foresters became true wildlife lovers and the local communities were involved in the conservation measures.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.hindu.com/2005/07/30/stories/2005073006380300.htm

Source: http://www.hindu.com/

Aout 2005

Titre : Revised elephant ordinance would benefit circus -- sort of

Lieu : USA
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques : Welfare

Résumé: A revised proposal to restrict the display of elephants will be introduced in the City Council today -- but critics say the new measure would still effectively prohibit pachyderms at zoos and circuses. Under the ordinance sponsored by Ald. Mary Ann Smith (48th), Lincoln Park Zoo would need to devote 10 acres to every elephant. Smith had wanted circuses to also meet the same space standards but, in a revised ordinance, has matched new requirements to what Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus already use at the United Center in its yearly visit here. Both zoo and circus industry representatives have vowed to testify against the proposed ordinance.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.suntimes.com/output/news/cst-nws-ele27.html

Source: http://www.suntimes.com/

Aout 2005

Titre : Ringmaster Is Needed to Monitor This Debate

Lieu : USA
Situation : Captive, Circus
Thématiques : Welfare

Résumé: Ringling has never been found at fault for abuse. It has, however, been targeted. This week, a Humane Society of the United States website calls for boycotting the circus and notes that three animal-rights groups are suing Ringling Bros. for alleged mistreatment of elephants. Like the elephants, the debate goes round and round. Ringling Bros. will never stop using elephants and that 80% of circus-goers come to see them.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.latimes.com/news/local/state/la-me-parsons27jul27,1,4989047.column?coll=la-news-state&ctrack=1&cset=true

Source: http://www.latimes.com/

Aout 2005

Titre : Zoo Elephant Population Exploding

Lieu : USA
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques : Conservation

Résumé: Syracuse's Zoo is looking forward to two elephant births. Zoo Curator Chuck Doyle has been saying for years that we need a population explosion to keep the endangered Asian Elephants viable, because most of the animals in zoos are older than breeding age, and the population is dying off faster than it can reproduce. Syracuse's zoo is considered one of the world's premier breeders of Asian elephants.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.wstm.com/Global/story.asp?S=3643521&nav=2aKDcfT4

Source: http://www.wstm.com/

Aout 2005

Titre : Spicy peppers keep elephants out of farmers' fields

Lieu : Africa, Zambia
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Conservation, Human-Elephant Conflict

Résumé: Supported by the WCS and other groups, the Elephant Pepper Development Trust (EPDT) has not only promoted the use of chilli peppers as a means of keeping elephants, buffalo, and other species away from important sources of human food, but has also introduced a viable cash crop to the economy of African nations. Specifically, farmers use chilli peppers to deter potential crop raiders in two ways: as a protective buffer crop to surround core crops of maize, sorghum and millet; and as an ingredient in a spray to drive away animals. In addition, chillies are currently being used in the production of bottled hot sauces, jams and relishes.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://news.mongabay.com/2005/0728-wcs.html

Source: http://news.mongabay.com/

Aout 2005

Titre : Juno And Savannah Stay, More Elephants Possible

Lieu : USA
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques : Welfare

Résumé: Juno and Savannah are staying at the El Paso Zoo but Wednesday's decision does not bring to an end their story. Instead, the zoo now has two elephant exhibits to consider: the current one housing the elephants, and one that could bring even more elephants. As KFOX was first to report, the local group, "Concerned Citizens for Juno and Savannah" wants the elephants relocated to the Elephant Sanctuary in Hohenwald, Tennessee. After two hours of passionate debate on both sides, council voted unanimously to keep the elephants in place, giving zoo officials what they wanted, the chance to call the shots in their own workplace.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.kfoxtv.com/news/4779276/detail.html

Source: http://www.kfoxtv.com/

Aout 2005

Titre : Council votes to keep elephants in El Paso

Lieu : USA
Situation : Zoo
Thématiques : Welfare

Résumé: In what appeared to be an easy decision Wednesday, the El Paso City Council voted unanimously to keep the zoo's two elephants, Juno and Savannah, rather than ship them off to a Tennessee sanctuary. But, after hearing testimony from some that the elephants badly need a better habitat and from others who said improvements could be made without great expense, the council directed the city's interim zoo director and staff to come back in six months with a plan to improve the elephants' living area. The short-term recommendation may be to expand the area to which the elephants have access within the zoo's existing boundaries. For the long term, it has been proposed that the city expand the elephant habitat into Washington Park's Hugo Meyer softball field behind the zoo.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.borderlandnews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20050728/NEWS/507280326/1001

Source: http://www.borderlandnews.com/

Aout 2005

Titre : Windies visit elephant orphanage

Lieu : Asia, Sri Lanka
Situation : Captive
Thématiques : Conservation

Résumé: The West Indies cricket team had the opportunity to interact with some of Sri Lanka's wildlife when they took a pause from cricket recently to visit an elephant orphanage while en route from Colombo to Kandy, the venue of the next test. The outing was organised by team sponsor Digicel to encourage team camaraderie and expose the players to the cultural aspects of their host country. The Pinnawela Elephant Orphanage was established in 1975 for the purpose of caring for sick and injured elephants, nursing them back to health and encouraging breeding in order to increase the numbers of this endangered species.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.antiguasun.com/paper/?as=view&sun=500057109107222005&an=283813099707222005&ac=Local

Source: http://www.antiguasun.com/

Aout 2005

Titre : A temple elephant, long in the tooth

Lieu : Asia, India
Situation : Captive
Thématiques : Veterinary

Résumé: Narayanan has a problem. The 40-year-old elephant, owned by the Cochin Devaswom Board, has over-grown tusks. These impede its free movement and make it difficult for it to move its trunk. And, the growth is continuing, with the two tusks tending to converge. The Board wanted to trim them, but it needed mandatory clearance from the State Forest Department for such a procedure, and the Department was not easily convinced. However, according to Mr. Krishnanunni, the State Government has now given the Board permission to go ahead with the exercise.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.hindu.com/2005/07/23/stories/2005072301652200.htm

Source: http://www.hindu.com/

Aout 2005

Titre : Report on elephant death angers animal advocates

Lieu : USA
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques : Veterinary, Welfare

Résumé: Local animal advocates reacted with anger and disgust this week to a report on the death of a 36-year-old African elephant that spent most of its life at the San Diego Zoo's Wild Animal Park before being sent to Chicago in 2003. Zoo association investigators identified serious concerns about the way the transfer played out. Even so, they found that Wankie's handlers were not negligent. San Diego Animal Advocates plans to launch a campaign soon aimed at getting the San Diego Zoo to shut down its elephant exhibits. Researchers took tissue samples from Wankie's body before it was buried at the Hogle Zoo and are doing DNA tests to determine whether the same strain of the bacterium killed Wankie and Tatima, and whether it matches strains found in animals in Africa.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.nctimes.com/articles/2005/07/23/news/sandiego/14_58_187_22_05.txt

Source: http://www.nctimes.com/

Aout 2005

Titre : Zoo stands by elephant breeding scheme

Lieu : Asia, Thailand & Australia
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques : Conservation, Welfare

Résumé: The general manager of life sciences at Taronga and Western Plains zoos has defended a decision to undertake an asian elephant breeding program in Sydney. Eight endangered asian elephants are being imported from Thailand for a conservation breeding program. Animal rights groups have gone to the courts to block the importation, citing a lack of space at the Sydney and Melbourne zoos.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.abc.net.au/news/newsitems/200507/s1419867.htm

Source: http://www.abc.net.au/

Aout 2005

Titre : Karnataka govt to send five trained elephants to tame wild elephants

Lieu : Asia, India
Situation : Wild, Captive
Thématiques : Human-Elephant Conflict

Résumé: The Chief Minister, Mr Pratapsing Rane today said that the Karnataka government has agreed to send five trained elephants to tame three wild elephants which had caused extensive damage to the plantations in Sal, Mencurem, Adval Pal, Latambarcem, Pirna and Nadora villages of Bicholim and Bardez talukas. Mr Rane was speaking before the affected farmers this evening after assessing the damage caused by three wild elephants, who have entered Goa through Maharashtra and later lost the track.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.navhindtimes.com/stories.php?part=news&Story_ID=072326

Source: http://www.navhindtimes.com/

Aout 2005

Titre : Bomb to chase away elephants explodes, one killed

Lieu : Asia, India
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques : Human-Elephant Conflict

Résumé: A crude bomb being carried in a lunch box to chase marauding elephants away from fields exploded in an Orissa village, killing one and injuring three. Five people from Kadua village in Dhenkanal district, 150 km from here, had gone to their fields on the outskirts of the village Friday night. To chase away elephants, one of them was carrying a bomb inside his lunchbox, which exploded. While one man died instantly, three people were critically injured. Orissa has over 2,000 elephants. While they often ravage villages damaging houses and crops, villagers have been adopting crude methods to chase them away.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.newkerala.com/news.php?action=fullnews&id=8583

Source: http://www.newkerala.com/

Aout 2005

Titre : Outraged over rape of Kinabatangan rainforest

Lieu : Asia, Malaysia
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques : Conservation, Research

Résumé: The 26,000ha Kinabatangan Wildlife Sanctuary in Sabah, billed as Malaysia’s “Gift to Earth”, is facing massive destruction. In the last four years alone, 20% of the 100-million-year-old forest has been estimated to have been cleared, threatening endangered animal species like the Borneo pygmy elephants, orang utans, proboscis monkeys and hornbills. Besides the danger of losing these animals, the ecotourism industry in the “Corridor of Life” is also bracing itself for tougher times due to the illegal encroachment into the Lower Kinabatangan, where the sanctuary is sited.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2005/7/25/nation/11577886&sec=nation

Source: http://thestar.com.my/

Aout 2005

Titre : Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Commits $180,000 to Smithsonian's National Zoo to Continue Critical Elephant Herpes Research

Lieu : USA
Situation : Captive, Circus
Thématiques : Conservation, Veterinary

Résumé: Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey today announced it will fund ongoing research on endotheliotropic herpes viruses (EEHV) being conducted by the National Elephant Herpesvirus Laboratory at the Smithsonian Institution's National Zoological Park. The $180,000 gift will be distributed over the next three years to support the National Zoo's efforts toward treating, and ultimately curing, this typically fatal disease in young Asian elephants. The gift reflects Ringling Bros.' commitment to the survival and well-being of the endangered Asian elephant.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://biz.yahoo.com/prnews/050725/dcm028.html?.v=18

Source: http://biz.yahoo.com/

Aout 2005

Titre : Elephant deal 'shabby and corrupt'

Lieu : Asia, Thailand & Australia
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques : Conservation, Welfare

Résumé: The deal finally received the green light from Canberra last week. Eight elephants housed in quarantine at a Bangkok university will soon be on their way to Sydney's Taronga Zoo and Melbourne Zoo. The paper said the transaction called for a cash payment and in-kind contributions from Australia in the form of 10 indigenous Australian species -- koalas, kangaroos and other marsupials. Australian officials have defended the deal, saying it would be part of a captive elephant breeding program. Conservationists say they fear that such a move could set a dangerous precedent.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/common/story_page/0,5744,16049839%5E30417,00.html

Source: http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/

Aout 2005

Titre : Vote on elephants' future possible by city Wednesday

Lieu : USA
Situation : Captive
Thématiques : Welfare

Résumé: The fates of Savannah and Juno, the zoo's Asian elephants, may be decided Wednesday after months of fighting about whether they should remain at the El Paso Zoo or head to an elephant sanctuary in Tennessee. At a special City Council meeting at 9 a.m. Wednesday, elephant lovers on both sides of the debate will argue their point and leave the decision about where the animal should live to the council. Those who want to keep the animals at the zoo have also circulated petitions and gathered many signatures.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.borderlandnews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20050725/NEWS/507250321/1001

Source: http://www.borderlandnews.com/

Aout 2005

Titre : Uproar over elephant rescue plan

Lieu : Asia, Thailand & Australia
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques : Conservation, Welfare

Résumé: To cabinet ministers it seemed a way of offering eight homeless elephants a new life in a luxurious enclosure. But the Australian government's decision to import eight Thai elephants for a conservation project caused derision and an international rumpus. Bombarded by criticism from animal welfare groups and some 65,000 emails and more than 52,000 postcards of protest, Canberra has now been drawn into a court challenge which means the elephants must stay put for now. The RSPCA, the Ifaw, and the Humane Society have been granted an interim order stopping the elephants leaving Thailand until an appeal on Thursday.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.guardian.co.uk/australia/story/0,12070,1536094,00.html

Source: http://www.guardian.co.uk/

Aout 2005

Titre : Syracuse zoo has second pregnant elephant; first due any day

Lieu : USA
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques : Veterinary, Event

Résumé: Keepers at the Rosamond Gifford Zoo _ already awaiting the birth of one new baby elephant this summer _ will be pacing the floor again next year when a second baby is expected. Romani, a 29-year-old Asian elephant, is due with her fourth calf in late spring or early summer of next year. Any day now, 23-year-old Targa is expected to deliver her second calf, which will likely weigh between 250 and 300 pounds. It has never happened before at Rosamond Gifford, which has had four previous births and is considered one of the world's premier breeders of Asian elephants. Zookeepers have tracked Targa's pregnancy by giving her daily blood tests and weekly ultrasounds.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.newsday.com/news/local/wire/newyork/ny-bc-ny--elephantbabies0726jul26,0,7762187.story?coll=ny-region-apnewyork

Source: http://www.newsday.com/

Aout 2005

Titre : Pitter-patter of pachyderm feet expected

Lieu : USA
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques : Conservation, Veterinary

Résumé: Keepers at Rosamond Gifford Zoo at Burnet Park are preparing for their biggest births in more than five years. Not one, but two, bouncing baby elephants are due within a year of each other. In both cases, the father is Indy, the zoo's resident bull elephant who is considered one of the most important studs in the international Species Survival Plan for Asian elephants. The plan selects elephants to mate based on genetic diversity, an attempt to avoid health problems that can result from inbreeding.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.syracuse.com/news/poststandard/index.ssf?/base/news-0/1122367327122720.xml&coll=1

Source: http://www.syracuse.com/

Aout 2005

Titre : Sri Lanka Environment Ministry drives wild elephants to Wilpaththu

Lieu : Asia, Sri Lanka
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Conservation, Human-Elephant Conflict

Résumé: The Environment Ministry has begun a project to move about 160 wild elephants, currently roaming the public roads in the Kurunegala district, back to protected areas. The action is meant to save the lives of both humans and beasts. According to Environment Minister A.H.M. Fowzie, the main goal of the project is to minimize conflict between man and elephant and save the lives of both. The wild elephants will be driven back to Wilpaththu and Thabbowa sanctuaries. Steps will also be taken to construct a safety fence with the assistance of the Asian Development Bank. The project would be extended to other areas where similar problems exist.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.colombopage.com/archive/July26121518UN.html

Source: http://www.colombopage.com/

Juillet 2005

Titre : Elephants told not to pack trunks for Australia yet

Lieu : Asia, Thailand & Australia
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques : Welfare

Résumé: Spectacular rainforest views, a waterfall and even hot and cold showers await a group of Thai elephants bound for Australia. But animal rights activists say their new homes are pachyderm prisons, and have begun legal action to stop their arrival. The Australian government on Wednesday approved plans to import eight Asian elephants from Thailand, with five destined for a new A$37 million ($27.8 million) enclosure in Sydney's Taronga Park zoo and three earmarked for the southern city of Melbourne's zoo.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.alertnet.org/thenews/newsdesk/SYD148691.htm

Source: http://www.alertnet.org/

Juillet 2005

Titre : Experts question science of elephant culls

Lieu : Africa, South Africa
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Conservation, Veterinary, CITES, Event

Résumé: Experts questioned the wisdom of using culls to contain swelling populations of African elephants. South African authorities are keen to resume culling to cut growing elephant numbers in the country's flagship Kruger National Park. No decision has been made but government scientists say the animals, whose numbers are estimated to have almost doubled in a decade to close to 12,000, are now eating themselves and other animals out of house and home in the 2-million hectare park. Alternatives to culling including relocation and expanding park spaces. But on an impoverished continent with growing numbers of rural people such options cannot go on indefinitely.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.alertnet.org/thenews/newsdesk/L20483549.htm

Source: http://www.alertnet.org/

Juillet 2005

Titre : Zoo Hopes Competition Will Spark Elephant Mating

Lieu : USA
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques : Conservation

Résumé: The lone Asian elephant at the Fort Worth zoo hasn't sired an offspring in six years. Zoo officials hope to inspire Groucho with a little competition. They're bringing in another male elephant to try to spark a flame between Groucho and the lady pachyderms. They haven't picked a rival yet, but have their eyes on an elephant from Ringling Brothers' elephant conservation center.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.nbc17.com/news/4746587/detail.html

Source: http://www.nbc17.com/

Juillet 2005

Titre : Protest delays elephant project

Lieu : Asia, Thailand & Australia
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques : Welfare

Résumé: The fate of eight Asian elephants remains uncertain as the Federal Government and animal welfare groups battle over plans to make Australia their new home. After months of wrangling, the Government has given the go-ahead for the importation of the elephants, who have been held in quarantine in Thailand for nine months. Five of the elephants will go to a $14 million purpose-built enclosure at Sydney's Taronga Zoo. The other three are earmarked for Melbourne Zoo. Animal welfare groups have lodged an application with the Administrative Appeals Tribunal to review the decision.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.theadvertiser.news.com.au/common/story_page/0,5936,15999479%5E911,00.html

Source: http://www.theadvertiser.news.com.au/

Juillet 2005

Titre : Cast Rides Drunken Druggie Elephant

Lieu : Norway
Situation : Animated elephant
Thématiques : Event

Résumé: Twitchfilm reports that "Free Jimmy", an animated feature out of Norway is in the works. The lead character? A paranoid, drug addicted elephant. Jimmy is a circus elephant who makes a break for freedom, dodging hunters, his handlers and militant animal rights activists before befriending a moose. There's no trailer up yet, but the rather special website is and features sketches, high res wallpapers, animatics, voice tests, early animation tests, character designs, movement tests, skin texture tests and more.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.darkhorizons.com/news05/050720e.php

Source: http://www.darkhorizons.com/

Juillet 2005

Titre : Elephants go on rampage in Sal village in North Goa

Lieu : Asia, india
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Human-Elephant Conflict

Résumé: Four persons from Sal village in Bicholim taluka were injured, while property worth thousands of rupees was destroyed after a herd of elephants entered the village and went on a rampage on Saturday. The Deputy Chief Minister listened to the grievances of the villagers and assured them that the government will take necessary steps to prevent occurrence of such an incident. The department of forests has kept a team ready for bringing down Kunki elephants from Shimoga, Karnataka to Goa for leading the three wild elephants out of the state. The state chief conservator of forests is presently awaiting a message from his counterpart in Karnataka and after receiving the green signal will dispatch the team to Shimoga.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.goacom.com/news/getStory.php?ID=1736

Source: http://www.goacom.com/

Juillet 2005

Titre : Elephants have emotions 'just like humans'

Lieu : Africa, South Africa
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Conservation

Résumé: Elephant conservation should be considered in much the same way humans consider plans for their own health and well-being was said at the Elephants Alive workshop, held at Wits University in Johannesburg. The paper reads that culling is not a viable tool for elephant conservation, reflecting a paradigm shift over the past decade or more in the basic sciences that underlie principles of conservation biology. Young male elephants may suffer from surviving culling in their herd for two reasons. This all-male socialisation period serves the same purpose in elephants as it does in human adolescents when they experience a second phase of major brain re-organisation, read the paper.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.iol.co.za/index.php?set_id=1&click_id=143&art_id=qw1121833263667B251

Source: http://www.iol.co.za/

Juillet 2005

Titre : Fort Worth Zoo, Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey(r) Announce Elephant Transfer

Lieu : USA
Situation : Captive, Zoo, Circus
Thématiques : Conservation

Résumé: In a progressive move, the Fort Worth Zoo announced today that the institution will acquire, on breeding loan, an Asian male elephant (bull) from Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey this fall in an effort to increase reproduction rates with the female Asian elephants housed at the zoo. Through the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Center for Elephant Conservation (CEC), Ringling Bros. has experienced great success in the breeding of Asian elephants, which are critically endangered.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://releases.usnewswire.com/GetRelease.asp?id=50598

Source: http://releases.usnewswire.com/

Juillet 2005

Titre : Animals claimed 26 lives in first half of 2005

Lieu : Asia, India
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Human-Elephant Conflict

Résumé: At least 26 people were killed in attacks by wild elephants and tigers in the first five months of the current year in West Bengal. In the last five years altogether 313 people had been killed by wild pachyderms in different parts of the state. The state government had spent Rs 3.5 crore between 2001 and 2005 as compensation to the victims of the wild animals.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.newkerala.com/news.php?action=fullnews&id=7814

Source: http://www.newkerala.com/

Juillet 2005

Titre : The Circus Is In Town So Are Protestors

Lieu : USA
Situation : Captive, Circus
Thématiques : Welfare, Event

Résumé: Yesterday, the Ringling Brothers Barnum and Bailey Circus paraded their elephants and ponies through the streets of Downtown Los Angeles. Traffic had to be stopped to let the animals through. Several people lined the streets to watch. But, not everyone is happy with the circus being in town. At tonight's opening night, the group Last Chance for Animals will stage a protest. Reportedly, the protest will include video footage of alleged animal abuse by circus workers.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://abclocal.go.com/kabc/news/072005_nw_circus_protests.html

Source: http://abclocal.go.com/

Juillet 2005

Titre : Reports says no gross negligence in Wild Animal Park elephant death

Lieu : USA
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques : Veterinary, Welfare

Résumé: A zoo association's investigation into why a 36-year-old African elephant collapsed while being trucked from a Chicago zoo to one in Utah where it died, identified "several concerns" but found no gross negligence by the animal's handlers. A review revealed sad new details about the last two days of Wankie's life and possible missteps by the animal's handlers before and during the trip. The investigators recommended several changes designed to improve national elephant transportation guidelines. Even so, the investigators concluded that Wankie's age and condition ---- a necropsy revealed the animal had a bacterial disease that had reduced the animal's lung capacity by 30 percent ---- most likely caused the elephant's death.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.nctimes.com/articles/2005/07/21/news/inland/23_10_577_20_05.txt

Source: http://www.nctimes.com/

Juillet 2005

Titre : Elephant art at exhibition

Lieu : Scotland
Situation : Captive
Thématiques : Event

Résumé: A showcase of work by young Thai artists - and elephants - is being unveiled in Edinburgh. Vicky Khunapramot, a business graduate from Napier University, is pioneering the launch of the capital's first Thai art exhibition. It will feature extraordinary abstract paintings by elephants from northern Thailand's conservation parks, produced before an admiring audience. Thai Fine Art, which specialises in contemporary young Thai painters from the nation's capital, Bangkok, and Chiang Mai, will run until July 27 at the Dundas Street Gallery in Edinburgh's New Town.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://news.scotsman.com/latest.cfm?id=1660392005

Source: http://news.scotsman.com/

Juillet 2005

Titre : Elephants Sell Like Hotcakes

Lieu : Africa, Botswana
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Human-Elephant Conflict, CITES, Event

Résumé: Citizen hunters have bought 10 elephants in the Mmadinare area after an offer by the Department of Wildlife and National Parks (DWNP). A public notice from the department said the elephants to be hunted in a controlled area CT 27 within a radius of 40km of Mmadinare village were sold for P8, 000 each. The department's public relations said the exercise is a temporary measure to remove elephants that have been a problem to villagers. The hunting expeditions, which are closely monitored by wildlife officers, started last week Monday and are expected to continue until September 20. All the ivory from the hunting is to be weighed and marked as per CITES requirements. The ivory will be personal effects and are not transferable or exportable under any circumstances.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://allafrica.com/stories/200507210360.html

Source: http://allafrica.com/

Juillet 2005

Titre : Campaign to save elephants

Lieu : Asia, India
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Conservation, Human-Elephant Conflict

Résumé: A global campaign is gathering steam against the unabated stone quarrying close to an elephant corridor in Kaziranga National Park. International wildlife organisations have started a “Save the elephant campaign”, urging Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Congress chief Sonia Gandhi to stop human activities there. The appeal is done by the London-based Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA). It said an alternative procurement site must be found if the elephant habitats as well as local communities are to be safeguarded. The National Council of Societies for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (NSPCA), South Africa, whose patron is Nelson Mandela, has also asked India to close down the quarry.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.telegraphindia.com/1050722/asp/northeast/story_5017851.asp

Source: http://www.telegraphindia.com/

Juillet 2005

Titre : Elephants make pit stop

Lieu : USA
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques : Welfare, Event

Résumé: The Portsmouth towing company got a call Wednesday morning that two circus elephants were stranded at mile 23 on the Maine Turnpike. The call led to a sideshow on West Road in Portsmouth, where the elephants lumbered and posed for photos. The 31-year-old elephant sisters - Lisa and Kelly - each weighed about 8,500 pounds and were on their way to a performance with the Walker Bros. Circus in Rockport, Mass., when the tractor pulling their trailer lost its clutch near Kennebunk. When the tow service determined that the elephants’ tractor could not be repaired in time for their debut under the big top in Rockport, Lovell was appointed chauffeur to the elephants to that town and got the show on the road shortly before noon.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.seacoastonline.com/news/07212005/news/53780.htm

Source: http://www.seacoastonline.com/

Juillet 2005

Titre : Captive tusker facing an `elephantine' problem

Lieu : Asia, India
Situation : Captive
Thématiques : Veterinary

Résumé: Narayanan is facing an `elephantine' problem. Like this pachyderm of the Cochin Dewaswom Board, many more of his class in Kerala will be in for same hardships in the days to come, thanks to the refound animal love by the Forest Department. With overgrown tusks, Narayanan is passing through days of agony with difficulty to move the trunk to take palm leaves or water after the forest officials denied permission to shaping its tusks, a practice so far was carried out for decades without inviting trouble from the officials. Devaswom Board veterinary surgeon Dr Radhakrishan Kaimal told UNI that time was already due for Narayanan to get its tusks trimmed and shaped up. The convergence of tusks was already found.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.newkerala.com/news.php?action=fullnews&id=7484

Source: http://www.newkerala.com/

Juillet 2005

Titre : Govt gears up to tackle stray elephants in Sal

Lieu : Asia, India
Situation : Wild, Captive
Thématiques : Human-Elephant Conflict

Résumé: Almost four days after the three wild elephants, who strayed into the Sal village creating havoc by damaging property and horticultural crops, besides causing injuries to four persons, the state government today geared up to deal with the menace. The forest department has set up ‘Elephant Alert’, a control room at Pirna village to mobilise and coordinate manpower and efforts needed to prevent entry of stray elephants into human habitation to avoid possible damage to human life and property and solicited people’s co-operation in the exercise to keep the elephants at bay. The department has sought the help of their counterparts in Karnataka to facilitate movement of these elephants to their homeland with the help of trained elephants through the forest areas of Maharashtra.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.navhindtimes.com/stories.php?part=news&Story_ID=071956

Source: http://www.navhindtimes.com/

Juillet 2005

Titre : Zoos await ruling on importing Asian elephants

Lieu : Asia, Thailand & Australie
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques : CITES, Welfare

Résumé: Federal Environment Minister Ian Campbell will announce today whether zoos in Sydney and Melbourne will be allowed to import eight Asian elephants from Thailand. HSI says it would be against Australian environmental laws to allow the importation. It says critically endangered species like the elephants are not supposed to be brought into Australia for exhibition or commercial purposes. The society says a breeding program is not viable.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.abc.net.au/news/newsitems/200507/s1417971.htm

Source: http://www.abc.net.au/

Juillet 2005

Titre : Wild elephants sneak into Orissa villages

Lieu : Asia, India
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Human-Elephant Conflict

Résumé: Two wild elephants from Chandavilla forest range of West Bengal's Midnapore district have sneaked into Orissa's Mayurbhanj district and caused depredations in several villages under Deuli forest range. According to Acting Field Director of STR (Simlipal Tiger Reserve) Jitendra Kumar, the two migrant elephants- one adult bull and an adult cow elephant- have damaged eight houses in the three villages located on their migration route. The forest officials were monitoring the movement of the pachyderms and taking all efforts to send them back to their abode in Chandavilla forest.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.newkerala.com/news.php?action=fullnews&id=7367

Source: http://www.newkerala.com/

Juillet 2005

Titre : New Travel log book / Nouveau Carnet de voyage : Ecolife – Vets in the wild June 2005- South Africa

Résumé: Our travel log book on our stay in South Africa is on line (in English). Please check our page “Carnets de voyages” and you will learn how to capture wild animals, you will know more on the elephant management in Kruger National Park and much more … / Le carnet de voyage de notre sejour en Afrique du Sud est en ligne (en anglais). N’hesitez pas a vous rendre sur la page « Carnets de voyages », vous y découvrirez des captures d’animaux, des informations sur la gestion des elephants au Kruger National Park et bien plus encore …

Juillet 2005

Titre : Vives critiques contre un projet d'abattage d'elephants dans le parc Kruger

Lieu : Africa, South Africa
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques : Research, Event

Résumé: Des scientifiques ont vivement critique mardi a Johannesburg un projet d'abattage d'elephants dans le parc Kruger, evoque par les autorites des Parcs nationaux sud-africains, denoncant la precipitation et le mepris affiche pour d'eventuelles solutions alternatives (transfert, contraception, creation de "mega-parcs" transfrontaliers). L'Afrique du Sud applique un moratoire sur l'abattage des elephants depuis 1995 et leur nombre dans le parc Kruger est aujourd'hui estime a 12.000. Les Parcs nationaux sud-africains (SANParks) ont indique a plusieurs reprises qu'ils envisageaient d'abattre des elephants pour faire face a une surpopulation qui menace selon eux la biodiversite. Aucune decision definitive ni calendrier n'ont cependant ete annonces.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.lefigaro.fr/perm/afp/sci/050719144807.si67dc5a.html

Source: http://www.lefigaro.fr/

Juillet 2005

Titre : Tracking injured elephants

Lieu : Asia, Malaysia
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Conservation, Human-Elephant Conflict

Résumé: At least one in six elephants in Sabah’s east coast Lower Kinabatangan region, where there are many settlements and oil palm plantations, is injured. This follows a study by the WWF Malaysia Asian Rhinoceros and Elephant Action Strategy (Areas) project. The finding means that there are about 20 injured elephants out of the estimated 120 in Lower Kinabatangan.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.nst.com.my/Current_News/NST/Sunday/National/20050717094447/Article/indexb_html

Source: http://www.nst.com.my/

Juillet 2005

Titre : Six villages identified as prone to elephant attacks

Lieu : Asia, Malaysia
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Human-Elephant Conflict

Résumé: Six villages have been identified as prone to elephant attacks of late, the State Wildlife Department said today. This is based on the number of cases reported in the area since early this month. The department believes this was because the villages were situated in the fringes of thick forests and jungles where the elephants roam.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.nst.com.my/Current_News/NST/Sunday/NewsBreak/20050717142340/Article/indexb_html

Source: http://www.nst.com.my/

Juillet 2005

Titre : Jumbo feast for 47 elephants

Lieu : Asia, India
Situation : Captive, Temple
Thématiques : Event

Résumé: In a majestic spectacle, 47 elephants were today fed a sumptuous feast on the occasion of the annual 'Anayoottu' - feeding of elephants - on the premises of the Vadakkunnathan temple here today. Hundreds of devotees and others thronged the temple premises to witness the show since early morning as the jumbos, herded from different parts of the state, lined up to partake in the feast. The Vadakkunnathan temple is famous for the biggest of temple carnivals, Thrissur Pooram, featuring a large number of caparisoned elephants and culminates in a nightlong fireworks display in April.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.chennaionline.com/colnews/newsitem.asp?NEWSID=%7BBC2EA621-8801-4E27-84AD-96063022CD00%7D&CATEGORYNAME=National

Source: http://www.chennaionline.com/

Juillet 2005

Titre : Elephants go on rampage in Sal village, four injured

Lieu : Asia, India
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Human-Elephant Conflict

Résumé: Four persons from Sal village in Bicholim taluka were injured, while property worth thousands of rupees was destroyed after a herd of elephants entered the village and went on a rampage on Saturday. The three pachyderms, two of them adult and a calf, strayed into the village in the wee hours of Saturday. The villagers tried to chase them away by bursting fire crackers, however, the elephants came out from bushes and attacked. The government will take necessary steps to prevent occurrence of such an incident. The demand for compensation for the loss of property incurred in the incident will be considered.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.navhindtimes.com/stories.php?part=news&Story_ID=071827

Source: http://www.navhindtimes.com/

Juillet 2005

Titre : Elephants, zoo celebrate special day

Lieu : USA
Situation : Captive, zoo
Thématiques : Welfare, Event

Résumé: Elephants Babe and Sophie are celebrating another year of life. "We're celebrating nine tons of fun. If you get too hot we also put up a sprinkler for your pleasure," said zoo director Tom Stalf to visitors watching the party. Both elephants would be looking forward to the opening of the zoo's new exhibits later this month. The new additions are being funded through a $ 2.8 million capital campaign and the Niabi Zoological Society has raised about $ 1.6 million thus far.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.qctimes.net/articles/2005/07/17/news/local/doc42d9d7388bdf9282363184.txt

Source: http://www.qctimes.net/

Juillet 2005

Titre : Name that Elephant; World Wildlife Fund Online Contest Seeks Name for Wild

Lieu : Asia, Borneo
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Conservation, Event

Résumé: WWF today invited elephant lovers to help name a Borneo pygmy elephant that will be part of the first study ever conducted on the pint-sized pachyderms. The nameless female elephant, along with five others, will be outfitted with a high-tech collar this summer and tracked by satellite on the Asian island of Borneo, the only place in the world where pygmy elephants exist. WWF will be able to collect data on a whole herd's movement for each elephant being tracked.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://releases.usnewswire.com/GetRelease.asp?id=50443

Source: http://releases.usnewswire.com/

Juillet 2005

Titre : Poaching making China elephants evolve tuskless

Lieu : Africa & Asia, China
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Research, Evolution, Poaching

Résumé: Chinese elephants are evolving into an increasingly tuskless breed because poaching is changing the gene pool. Five to 10 percent of Asian elephants in China now had a gene that prevented the development of tusks, up from the usual 2 to 5 percent. Since only male elephants have tusks, there were now four female elephants for each male in China, up from the ideal ratio of two. Similar changes in elephant tusk development and sex ratios have been reported in Africa and India.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://today.reuters.com/news/newsarticle.aspx?type=scienceNews&storyid=2005-07-17T030544Z_01_N16192796_RTRIDST_0_SCIENCE-ENVIRONMENT-CHINA-ELEPHANTS-DC.XML

Source: http://today.reuters.com/

Juillet 2005

Titre : Taronga Zoo taken to tusk

Lieu : Asia, Thailand & Australia
Situation : Captive, zoo
Thématiques : Conservation, CITES

Résumé: International pressure has stepped up on Taronga Zoo's efforts to import five Asian elephants. Animal welfare campaigners from across Europe, Britain and the US have sent the Federal Government more than 52,000 postcards, condemning the zoo's efforts to import the elephants from Thailand. They are close to making a decision on whether to allow the elephants to come to Australia. The zoo hopes to breed the elephants and highlight to the general public the need to conserve the endangered species. Currently, the elephants are being held at Mahidol University, Thailand, for pre-quarantine purposes.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://dailytelegraph.news.com.au/story.jsp?sectionid=1260&storyid=3445337

Source: http://dailytelegraph.news.com.au/

Juillet 2005

Titre : Move to create corridors for elephants

Lieu : Asia, Malaysia
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques : Conservation, Human-Elephant Conflict

Résumé: The Sabah Wildlife Department is assessing areas near elephant ranges to create corridors and buffer zones for these animals. The Sabah Wildlife Department and WWF Malaysia jointly organised the day-long Stakeholders Workshop on Better Management Practices for Human-Elephant Conflict in Oil Palm Plantations. According to WWF Malaysia’s Asian Rhinoceros and Elephant Action Strategies (Areas) project, there are currently not more than 1,600 of the species in Sabah. The State is known for the Borneo pygmy elephant, a sub-species of the Asian elephant. It is important to keep elephants within their ranges not only for their survival, but also because it was very costly to translocate individuals in fragmented areas. There are roughly 200 individuals in fragmented areas and that these were the ones which faced conflict with villagers and plantation owners.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.nst.com.my/Current_News/NST/Friday/National/20050715080508/Article/indexb_html

Source: http://www.nst.com.my/

Juillet 2005

Titre : Kunki elephants to guide jumbos disturbing Nadora

Lieu : Asia, India
Situation : Wild & Captive
Thématiques : Conservation, Human-Elephant Conflict

Résumé: The deputy conservator of forests forwarded a proposal to the chief wildlife warden, Goa, requesting for organising joint operations with the forest departments to guide the elephants which are currently disturbing the North Goa village of Nadora, back to their natural habitat. Kunki elephants are trained domesticated animals which are used for patrolling forests, taking tourists around a place, loading and unloading goods, pushing wagons of the train and capturing as well as guiding wild animals including elephants. Fortunately there has been no loss of human life or damage to the houses and property from these elephants, but some crops in and around the village have been destroyed. The use of Kunki elephants to guide the three-member heard into Karnataka has now become essential.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.navhindtimes.com/stories.php?part=news&Story_ID=071459

Source: http://www.navhindtimes.com/

Juillet 2005

Titre : Aussie elephant deal defended

Lieu : Asia, Thailand
Situation : Captive, zoo
Thématiques : CITES, Welfare

Résumé: Thailand's most prominent elephant breeder has expressed bewilderment at international opposition to the transfer to Australian zoos of three of his animals. His three elephants, held in quarantine with five others for imminent transport to Melbourne Zoo and Sydney's Taronga Zoo, were bred in captivity and their major life experience has been with humans - in particular, tourists. Wildlife activists worldwide contend that the elephant deal is illegal. Animal rights groups in Thailand say the agreement is linked to a bilateral animal exchange deal signed in Canberra last year. The groups claim the eight elephants being sent to Australia are part of a simple commercial arrangement. Such deals are forbidden under the regulations of the CITES.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/common/story_page/0,5744,15941224%5E2703,00.html

Source: http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/

Juillet 2005

Titre : Elephant culling to be debated

Lieu : Africa, South Africa
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Conservation, Event

Résumé: The culling of elephants will be among matters discussed at a conference next week on managing South Africa's elephant population. The most contentious item on the agenda is the proposed lifting of a 1995 moratorium on culling. In recent years there has been a "concerted effort by South African National Parks (SANParks) and a number of its scientists" to justify the reintroduction of culling. The workshop — to be held at the University of the Witwatersrand's West Campus on Monday and Tuesday — would make the public aware that there "is significant scientific dissent" about culling. SANParks spokesperson Wanda Mkutshulwa confirmed that SANParks would not attend the gathering.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://iafrica.com/news/sa/463871.htm

Source: http://iafrica.com/

Juillet 2005

Titre : Hatcher Nearly Crushed By Elephants

Lieu : Africa, Kenya
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Human-Elephant Conflict, Event

Résumé: Desperate Housewives star Teri Hatcher feared for her life when she was caught up in an elephant stampede on a recent safari holiday. Hatcher and her seven-year-old daughter Emerson were travelling through the bush in Kenya, Africa when their quick-thinking guide abandoned the road to save their lives. The former James Bond girl found herself thrust into the depths of the African jungle to avoid the elephant and credits the robust Jeep for saving their lives.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.contactmusic.com/new/xmlfeed.nsf/mndwebpages/hatcher%20nearly%20crushed%20by%20elephants

Source: http://www.contactmusic.com/

Juillet 2005

Titre : Accord kenyan pour le transfert de centaines d'animaux sauvages en Thailande

Lieu : Africa, Kenya
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Conservation, Welfare

Résumé: Le gouvernement kenyan a autorise mercredi l'expedition de quelque 300 animaux sauvages a destination d'un parc d'attraction thailandais au grand dam des associations de defense de la nature opposees a un tel projet depuis des mois. Cette decision, prise a la suite d'innombrables debats, repond a une demande formulee l'annee derniere par le premier ministre thaïlandais au president kenyan. En echange, le Kenya devrait recevoir la visite de specialistes du dressage des elephants et une somme d'un million de dollars destines a promouvoir la protection de l'environnement dans le pays. Lors des premieres negociations, en janvier, l'envoi d'une trentaine d'especes, parmi lesquelles des elephants, des hippopotames, des lions voire des rhinoceros, avait ete envisage puis abandonne sous la pression des associations de defense des animaux.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.lemonde.fr/web/depeches/0,14-0,39-25287950@7-44,0.html

Source: http://www.lemonde.fr/

Juillet 2005

Titre : Group helps disabled to visit Lucy

Lieu : USA
Situation : Fake elephant
Thématiques : Event

Résumé: Getting from Lucy's foot to her belly and then to her howdah requires the ability to negotiate narrow, winding steps. It's not something the disabled can easily do. But the organization that owns Lucy is taking steps to change that. Plans call for an interpretive center that will allow the disabled population access to the elephant, the gift shop and areas in and around the elephant, according to the Save Lucy Committee Inc. In the interpretive center, there will be exhibits on Lucy and Margate, as well as a video showing Lucy's interior and views from the howdah. Native dune vegetation is planned for the site's perimeter. Partial funding has been secured for the project. Additional funds are being sought.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.courierpostonline.com/news/southjersey/m071005k.htm

Source: http://www.courierpostonline.com/

Juillet 2005

Titre : Audit clears zoo of negligence

Lieu : USA
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques : Veterinary, Welfare

Résumé: An outside audit of the Lincoln Park Zoo recommended several changes, but found no gross negligence on the part of the zoo staff in the deaths of a dozen animals since October. The zoo released a 15-page report Monday by the AZAA, which accredits U.S. zoos. The zoo requested the audit because of the deaths that started with the death of the elephant Tatima in October, followed by the deaths of a camel, cow, marmoset, lion cub, two gorillas, three langur monkeys and the zoo's two remaining African elephants. The report spent most of the time examining the deaths of an elephant, Wankie. The audit found problems with Wankie's transport to Utah. She was the zoo's last remaining African elephants after her two companions died when the decision was made to move Wankie to Utah where she would be with other elephants. But the audit team was critical of how the move was handled, noting that a heater that was supposed to be in the truck with Wankie did not fit in with her. Wankie had to be euthanized after reaching the Utah zoo in May.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.suntimes.com/output/news/zoo11.html

Source: http://www.suntimes.com/

Juillet 2005

Titre : Elephant buried with temple honours

Lieu : Asia, India
Situation : Captive
Thématiques : Veterinary, Event

Résumé: Shanthi, the 39-year-old elephant of Tiruchendur Subramanyaswamy temple, which died on Saturday, was buried with full temple honours last evening. Official sources said the elephant fainted while participating in the golden chariot procession of the temple on Saturday. Veterinary doctors from Coimbatore rushed to Tiruchendur to give treatment for the animal, but they could not cure a block in the digestive system of the elephant.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.chennaionline.com/colnews/newsitem.asp?NEWSID=%7B430A81F8-E47C-422E-AEAF-42FDEC77F3D8%7D&CATEGORYNAME=Tamil%20Nadu

Source: http://www.chennaionline.com/

Juillet 2005

Titre : Circus elephant slightly injures three

Lieu : Europe, Czech Republic
Situation : Captive, Circus
Thématiques : Event

Résumé: A performing elephant lost footing during a circus show in Ostrava on Thursday last week and fell among the audience, slightly injuring three spectators. A 27-year-old woman suffered bruises after a falling fence hit her leg. The police said the woman was taken to the hospital with an ankle fracture. The female elephant collided with another female elephant, lost balance and fell, partly hitting the audience.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.praguemonitor.com/ctk/?id=20050708E02725;story=Circus-elephant-slightly-injures-three

Source: http://www.praguemonitor.com/

Juillet 2005

Titre : Workers in Lake County find bones of 5 mastodons

Lieu : USA
Situation : Wildlife area
Thématiques : Research, Evolution

Résumé: Workers digging a pond have unearthed the bones of at least five mastodons, the relatives of modern elephants that went extinct at the end of the last ice age. Indiana State Museum paleontologist Ronald L. Richards estimates the bones, which were found June 29 along with tusks and teeth, are between 11,500 to 20,000 years old. In the last 25 years, he said mastodon remains have been found at about 300 sites in Indiana. Denver Howlett, an exhibit specialist for the state museum, said the mastodons probably died when they got stuck in peat bogs or when they fell through ice.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.fortwayne.com/mld/fortwayne/news/local/12105160.htm

Source: http://www.fortwayne.com/

Juillet 2005

Titre : Whose elephant is it anyway?

Lieu : Asia, India
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques : Human-Elephant Conflict

Résumé: 90 odd elephants journeyed to the forests of Chhattisgarh several years ago in search of food and water. But now the state wants neighbouring Jharkhand to take them back. The forest authorities in Chhattisgarh say the 94 migratory elephants had wreaked havoc in 132 villages of the state and have written to their Jharkhand counterparts to ensure the return of the animals to their home state. The exodus of the elephants began in 1998 when Jharkhand was part of Bihar and Chattisgarh was part of Madhya Pradesh. The man-elephant conflict has taken a toll in Jharkhand too, with over 300 people trampled to death in the last four years.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.hindustantimes.com/news/7242_1429528,00180007.htm

Source: http://www.hindustantimes.com/

Juillet 2005

Titre : Wild elephant menace: Grieving families seek relief

Lieu : Asia, India
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Human-Elephant Conflict

Résumé: Two lives have been lost owing to wild elephant attacks in the district and the forest department officials must provide adequate compensation to the families of the victims. Through the year, six deaths have been reported due to the wild elephant attack in Kodagu. The district administration has to make sure that there is enough money under its control to release in case of emergencies. As there are no industries at Kodagu the only way the district could grow is through its tourism. Ironically, there are many schemes put forth by the Tourism Department but there are no officials in the district to look after the management of the department.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.deccanherald.com/deccanherald/jul142005/district181762005713.asp

Source: http://www.deccanherald.com/

Juillet 2005

Titre : Wild elephants go on rampage at Kg Sungai Tupai orchards

Lieu : Asia, Malaysia
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Human-Elephant Conflict

Résumé: Orchard owners at Kampung Sungai Tupai near Jeli have been keeping vigil overnight following damage to trees by a herd of wild elephants. The latest incident early yesterday saw damage to banana and coconut trees and two houses at the village. Farmer Mohamad Omar, 67, who owns the houses and trees, estimated losses in the 4am incident at RM6,000.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.nst.com.my/Current_News/NST/Wednesday/NewsBreak/20050713174359/Article/indexb_html

Source: http://www.nst.com.my/

Juillet 2005

Titre : Ivory Coast Civil War Killing Elephants

Lieu : Africa, Ivory Coast
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques : Conservation, Human-Elephant Conflict, Poaching

Résumé: Among the sufferers in Ivory Coast's civil war have been the elephants which originally gave the country its name. By 2002 - the last attempt to count elephants - there were fewer than 100 left. Ivory Coast was once one of the largest sources of West African ivory. But as forests were slashed to make way for cocoa and coffee plantations and hunting continued apace, elephant populations became fragmented and dwindled dramatically. There has also been an increase of elephant poachers that are not only interested in the tusks, but also the meat.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.allheadlinenews.com/cgi-bin/news/newsbrief.plx?id=2234671818&fa=1

Source: http://www.allheadlinenews.com/

Juillet 2005

Titre : L’aptitude des elephants a imiter les sons

Lieu : Africa, Kenya
Situation : Captive
Thématiques : Research, Evolution

Résumé: Les elephants apprennent a imiter les sons non typiques de leur espece. Il s’agit du premier exemple connu d’apprentissage vocal chez un mammifere terrestre non-primate. Des chercheurs de l’Amboseli Trust for Elephants (Kenya), de la Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution et de l’Universite de Vienne, ont etudie les sons emis par deux elephants africains. L’un a imite des bruits de camions en provenance d’une grande route situee a proximite, et l’autre les sons d’une autre espece d’elephants, les elephants d’Asie, en la presence desquels il etait mis. L’etude suggere que les elephants, comme les perroquets par exemple, pourraient utiliser l’apprentissage vocal afin de developper de nouveaux signaux de communication dans le but de maintenir des relations sociales interindividuelles complexes a travers le temps.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.cirs.fr/breve.php?id=745

Source: http://www.cirs.fr/

Juillet 2005

Titre : Quand l'elephant etait tout petit

Lieu : Africa, Morocco
Situation : Wildlife area
Thématiques : Research, Evolution

Résumé: Une equipe de chercheurs franco-marocains vient de decrire des restes d'animaux, tout petits, mais qui pourraient pourtant compter parmi les ancetres de l'elephant (proboscidiens). Les fossiles ont ete nommes Phosphatherium escuilliei. Ils appartenaient a un petit mammifere qui est l'un des plus anciens ongules jamais reveles en Afrique et qui vivait il y a 55 millions d'annees. La reconstitution de l'animal est tres importante pour l'etude de l'origine et des proboscidiens et des ongules dont les relations sont actuellement controversees. Grace aux ossements mis au jour, les scientifiques ont pu voir les caracteres archaiques de ces premiers elephants. Ils ne possedaient ni trompe ni defenses. Pourtant quelques-uns des traits de leur face et de leur crane sont deja elephantins.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.lefigaro.fr/sciences/20050709.FIG0183.html?031408

Source: http://www.lefigaro.fr/

Juillet 2005

Titre : Doubt raised over Thai elephants

Lieu : Asia, Thailand & Australia
Situation : Wild, Captive, Zoo
Thématiques : Conservation, CITES

Résumé: Doubts have been raised by animal welfare groups over the origins of some Asian elephants bound for Melbourne and Sydney zoos, with Environment Minister Ian Campbell still to approve their importation. The groups say there is reason for concern over papers showing the eight elephants are all captive-bred, rather than caught in the wild. With the animals already confined in quarantine in Thailand far longer than planned, Humane Society International and the British-based Born Free Foundation want an urgent investigation by global wildlife trade managers. They have asked the CITES secretariat to try to verify the elephants' records.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.theage.com.au/news/national/doubt-raised-over-thai-elephants/2005/07/10/1120934124087.html?oneclick=true

Source: http://www.theage.com.au/

Juillet 2005

Titre : Guruvayoor elephants go in for artificial tusks

Lieu : Asia, India
Situation : Captive
Thématiques : Event

Résumé: A tusker's beauty is in its tusks but if it is lost, this “elephant dentist” has the answer. Sankaranarayanan, a mahout in the famous Sree Krishna temple, has found a new way of adding beauty to a tusker by fixing artificial tusks. Balakrishnan, Lakshmanan, Rajasekharan and Chandrasekharan, and Umadevi, all jumbos of the Guruvayoor Devaswom, now have “duplicate tusks” affixed by Sankaranarayanan. Tusks are considered to be the main attraction of elephants in temple festivals and other celebrations, especially by the ardent elephant-loving people of Kerala. Elaborating the methodology of developing duplicate tusks, Sankaranarayanan said that Mahagani and Pala (soft woods) were used for making it. Sankaranarayanan said another advantage of the artificial teeth was that it could be removed when not necessary and then reaffixed.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.newindpress.com/NewsItems.asp?ID=IER20050711091213&Topic=0&Title=Kerala&Page=R

Source: http://www.newindpress.com/

Juillet 2005

Titre : Ministers Disagree On Transfer of Elephants

Lieu : Africa, Kenya
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques : Conservation

Résumé: Tourism minister Morris Dzoro and his assistant, Mr Boniface Mganga, have differed over plans to move 400 elephants from Kwale to Tsavo East National Park. The minister said last Friday that the transfer would go on despite resistance from the local community. But Mr Mganga is opposed to the move without local people being consulted and being told how they would benefit from tourism earnings.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://allafrica.com/stories/200507111636.html

Source: http://allafrica.com/

Juillet 2005

Titre : Scoping elephants & rhinos on the web

Lieu : Africa, Kenya
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques : Conservation, Research, Poaching

Résumé: The latest Kenyan venture in wildlife tracking could either help to stop elephant and rhino poaching or accelerate it, depending on the monitoring and interdiction capabilities of the Kenya Wildlife Service. Elephants in some national parks are being fitted with SIM card collars that send a text message telling wardens exactly where the elephants are every hour. That information will soon be available over the Internet, and accessible to people who choose to sponsor an animal or make a donation to charity. A similar technology is also being used to track rhinos. But poachers can access the same web sites––and battery-operated laptops make access from remote locations relatively easy.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.animalpeoplenews.org/05/6/tsg.scopingelephanda6.05.htm

Source: http://www.animalpeoplenews.org/

Juillet 2005

Titre : Elephants source of Marburg & Ebola?

Lieu : Africa, Angola & Congo
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Research, Veterinary, Poaching

Résumé: The WHO and Angola Ministry of Health are optimistic that the worst outbreak on record of the Ebola-like Marburg hemorrhagic fever may be close to burning itself out, after 423 known cases through June 5. The Uige outbreak may never be clearly traced to a source, since the first persons exposed apparently all died before sharing details about how they fell ill. Investigators are more optimistic about finding the origin of an Ebola outbreak that struck the Cuvette-Ouest region of the Republic of Congo in April, killing at least 10 people. The first victims were “five hunters who became ill after emerging from the forest. The infected hunters did not admit to eating or touching any ape carcasses. They said they had eaten elephant, and survey teams have found numerous elephant carcasses, illegally killed, in the area.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.animalpeoplenews.org/05/6/tsg.elephantssourceo6.05.htm

Source: http://www.animalpeoplenews.org/

Juillet 2005

Titre : Abandoned by herd, reared by humans

Lieu : Asia, India
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques : Veterinary, Welfare

Résumé: The month-old male calf elephant, rescued from Sathyamangalam Forest after it was abandoned by its mother, is not yet stable. In the last week of June, the calf fell into a shallow water trough in Sathyamangalam Forest. It was abandoned by the herd. . Forest officials rescued the animal but efforts to re-unite it with the herd proved futile. They sent the calf to the AAZP on July 2. At the zoo, four keepers are caring for the calf. The baby elephant was never left alone. K. Senthil Kumar, zoo veterinarian, said it was fed nine litres of skimmed milk everyday.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.hindu.com/2005/07/09/stories/2005070906100100.htm

Source: http://www.hindu.com/

Juillet 2005

Titre : Ivory Scam: Pair Appears in Court Zimbabwe

Lieu : Africa, Zimbabwe
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : CITES, Poaching

Résumé: Two Chinese nationals believed to be part of an illegal ivory syndicate appeared at the Harare Magistrates' Courts yesterday. Allegations against the two are that between March 21 and July 5 this year, they bought 67 elephant tusks, which are classified as raw ivory, from one Lovemore Chikosha and Walter Mutsauri. The sellers are holders of general dealers' licences, which authorise them to sell manufactured ivory products but not raw ivory. After buying the ivory, the State alleges that the pair attempted to export the elephant tusks. It is also alleged that on an unknown date, Zhang and Yuling acquired five elephant tusks that were not registered. The tusks were recovered when police searched their house. The recovered ivory is worth $353 600 000.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://allafrica.com/stories/200507080269.html

Source: http://allafrica.com/

Juillet 2005

Titre : Rue Fights For Circus Elephants

Lieu : USA
Situation : Captive, Circus
Thématiques : Welfare

Résumé: Former GOLDEN GIRLS star RUE McCLANAHAN has joined forces with animal activists People For The Ethical Treatment of Animals to fight a travelling circus with a bad reputation. The actress is trying to persuade legislators in Oklahoma to intervene and free four elephants, who are allegedly being cruelly treated by the Carson + Barnes Circus organisation, which is currently operating in the state. McClanahan wants the beasts to live out their days at the Endangered Ark Foundation in Oklahoma. The Golden Girl jumped to action after learning elephants are shocked with electric prods by trainers, according to a PETA investigation. The circus group denies the cruelty claims.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.contactmusic.com/new/xmlfeed.nsf/mndwebpages/rue%20fights%20for%20circus%20elephants

Source: http://www.contactmusic.com/

Juillet 2005

Titre : New partnership to clear landmines for African Elephants

Lieu : Africa, Angola
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques : Conservation, Human-Elephant Conflict

Résumé: A region made impassable by civil war in recent decades will be cleared of landmines to allow huge elephant herds to resume their normal spread in southern Africa, Roots of Peace (RoP) and Conservation International (CI) announced today. The U.S.-based non-profit organizations are partners in a project to remove landmines sown during Angola's 26-year civil war from critical access corridors used by elephants between northern Botswana and prime wildlife regions in Angola and Zambia. Once the landmines have been removed, CI proposes to develop ecotourism programs in the area. Following a demining effort, the 130,000 elephants of northern Botswana will naturally re-establish themselves in the region. Sustainable reserve and ecotourism programs can then be developed to ensure the protection of elephants and other wildlife while benefiting local agriculture and economic development.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2005-07/ci-npt070505.php

Source: http://www.eurekalert.org/

Juillet 2005

Titre : Schoolboy campaigns to free Britain’s last remaining circus elephant

Lieu : Great-Britain
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques : Welfare

Résumé: ZAC hopes his pen power will get circus elephant released. A ten-year-old boy from Bollington has launched a campaign to secure the release from captivity of the last performing circus elephant in the UK. Zac Rich was so disgusted when he read a national newspaper report describing the “horrific” conditions the elephant called Annie is forced to live in, that he decided to take action. He set about collecting more than 200 signatures from all the pupils and teachers at Mottram St Andrew Primary School and will now send the petition to Ben Bradshaw, the government Animal Health and Welfare Minister at the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA).

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.macclesfield-express.co.uk/news/s/201/201574_schoolboy_campaigns_to_free_britains_last_remaining_circus_elephant.html

Source: http://www.macclesfield-express.co.uk/

Juillet 2005

Titre : Elephant calf stable

Lieu : Asia, India
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques : Veterinary, Welfare

Résumé: A 30-days-old male elephant calf, which was rescued by the villagers and Forest Department officials from a pond in Thalavadi forest near Erode and later admitted to the intensive care unit of Arignar Anna Zoological Park here, had been recovering and its condition was now stable. However the calf was still weak, as they could not feed it anything because of the severe diarrhoea. The calf would be given cereals once its digestive system becomes normal and that would provide more energy to the calf. Forest Department officials from Erode had admitted the calf to the Vandalur Zoo on Saturday last. The calf was rescued from a water trough in Thalavadi forest area in a very serious condition.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.newindpress.com/NewsItems.asp?ID=IET20050707140225&Page=T&Title=Southern%20News%20-%20Tamil%20Nadu&Topic=0

Source: http://www.newindpress.com/

Juillet 2005

Titre : Poachers Kill Elephants At Wildlife Conservancy

Lieu : Africa, Kenya
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques : Poaching

Résumé: Suspected poachers have killed several elephants at Namnyak and Sarara wildlife conservancies in Wambaa and Waso divisions of Samburu District. Kenya Wildlife Service rangers found some of the elephants without tusks. Most of the firearms were brought from neighbouring countries.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://allafrica.com/stories/200507070929.html

Source: http://allafrica.com/

Juillet 2005

Titre : Sleuths in dark about Mysore zoo deaths

Lieu : Asia, India
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques : Veterinary, Welfare

Résumé: Mysore zoo deaths continue to be a riddle for Bangalore-based Corps of Detectives (CoD). Three elephants and one endangered lion-tail maquaque at Mysore Zoological Garden between August to September last year have sent jitters down the spine of the Central Zoo Authority which swung into action to find out the culprits. But even after best efforts for over eight months by the zoo authority officials, no headway to the mystery has been made. The zoo shot up to news with mysterious death of an elephant found dead in its enclosure in last August. On post-mortem, zinc phosphate was found in its stomach, which meant the animals were killed by food poisoning. In end of September last year, two calf-elephants also were found dead in their enclosure and again the culprit was the same salt, zinc phosphate. It was believed the salt was administered into the animals through their fodder.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/articleshow/1164312.cms

Source: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/

Juillet 2005

Titre : Elephants found grazing near housing estate

Lieu : Asia, Malaysia
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques : Event

Résumé: Five young elephants, with metal chains around their necks, caused a stir at a housing estate in Malim Jaya when the residents saw the animals grazing at a nearby vacant lot. Officials from the Wildlife and National Parks Department and the Malacca Zoo quickly rushed to the area and found that the animals were part of a travelling show that recently performed at the San Pedro fest in the Portuguese settlement here.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2005/7/7/nation/11418131&sec=nation

Source: http://thestar.com.my/

Juillet 2005

Titre : Zoo's 'elephant whisperer' uses polite requests to keep behemoths in line

Lieu : USA
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques : Welfare

Résumé: Theison's title at the Pittsburgh zoo is elephant manager, but some, including publicity releases from the National Geographic, call him "The Elephant Whisperer." That's not a term that Theison would use to describe himself. The term "whisperer" in this context is used to describe people who appear to possess almost magical powers to control and train animals. Whisperers can make large, potentially dangerous animals do their bidding with soft words and the touch of their hands. Everything he learned about elephants he learned during 28 years of working with and watching elephants, and the people who work with the big beasts. Theison is not a one-man show at the local zoo. There are four other elephant keepers who work under his supervision, and Amos Morris, curator of mammals.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/05184/532356.stm

Source: http://www.post-gazette.com/

Juillet 2005

Titre : Malaysian man killed in elephant attack

Lieu : Asia, Malaysia
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Human-Elephant Conflict

Résumé: Chan Guang Meng, 55, went into the Sungai Berakit jungle on Malaysia’s east coast on Friday with his son and an indigenous tribesman to look for logging areas.However, they stumbled into an elephant, which charged at them, causing them to flee in different directions. Chan was trampled to death in the attack, while the other two men escaped without injuries. Elephants are common in Malaysia’s tropical jungles, but wildlife experts say attacks on humans are rare unless the creatures are provoked or frightened first.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.khaleejtimes.com/DisplayArticle.asp?xfile=data/theworld/2005/July/theworld_July63.xml§ion=theworld&col=

Source: http://www.khaleejtimes.com/

Juillet 2005

Titre : Wet, wet day with elephants

Lieu : Asia, Malaysia
Situation : Captive,
Thématiques : Conservation, Welfare

Résumé: At first glance, the Kuala Gandah Elephant Sanctuary almost seems like a theme park where visitors get a chance to ride the elephants and feed them with baskets of luscious fruits. There is even an opportunity to cool off with the elephants in the river during the heat of the day. These, however, are some of the eco-tourism activities that are meant to generate more awareness of the plight of these animals. The Sanctuary deals with wild elephants relocation from their habitats, which are rapidly diminishing from the influx of plantations and settlements. However, for the translocation exercises to be carried out, adequate funding is necessary. Raising public awareness will hopefully bring more visitors and donations to the sanctuary.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://thestar.com.my/lifestyle/story.asp?file=/2005/7/3/lifefocus/11353741&sec=lifefocus

Source: http://thestar.com.my/

Juillet 2005

Titre : Baby elephant handed over to Vandalur Zoo

Lieu : Asia, India
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques : Event

Résumé: A month-old elephant calf, which got separated from its mother in the Sathyamangalam forest area of Erode district, has been handed over to the Arignar Anna Zoological Park, Vandalur. The calf got separated from its herd on Thursday last after it fell into a water tub constructed by the Forest Department for wild animals, zoo sources said yesterday. Villagers in the Thalawady area rescued the animal with the help of Forest Department personnel.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.newkerala.com/news.php?action=fullnews&id=4695

Source: http://www.newkerala.com/

Juillet 2005

Titre : 200 elephants missing in 3 yr: Latest census

Lieu : Asia, India
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques : Conservation, Human-Elephant Conflict, Research, Poaching

Résumé: The latest elephant census has put the number of elephants in the Orissa forests at 1,639 against 1,841 counted during the ’02 census. The census was carried out in seven habitats covering about 15,000 sq km including the 2,800 sq km Simlipal National Park . An analysis of the elephant population trend in the state since the past several decades reveals a marked decline. A census done in 1979 had put the figure of wild elephants at 2,044. Poaching has taken a heavy toll on the elephant population, as the number of tuskers has plunged to 271 in ’05 against the previous count of 363 of ’02. Poaching goes unchecked as not a single elephant poacher has been convicted in the past two decades. However, the presence of 400 calves as per the latest census, indicated that the sex ratio was healthy and the animals were breeding well. The animals are now moving into new unknown habitats due to man-made disturbances by mining and industrial activities. Mining, followed by deforestation and poaching, has emerged as the single most important cause for rapid loss of elephant habitat and corridor paths.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/articleshow/msid-1160479,curpg-3.cms

Source: http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/

Juillet 2005

Titre : Raiding elephants on the rampage South Bhutan

Lieu : Asia, South Bhutan
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques : Human-Elephant Conflict, Research

Résumé: For more than a decade, the wild elephants have become an increasingly intolerable nuisance for the farmers in the south. In a continuing battle between the man and the animal, the farmers and the local officials said that hundreds of elephants not only destroyed the crops but also damaged houses and attacked people. With no crop compensation from the government, the villagers chip in and help those affected. The farmers believe that poaching and destruction of elephant habitat across the border force the animals to seek refuge in their land. The officials of the Nature Conservation Division said that a project to study the entire situation has been proposed, and accordingly the government will come out with effective measures “against the jumbo menace”. According to the officials, an elephant census in the south would be conducted before taking further action.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.kuenselonline.com/article.php?sid=5691

Source: http://www.kuenselonline.com/

Juillet 2005

Titre : Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Center for Elephant Conservation Announces Birth of Second Asian Elephant Calf in 2005

Lieu : USA
Situation : Captive, Circus
Thématiques : Conservation

Résumé: The Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Center for Elephant Conservation (CEC) today announced the birth of a healthy 314 lb., male Asian elephant on June 1, 2005. The calf was born to 29-year- old mother Alana after only four hours of labor. The newborn is Alana's fourth calf, and was fathered by Charlie, an Asian elephant sire at the CEC. Irvin's birth is an unprecedented eighteenth for the Ringling Bros. CEC and the second to occur this year. On April 21, Aree, a female Asian elephant calf, was born into the Ringling Bros. family. With fewer than 35,000 Asian elephants in the world today, both births serve to emphasize the important role that the CEC is playing in the preservation of this endangered species. As one of the most successful Asian elephant breeding programs outside of Southeast Asia, the Ringling Bros. CEC is home to the largest and most genetically diverse Asian elephant population in North America.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://biz.yahoo.com/prnews/050705/dctu020.html?.v=16

Source: http://biz.yahoo.com/

Juillet 2005


Résumé: Our partner in Botswana LIVING WITH ELEPHANTS is looking for an ELEPHANT HANDLER : INTERNSHIP leading to the possibility of a Permanent Position in the wilderness area of the Okavango Delta, Botswana. Elephant handling of one male and two female African elephants, husbandry and interpretation of elephant biology and behavior for international guests, camp maintenance and daily operations.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.livingwithelephants.org/ElephantHandlerInternship.pdf

Source: http://www.livingwithelephants.org/

Juillet 2005

Titre : Pygmy elephants tagged in hunt for survival

Lieu : Asia, Borneo
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Conservation, Human-Elephant Conflict, Research, Poaching

Résumé: Researchers came across pygmy elephants on Borneo Island as they began a project to track the animals' habits and threats to their survival. The tag, a gray, brick-like device strapped around the elephant’s neck, will transmit its whereabouts to a satellite three times a day for 18 months until the battery runs out. It will be replaced as often as necessary over the course of the five-year project. A link on WWF’s Web site will give the daily position of each collared elephant. WWF is focusing its project on Danum Valley, a commercial logging forest and one of three areas where the elephants roam. It says the elephants of Danum appear to have adapted to the logging, avoiding areas where trees are being felled. It hopes its study will gather enough data to persuade the state government not to let palm oil plantations encroach on the valley.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://msnbc.msn.com/id/8418452/

Source: http://msnbc.msn.com/

Juillet 2005

Titre : Africa's elephants come back from the brink

Lieu : Africa
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Conservation, Human-Elephant Conflict, Research, Poaching

Résumé: African elephant populations are staging a remarkable recovery after a ban on the sale of ivory was imposed to tackle their slaughter. Over the past decade, the animals have come back from the extinction danger zone, according to the latest research. Some conservation organisations have now expressed worries that the significant increase in animals will lead to a huge increase in pressure to end the ban on the international trade in ivory. The continuing increase is not necessarily good news for southern Africa, where the high population densities of elephants are having a considerable impact on their habitats in many parks and reserves. Farmers also complain that the elephants destroy their crops, which experts believe may lead to conflict with the animals. Some of the data presented in the study has now led to the "downlisting" of the African elephant in the IUCN's Red List of Threatened Species, from the previous category of "endangered" to the current status of "vulnerable".

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://news.scotsman.com/scitech.cfm?id=723322005

Source: http://news.scotsman.com/

Juillet 2005

Titre : Female jumbos outnumber tuskers in Bhadra forest

Lieu : Asia, India
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Research

Résumé: The recently held census of elephants in the Bhadra reserve forest has thrown up some interesting facts. According the census report, the ratio of male and female is 1:2. That means the female population is twice that of the male population. Bhadra Wildlife Section, which completed the census process recently, has forwarded the report to the Indian Institute of Science (IISc)in Bangalore.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.deccanherald.com/deccanherald/jul12005/state1938562005630.asp

Source: http://www.deccanherald.com/

Juillet 2005

Titre : NGO war on quarry in elephant reserve

Lieu : Asia, India
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques : Conservation, Human-Elephant Conflict, Research

Résumé: Aaranyak, a society for the conservation of biodiversity in the Northeast, has urged the chief minister of Assam, Tarun Gogoi, to close down the stone quarry in the key elephant corridor within the Kaziranga-Karbi Anglong elephant reserve. This is the only elephant reserve in India where quarrying is permitted, jeopardising the safety of the beasts. The blasting sites fall under the elephant reserve. It was the only undisturbed elephant corridor till the blasting started. Blasting during the day prevented the elephants from moving through the area. Again because of new settlements near the Numaligarh refinery area, the elephant herd could neither move towards Nambor forest nor return to Kaziranga National Park and remained stranded between Borchapori-Ponka and Dhudangchapori-Numaligarh tea estate area of Golaghat district. Such confinement causes distress to the pachyderms, which have killed four villagers over the past week.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.telegraphindia.com/1050702/asp/northeast/story_4938368.asp

Source: http://www.telegraphindia.com/

Juillet 2005

Titre : Animal charities call for curbs on elephant safaris

Lieu : Africa, South Africa
Situation : Captive
Thématiques : Human-Elephant Conflict, Conservation

Résumé: Two influential animal welfare organisations have called for tighter regulations on southern Africa's burgeoning elephant-back safari business following the death of a handler, who was killed as he walked a 17-year-old "tame" bull elephant in a park near Knysna in the Cape Province. The Ifaw has called for an outright immediate ban while South Africa's NSPCA said the number of commercially-driven operations offering tourists rides on elephants in safari parks had reached "crisis proportions". The call for a ban is rejected by Randall Jay Moore, the American zoologist who pioneered elephant-back safaris in Botswana's Okavango Delta 10 years ago and was acclaimed by conservationists for his earlier work in returning African elephants, used in circuses and zoos in the United States, to the wild.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/main.jhtml?xml=/travel/2005/07/02/etnewselephants02.xml&sSheet=/travel/2005/07/02/ixtrvhome.html

Source: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/

Juillet 2005

Titre : Elephant Mimics Truck Sounds

Lieu : Africa, Kenya
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Conservation, Research, Evolution

Résumé: Mlaika is a 10-year-old adolescent female African elephant living in Kenya in a group of semi-captive elephants. Mlaika is one of two African elephants scientists have found making strange sounds. Watwood, who co-authored a recent study on the pachyderms bizarre copycat behavior, believes the elephants have learned to make sounds outside their normal repertoire in an attempt to better relate with their neighbors. These findings, in combination with recent studies at Sussex University that show elephants can remember calls from other elephants, suggest the beasts may use vocal learning to develop calls to maintain individual-specific social relationships.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.livescience.com/animalworld/050701_elephant_sounds.html

Source: http://www.livescience.com/

Juillet 2005

Titre : Circus rigger shouldn’t have been in elephant enclosure

Lieu : USA
Situation : Captive, Circus
Thématiques : Event

Résumé: A kerryman is in a “stable but comfortable” condition in Waterford Regional Hospital after being gored by an elephant in Tramore. The animal was part of Circus New York, which has now left the area. Mr Dineen received a wound to his side from the animal’s tusks. The elephants were inspected by the ISPCA, and performed on Sunday and Monday night. The circus insists they pose no threat to the public. In the wake of the incident, the circus has come under fire from groups like the Captive Animals Protection Society, based in the UK. It believes the elephants should have been kept where there was no easy access.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.waterford-news.ie/news/story.asp?j=18651

Source: http://www.waterford-news.ie/

Juillet 2005

Titre : Disney Animal Kingdom African Elephants

Lieu : USA
Situation : Captive
Thématiques : Research

Résumé: According to a new study by a research scientist in bioacoustics at Disney Animal Kingdom placed radio collars on six female African elephants that lived in the park. All recordings were computer analyzed and compared with film footage of the elephants. The recordings indicated that not only does each elephant have its own expressive tone and actually do converse with each other in a low-pitched rumbles. The findings suggested that elephants do feel a collection of human emotions. The data also confirmed that their communication could be emotionally complex.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.bellaonline.com/articles/art33229.asp

Source: http://www.bellaonline.com/

Juillet 2005

Titre : Mysterious deaths of elephants continue

Lieu : Africa
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Veterinary

Résumé: According to wildlife biologist Frederick Dipotso, the cause of death is yet to be diagnosed. In the past two months they have identified 20 elephant carcasses of which five were in the Chobe River. They have no proof to associate the deaths with anthrax as tests conducted were negative. Carcasses are burnt because of lack of machinery. There are no intentions to close any part of the park at the moment and that the park remains open to tourist and is safe.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.gov.bw/cgi-bin/news.cgi?d=20050629&i=Mysterious_deaths_of_elephants_continue

Source: http://www.gov.bw/

Juillet 2005

Titre : Mona's Death The Center Of Activists Latest Move

Lieu : USA
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques : Veterinary

Résumé: Mona died at the El Paso Zoo in October 2001. Zoo officials say it was old age, but those trying to send Juno and Savannah to a sanctuary say it's not that simple. Tuesday they made public the results of Mona's after-death report. Among her health problems, a necropsy shows she suffered from "bone on bone" contact in her right hip where the cartilage had worn. Her right knee joint was out of alignment. And in her last hours, she succumbed to limb paralysis. Elephant activists say Juno and Savannah are already showing health problems like Mona, attributed they say to living in an enclosure that's too small for such large animals.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.kfoxtv.com/news/4663524/detail.html

Source: http://www.kfoxtv.com/

Juillet 2005

Titre : Illegal Ivory Trade Flourishes in China, Says the International Fund for Animal Welfare

Lieu : Asia, China
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Conservation, Research, Evolution, CITES, Poaching

Résumé: Despite systematic efforts by regulators and enforcement officials, the illegal ivory trade is flourishing in China with illegal manufacturing and retail outlets outnumbering legal providers seven to one. According to an independent study recently released by IFAW, illegal ivory is making its way into the unwitting hands of tourists and Chinese citizens through black market traders posing as legitimate retailers. With controls easily evaded by retailers and illicit ivory broadly available to consumers, it would breach CITES requirements if China were allowed to become an importer of ivory stockpiles.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://releases.usnewswire.com/GetRelease.asp?id=49530

Source: http://releases.usnewswire.com/

Juillet 2005

Titre : Zoo denies elephants are deteriorating

Lieu : USA
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques : Veterinary

Résumé: El Paso Zoo officials disputed an animal activist group's claim that the city's elephants are developing health problems as a result of living at the zoo. Tuesday, representatives from the organization In Defense of Animals were in El Paso and detailed what they called problems the zoo's two elephants, Savannah, 53, and Juno, 37, are having as a result of their captivity within a 1-acre enclosure. In Defense of Animals officials claim Savannah suffers from arthritis and captivity-induced foot problems, while Juno has suffered from digestive disorders, foot problems and obesity.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.borderlandnews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20050629/NEWS/506290330/1001

Source: http://www.borderlandnews.com/

Juillet 2005

Titre : Jumbo herd tramples man

Lieu : Asia, India
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Human-Elephant Conflict

Résumé: Fifty-five-year-old Khogeswar Saikia was trampled to death at Phulbari village under Numaligarh police outpost on Wednesday night. Saikia came out of his house at around 2 am after hearing the elephants moving in his backyard. The jumbos were feeding on plantain trees in his garden. He confronted the herd and was killed instantly. The jumbos had been enraged by the constant sounds of explosions at a stone quarry near an elephant corridor. The quarry has been allotted an area that was declared part of an elephant reserve in 2003.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.telegraphindia.com/1050701/asp/northeast/story_4934864.asp

Source: http://www.telegraphindia.com/

Juillet 2005

Titre : Tagging of pygmy elephants aims to solve ancient mystery

Lieu : Asia, Borneo
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Conservation, Research

Résumé: Crouched in the vine-tangled forest of Borneo, where the brightest part of the day seems like dusk, Elis Tambing finally got the elusive animal in his laser sight and fired. The pink-quilled dart found its mark: the rump of the female pygmy elephant, a unique and endangered animal found only in Malaysia's Sabah state on Borneo Island. Two more shots and the gentle giant dozed off standing up, tranquilized for half an hour, ready to be electronically tagged. Thus began, a week ago, a landmark project by WWF, to track several herds of pygmy elephants for an exhaustive study of a mysterious pachyderm. The project is aimed at protecting the species as its habitat comes under pressure from spreading palm oil plantations, which account for 40% of Sabah state's GDP. It hopes its study will gather enough data to persuade the Sabah state government not to let palm oil plantations encroach on the valley.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.mg.co.za/articlePage.aspx?articleid=244216&area=/breaking_news/breaking_news__international_news/

Source: http://www.mg.co.za/

Juillet 2005

Titre : Addo - elephant bulls move to new pastures

Lieu : Africa, South Africa
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques : Conservation, Research, Veterinary

Résumé: Twelve elephant bulls from the Addo Elephant National Park will be translocated to private game reserves this week in a bid to relieve the elephant bull pressure in the park. This is the first time in the history of the park that Addo elephants will be translocated to other game reserves in the Eastern Cape. The translocations will improve elephant management in the park by reducing the number of dominant bulls in the 13 500 hectare main game area of the park. Kruger bulls that were introduced in 2002 and 2003 gain a better chance of injecting their genes into the Addo elephant population, thereby improving genetic diversity and creating a healthier elephant population.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.sanparks.org/about/news/default.php?id=67?PHPSESSID=4105182cb672fad73b78b807e8ead6e8

Source: http://www.sanparks.org/

Juillet 2005

Titre : Elephant Poachers Posing as Tourists

Lieu : Asia, Thailand
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Poaching

Résumé: Elephant poachers from Thailand are posing as foreign tourists to hunt elephants in Malaysia's northeastern Terengganu state. The poachers disguise themselves with sun hats and knapsacks in an attempt to gain entry into elephant habitats in Terengganu. Villagers said that poachers had offered money for information on the whereabouts of elephants and asked them to act as informers to help them evade the authorities.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://animal.discovery.com/news/afp/20050620/elephantpoach.html

Source: http://animal.discovery.com/

Juillet 2005

Titre : Le WWF accuse le Mozambique de poursuivre la vente d'ivoire

Lieu : Africa
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Conservation, CITES, Poaching

Résumé: Plus de 500 objets en ivoire ont ete recenses ce mois-ci dans les boutiques hors taxe de l'aeroport de Maputo, en "violation flagrante" du traite international de protection de la nature de la CITES, affirment ces groupes. "TRAFFIC et le WWF demandent la suspension du commerce en direction ou en provenance du Mozambique de toutes les especes de la flore et de la faune sauvages recensees dans CITES si le Mozambique ne prend pas des mesures pour controler efficacement son marche de l'ivoire".

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.reuters.fr/

Source: http://www.reuters.fr/

Juillet 2005

Titre : COUP DE CŒUR de la redaction pour un ouvrage : AGIR POUR LA PROTECTION DE LA NATURE de Remy MICHEL

Résumé: Comment participer a la protection de la nature ? Pour repondre a cette question, ce «guide des actions benevoles» est bien utile. Il pourrait etre trois fois plus gros quand on sait qu'en France pres de 40 000 associations assurent la defense de l'environnement : aux cotes des poids lourds (WWF, Greenpeace...), une multitude de passionnes recensent les oiseaux, interviennent dans les ecoles ou aupres des pouvoirs publics... Le guide ne se contente pas de donner des contacts, il rappelle les grands enjeux ecologiques, et les reglementations existantes.

Juillet 2005

Titre : Ringling Brothers fighting back in elephant wars

Lieu : USA
Situation : Captive, Circus
Thématiques : Welfare

Résumé: A spunky ninth-grader with a "soft spot for animals" gives up music for a new calling -- banning circus animals in Denver. She collects 6,000 signatures to get the question on the ballot. She's interviewed by out-of-town newspaper reporters and on national TV. However, watching from suburban Washington, D.C., officials with the "Greatest Show on Earth," failed to see the charm of 15-year-old Heather Herman's crusade. Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey quickly joined the battle of the ballot box. Meanwhile, national animal rights groups lined up behind Herman as the two sides held dueling press conferences and rallies. In the end, Denver voters last summer, by a 2-to-1 ratio, sided with the circus.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.suntimes.com/output/news/cst-nws-circus26.html

Source: http://www.suntimes.com/

Juillet 2005

Titre : Trafic d'animaux sauvages - Un monde criminel qui genere des milliards de dollars chaque annee

Lieu : Africa
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Conservation, CITES, Poaching

Résumé: "Les trafics illegaux d'animaux et de plantes sauvages representent la troisieme plus importante activite criminelle au monde, apres les armes et la drogue, pour un montant de 160 milliards de dollars par an, rapporte The Independent. C'est en Asie, et notamment dans les forets tropicales, que les effets sont les plus sensibles. Mais "si les menaces sur les tigres et les elephants sont evidentes, l'existence des rhinoceros, des ours, des loutres, des leopards, des singes et autres primates est egalement en danger". Mais le comble du trafic consiste a utiliser des animaux sauvages pour transporter de la drogue. "L'aeroport de Miami a recemment trouve 39 kilos de cocaïne dans 312 boas constrictors exportes legalement de Colombie.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.courrierinternational.com/article.asp?obj_id=52503&provenance=ecologie&bloc=10

Source: http://www.courrierinternational.com/

Juillet 2005

Titre : Man hospitalised after elephant attack

Lieu : USA
Situation : Captive, Circus
Thématiques : Event

Résumé: A man in his 20s is in a serious condition in Waterford Regional Hospital after he was attacked by an elephant. The man, who is a member of an American Circus, was attacked by the elephant after entering the animal's enclosure to attend to it at about 2.30pm. He was rushed to Waterford Regional Hospital and remains in the intensive care unit this evening. According to the gardaí, there was no circus performance at the time of the incident.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.rte.ie/news/2005/0626/waterford.html

Source: http://www.rte.ie/

Juillet 2005

Titre : Le trafic d'ivoire se poursuit illegalement partout en Afrique

Lieu : Africa
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Conservation, CITES, Poaching

Résumé: Des marches souterrains continuent ouvertement de faire commerce de l'ivoire partout en Afrique, a averti lundi un reseau international de surveillance, lors d'une conference internationale sur le commerce des especes menacees. Un accord entre les pays africains a forte population d'elephants devait pourtant restreindre drastiquement les ventes d'ivoire sur les marches domestiques. Mais la portee de cet accord a ete affaiblie par la persistance des ventes dans d'autres pays africains. C'est pourquoi Traffic a demande lundi au comite de la Cites de renforcer cet accord.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://fr.allafrica.com/stories/200506280374.html

Source: http://fr.allafrica.com/

Juillet 2005

Titre : WWF accuses Mozambique of flouting ivory ban

Lieu : Africa
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Conservation, CITES, Poaching

Résumé: Conservation groups, seeking to save African elephants, on Monday accused Mozambique of allowing an illegal ivory trade and called for it to be banned from legitimate international trade in all wildlife products. TRAFFIC, the wildlife trade monitoring network of the World Wide Fund and World Conservation Union, said that "unregulated markets continue trading ivory openly throughout Africa" despite a recent continent-wide action plan. "TRAFFIC and WWF are calling for a suspension of all wildlife trade in CITES-listed species to or from Mozambique, if it does not take steps to effectively control its ivory markets,". The appeal came ahead of a meeting in Geneva on Monday of the standing committee of the CITES.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.alertnet.org/thenews/newsdesk/L24147199.htm

Source: http://www.alertnet.org/

Juillet 2005

Titre : Rejuvenation for elephants

Lieu : Asia, India
Situation : Captive
Thématiques : Veterinary, Welfare

Résumé: After the hectic festival schedule, it is time for rejuvenation for the elephants in Punnathur Elephant sanctuary, which is one of largest captive elephant homes in the world. Veterinary doctors are ready to take charge of the 62 elephants with a strict health care regime for 30 days from July 1. A major feature of the annual health care given during monsoon, when elephants are mostly indolent, is Kerala's traditional rejuvenative or restorative therapy. This is a cocktail of ayurvedic as well as allopathic medicines besides balanced diet during the period. The therapy starts with a massive de-worming. Except for those in musth, the treatment is uniform for all the elephants.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.khaleejtimes.com/DisplayArticle.asp?xfile=data/subcontinent/2005/June/subcontinent_June955.xml§ion=subcontinent&col

Source: http://www.khaleejtimes.com/

Juillet 2005

Titre : Zoo chief rips alderman's elephant plan

Lieu : USA
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques : Welfare

Résumé: Ald. Mary Ann Smith (48th) is set to introduce an ordinance this week that would require any elephant in the city to have at least 10 acres of room -- 5 inside and 5 outside. The circus industry has criticized the proposed ordinance, but it would cover zoo elephants as well. In a letter sent to Smith last week, Lincoln Park Zoo director Kevin Bell invokes Mayor Daley -- the lead bull of city government, as it were -- in knocking Smith's effort. Should Lincoln Park want to bring elephants back, under Smith's proposed ordinance, the 35-acre zoo would have to essentially devote its entire facility to housing the 3- to 4-ton creatures.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.suntimes.com/output/news/cst-nws-zoo27.html

Source: http://www.suntimes.com/

Juillet 2005

Titre : Ivory sales threaten African elephant

Lieu : Africa
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Conservation, CITES, Poaching

Résumé: Eight months after African countries announced an action plan to crack down on their domestic ivory markets - unregulated markets continue trading ivory openly throughout Africa, according to new surveys by Traffic, the wildlife trade monitoring network. The CITES action plan calls on all African Elephant range States to either strictly control the trade from carvers and manufacturers through retailers to end-use consumers, or shut the trade down altogether. Egypt, which has no elephants in the wild, has harboured one of Africa’s largest domestic ivory markets in the past.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.999today.com/science/story/1318.html

Source: http://www.999today.com/

Juillet 2005

Titre : Wild elephants go berserk in Assam; Raise questions over deforestation

Lieu : Asia, India
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Human-Elephant Conflict, Research

Résumé: Two persons were trampled to death by wild elephants and a pachyderm was brutally killed by angry villagers in India's northeastern state of Assam. A wildlife warden said a herd of about six elephants entered the Letukajan tea garden in Assam's Golaghat district, about 290 kilometers east of the state's main city of Guwahati, on Sunday. The herd went on a rampage in the tea plantation before entering the colony housing garden workers.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.irna.ir/en/news/view/menu-234/0506271140194222.htm

Source: http://www.irna.ir/

Juillet 2005

Titre : Elephants get the snip in landmark operation

Lieu : Africa, South Africa
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Conservation, Research, Veterinary

Résumé: South Africa made veterinary history in the world by successfully conducting vasectomies on four elephants at Makalali near Hoedspruit in Limpopo. The operation was a second attempt by the local and foreign veterinary teams in about four months. There is a concern on elephant population increase in Africa where research has revealed a threat to the biodiversity of some national parks on the continent. After long hours of hard work on the bush theaters set up in different location of the Makalali reserve, results were positive on elephant vasectomy.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.sabcnews.com/south_africa/general/0,2172,107266,00.html

Source: http://www.sabcnews.com/

Juillet 2005

Titre : Illegal ivory trade persists

Lieu : Africa
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Conservation, CITES, Poaching

Résumé: Unregulated markets are continuing to trade ivory openly throughout Africa, an international wildlife monitoring network said ahead of a meeting on Monday at the organisation regulating the global trade in elephant tusks. Up to 12 000 elephants were needed to supply local ivory carvers every year and "virtually all of the ivory is from illegal, unsustainable sources" the network, Traffic, said in a statement.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.news24.com/News24/Africa/News/0,,2-11-1447_1727543,00.html

Source: http://www.news24.com/

Juillet 2005

Titre : Elephant Controversy

Lieu : USA
Situation : Wild, Zoo
Thématiques : Veterinary, Welfare,

Résumé: A group called "In Defense of Animals" presented the autopsy report for Mona, the elephant who died in 2001 at the zoo. They blame the tight quarters for the arthritis that eventually led to her death. They don't want the same to happen to Savannah and Juno. But zoo officials say the elephants' health problems are not due to their environment, but old age. IDA says if more room can be made for the elephants in El Paso -- they won't push for the sanctuary. Zoo officials say if someone will put up the money to create a bigger space, they're all for it.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.ktsm.com/story_news.sstg?c=1002

Source: http://www.ktsm.com/

Juillet 2005

Titre : WTHR anchor washes elephant

Lieu : USA
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques : Welfare

Résumé: Eyewitness News anchor Rhori Johnston was at the Indianapolis Zoo Tuesday getting the scoop on what it takes to take care one of the world's largest animals. As part of elephant awareness week at the Zoo, Rhori helped the Zoo staff wash one of the giant creatures. It took all of Rhori's years of experience as a journalist to complete the huge task at hand in the extreme heat. Rhori simply let himself get wet from the water hose to keep cool. Onlookers enjoyed seeing the elephants receive media attention.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.wthr.com/Global/story.asp?S=3531680&nav=9TaibXv2

Source: http://www.wthr.com/

Juillet 2005

Titre : Take steps now to save pygmy elephants

Lieu : Asia, Borneo
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Conservation, Human-Elephant Conflict, Poaching

Résumé: Sabah will continue losing its Borneo pygmy elephants unless it takes concrete measures to protect the animals. These steps, Sabah honorary wildlife ranger Datuk Wilfred Lingham said, included the establishment of a wildlife corridor by rehabilitating riverine forests along Sungai Kinabatangan, where the elephants’ habitats were shrinking as oil palm plantations continued to expand. Lingham noted that most of the elephants in the Kinabatangan region were hunted down after they had intruded into oil palm estates, many of which were smallholdings of between 6ha and 12ha.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2005/6/16/nation/11229008&sec=nation

Source: http://thestar.com.my/

Juillet 2005

Titre : Kenya reclaims famed game park from poachers

Lieu : Africa, Kenya
Situation : Wild, Wildlife area
Thématiques : Conservation, Poaching

Résumé: Kipkeu has more than 100 rangers armed with assault rifles, trucks and airplanes, and he keeps track of his anti-poaching operations on a huge wall map he is careful to cover when visitors enter his office, set amid windswept trees and bushes just inside Tsavo park. Since the 1980s, rangers and poachers have killed each other in gun battles across the country as Kenya struggled to stop hunters seeking big game like rhinos and elephants, prized for their horns and tusks. In Tsavo East, most of the poachers have come from neighbouring, lawless Somalia.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.alertnet.org/thenews/newsdesk/L29267599.htm

Source: http://www.alertnet.org/

Juillet 2005

Titre : Vietnam war technology could aid elephant conservation

Lieu : Africa, Asia,
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Conservation, Research

Résumé: Dr Jason Wood and colleagues from Stanford University recorded the vibrations from the footfalls of elephants and other large mammals, using a geophone buried near a path leading to a watering hole in Namibia's Etosha National Park. Because of the differences in the size and frequency of animals' footfalls, the researchers could tell with 82% accuracy when elephants were passing the geophone and estimate the number of elephants passing the sensor. This is the first time geophones have been used successfully to detect and estimate elephant numbers. Another team tried to use a US Army surplus miniature seismic system to detect crop raiding Asian elephants in Sri Lanka, but the work was abandoned after the elephants began digging up the geophones and destroying them.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2005-06/bpl-vwt061505.php

Source: http://www.eurekalert.org/

Juillet 2005

Titre : Seismic sensors count elephants

Lieu : Africa, Asia
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Conservation, Research

Résumé: The "geophones" - originally designed by the US military to detect enemy troop movements in the Vietnam War - were deployed to pick up vibrations caused by animals walking to a waterhole. The researchers then analysed digital recordings of the footsteps to separate out the unique sound signatures of different species. But it was not so good at counting elephants: the sound energy created by the elephants' footsteps only gave a 55% accurate picture of the number of animals visiting a waterhole, observed from a nearby tower. In particular, geophones could be used to improve estimates of elephants in densely forested areas of Central Africa, where aerial surveys are useless. Some commentators are sceptical of the technique's usefulness.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/4105056.stm

Source: http://news.bbc.co.uk/

Juillet 2005

Titre : Elephants rumble in the jungle

Lieu : USA
Situation : Captive, Zoo
Thématiques : Research

Résumé: Each elephant has its own unique, expressive voice, according to new research on how African elephants communicate with each other. The research, conducted at Disney's Animal Kingdom in Florida, suggests elephants live rich social lives and feel an array of human-like emotions. The findings also strengthen claims that animal communication can be content-rich and emotionally complex. Elephant friends and members of families converse more with each other, the study found.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.abc.net.au/science/news/stories/s1396135.htm

Source: http://www.abc.net.au/

Juillet 2005

Titre : Wild elephants: a problem

Lieu : Asia, Bhutan
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Human-Elephant Conflict

Résumé: On June 14 the 83rd session of the National Assembly discussed preventive measures against wild elephants in the southern dzongkhags of Samtse, Sarpang, and Samdrup Jongkhar after chimis from the south submitted that wild elephants continued to be a problem. They said that wild elephants had become a pest for farmers in the southern dzongkhags. The elephants, coming across the border, not only destroyed the crops but also damaged houses and attacked people. He reported to the Assembly that the villagers were finding no other option but to leave and look for other source of income to survive.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.kuenselonline.com/article.php?sid=5627

Source: http://www.kuenselonline.com/

Juillet 2005

Titre : SADC Discusses Strategies for Elephant Management

Lieu : Africa, SADC
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Conservation

Résumé: Member countries of the SADC are discussing ways to establish a common strategy to manage the elephant population in the region in order to monitor their migratory movements, their impact on their habitats, and to minimise the conflict between wild life and human populations. One of the aspects broached during the meeting was the conflict between elephants and people and the socio-economic implications of this. The meeting also decided to conduct a census of the entire elephant population in the various countries. He said that to try and solve this problem, the participants decided to set up a regional Elephant Coordination Unit charged with the task of raising the necessary funds for common projects within southern Africa in this sector.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://allafrica.com/stories/200506210455.html

Source: http://allafrica.com/

Juillet 2005

Titre : Stop SA elephant tours

Lieu : Africa, South africa
Situation : Captive
Thématiques : Welfare

Résumé: The Ifaw has called for South Africa's growing elephant-back safari and tourism industry to be stopped immediately. His call came in the wake of the trampling to death of a man by a bull elephant at Knysna on Tuesday morning as he took the jumbo, 72-year-old Harry, for a walk. Christina Pretorius of Ifaw said the tragedy had raised alarm bells about the burgeoning elephant-back safari and tourism industry. Bell-Leask said Ifaw and ECN recently launched their "Born to be Wild!" campaign to oppose the removal of elephants from the wild for commercial purposes.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.news24.com/News24/South_Africa/News/0,,2-7-1442_1725516,00.html

Source: http://www.news24.com/

Juillet 2005

Titre : 'Stop using elephants for Safaris'

Lieu : Africa, South Africa
Situation : Captive
Thématiques : Welfare

Résumé: The number of elephants taken from the wild and used in elephant-back safaris has reached a crisis level, the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (NSPCA) said. The NSPCA is calling for the government to intervene, as applications from operators flood in, said Rick Allan, manager of the organisation's wildlife unit. This comes after a male elephant at the Knysna Elephant Park killed its handler, with the funeral taking place this week. Allan said that the elephant in Knysna was 17 years old, and was fully sexually matured.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://www.sundaytimes.co.za/zones/sundaytimesNEW/newsst/newsst1119683450.aspx

Source: http://www.sundaytimes.co.za/

Juillet 2005

Titre : Realisation d'un concours sur l'elephant au Musee de l'Histoire Naturelle

Lieu : Africa, Angola
Situation : Wild
Thématiques : Conservation, Education

Résumé: Un concours intitule: "l'elephant" se realise des ce mercredi, a Luanda, a l'auditoire du Musee de l'Histoire Naturelle, en vue de creer chez les enfants, l'amour a la nature et leur donner une opportunite pour mieux connaitre l'elephant, apprend l'Angop de source proche de l'organisation. Cet evenement de deux jours figure l'exhibition de films, la realisation des debats, les redactions, dessins, questions et reponses ecrites sur l'elephant. Le concours, qui connait la participation de trois ecoles primaires de Luanda avec environ 60 eleves vise egalement a inserer dans l'education des enfants des aspects lies á l'ecologie.

Plus d'information disponible sur: http://fr.allafrica.com/stories/200506150625.html

Source: http://fr.allafrica.com/


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