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mise ? jour : 20 octobre 2004
" " " Sont listés dans cette rubrique l'ensemble des colloques et des expositions portant sur les éléphants et la conservation de la nature. Ils sont classés par date décroissante. """ Toute organisation ou personne pr?parant un colloque ou une exposition sur les ?l?phants et la conservation de la nature en g?n?ral est invit?e ? nous fournir les renseignements n?cessaires pour annoncer cet ?v?nement. L'association se propose de mettre ses moyens ? disposition de l'organisation de l'?v?nement si ceux-ci peuvent ?tre utile ? sa r?ussite. """ Si vous avez connaissance d'un colloque ou d'une exposition portant sur les éléphants, la faune sauvage et la conservation de la nature, merci de nous le signaler par e-mail |
Archives année 2005 |
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Date : 03 – 05 Décembre 2004 R?sum? : The symposium will be organised by the International Elephant Foundation and the Fort Worth Zoo, Texas. This important symposium will concentrate on the research and conservation needs of captive and wild populations of elephants. Researchers from around the world will present conservation projects and research results on elephant management, health, nutrition, reproduction and behavior. Papers specifically addressing reproduction, calf management and elephant well-being are particularly encouraged. You may contact [email protected] Plus d'information sur www.elephantconservation.org |
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Date : 14 – 17 Octobre 2004 R?sum? : The 25th Annual Elephant Managers Association Conference will be hosted by Tulsa Zoo and Living Museum. For more information, contact [email protected] Plus d'information sur www.tulsazoo.org |
Date : 05 Octobre 2004 R?sum? : Ce Mardi de l’Environnement vous permettra de comprendre les enjeux et prendre part au debat conduit par la CITES, qui reunit a Bangkok les representants de plus de 160 pays. Autour de Patricia Ricard, seront presents des representants du ministere de l'Ecologie et du Developpement durable, d'organisations de protection de la nature et du Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle : -Jean-Patrick Le Duc, Adjoint au chef de la mission des affaires internationale , au Museum National d¹Histoire Naturelle, - Docteur Bertrand Chardonnet, Veterinaire - Consultant Faune Sauvage, -Isabelle et Jean-François Lagrot , nous parleront de leur voyage au Cameroun , et nous presenteront leur reportage sur le massacre des elephants par les braconniers , - Alain Zecchini, administrateur de la Societe Nationale de Protection de la Nature, s¹exprimera ( par telephone ) en direct de Bangkok, au coeur de l'actualite. Plus d'information sur http://www.mardi-sere.com |
Date : 13 - 17 September 2004 R?sum? : Since its inauguration EMOA has held 7 successful workshops on various topics related to elephant management. At the end of last year EMOA launched the process of a national elephant policy in conjunction with Government. New ways of managing elephant overpopulation need to be developed. The symposium endeavours to bring together current research on all aspects of management of free ranging elephant populations and wild elephant populations restricted by fences, either private or official. These presentations will be the background for a workshop to discuss and develop innovative ideas on conservation of elephants within South Africa, and their management. Plus d'information sur www.emoa.org.za |
Date : 28 - 29 June 2004 R?sum? : Les hauts fonctionnaires des quatorze pays africains francophones ont adopte - cette semaine a Paris - une resolution demandant que toutes les populations d'elephants soient inscrites a l'annexe 1 de la CITES ; ce qui revient a retablir l'interdiction du commerce de l'ivoire edictee en 1989. Confrontes a des phenomenes de proliferation, sinon de surpopulation, le Botswana, la Namibie et le Zimbabwe sont inscrits - pour leur part - depuis 1997, en annexe 2 ce qui revient a autoriser partiellement le commerce de l'ivoire d'une maniere, en principe, strictement controlee. Si cette population d’elephants demeure abondante en Afrique australe, les grands mammiferes ongules ont quasiment disparu de nombreux pays africains. En 1989, suite a la pression de nombreux pays africains et ONG, le commerce de l'ivoire avait ete - purement et simplement – interdit. Remettant fortement en cause les equilibres qui etaient en train de se retablir, le commerce de l'ivoire a repris partiellement en 1997 suite a une tres forte pression politique des quatre pays d'Afrique australe, encourage par le Japon, grand consommateur d'ivoire. Les experts confirment que s'il n'est pas question de revenir au trois millions d'elephants des annees 30, il y a largement la place sur le continent africain pour un million et demi de pachydermes pouvant etre geres rationnellement et conformement aux besoins des populations locales, en accord avec leur preoccupations communes et leurs diversites. Plus d'information sur www.ifaw.org |
Date : 16-19 June 2004 R?sum? : The International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW), in association with the University of Limerick, will be holding an international forum in Limerick, Ireland. The theme of the forum is: Wildlife Conservation: In Pursuit of Ecological Sustainability. The objective of the forum is to focus attention on, and to advance the understanding of, issues surrounding the pursuit of ecologically sustainable use and the conservation of wildlife (including fisheries). The proceedings will be published in book form following the meeting. The programme will include approximately 24 invited lectures, and a limited number of contributed papers, which will be presented as posters. Opportunities for discussion and debate will be provided following each lecture, and during dedicated poster sessions scheduled throughout the forum. Plus d'information sur www.ifaw.org/ |
Date : 20-22 May 2004 R?sum? : Field research is strongly supported by the Oakland Zoo. Over the years. the Amboseli Elephant Research Project (AERP) founded by Cynthia Moss, has been instrumental in providing the Zoo with invaluable information on how to create a better captive environment for the elephants here at the Zoo. Thursday, May 20 6 p.m. Silent Auction Join us in the Marian Zimmer Auditorium in the PeopleSoft Center for Science and Environmental Education for a reception and Silent Auction featuring unique animal related items including artwork by our very own elephants. 7 p.m. Elephant Lecture George Whittemyer of Save the Elephants is our guest speaker. George has been a guest speaker before at the zoo and will be updating us on elephant research in Samburu Kenya. A donation of $20.00 is requested to attend these events. All proceeds will benefit the Amboseli Elephant Research Project and Save the Elephants Saturday, May 22 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Celebrating Elephants Take a behind-the-scenes barn tour. Barn tours are $5.00 per person. Proceeds will benefit the Amboseli Elephant Research Project Visit Elephant Education Stations Learn about the important conservation efforts of the Amboseli Elephant Research Project founded by Cynthia Moss at Camp Amboseli Plus d'information sur www.colloque.org |
Date : 17 - 21 march 2004 R?sum? : LES OBJECTIFS Festimalia a ete defini autour de trois grands axes : Promouvoir les specificites animalieres et naturelles. Developper la protection et le respect de la nature et des animaux. Promouvoir le Pays de Chateau-Gontier. EN QUOI CONSISTERA LE FESTIVAL ? Durant ces journees, les animations se feront autour des cinq poles d'attraction suivants : Une exposition d' Associations et de Partenaires, Des conferences, Une exposition d'art, Un festival du film animalier, Des projections de diaporamas Plus d'information sur www.refuge-arche.org |
Date : 19-21 september 2003 R?sum? : The Biodiversity and Elephant Conservation Trust here, a co-organiser of the symposium on "human elephant relationships and conflicts" said 60 papers will be discussed. Experts from the United States, Africa, Australia, Asia and Europe will thrash out their conservation theories during the three-day conference starting Friday. The wild elephant population in the African continent is estimated at more than 600,000 while in Asia the number was believed to be 35,000 to 40,000. Unlike Asian elephants, both male and female elephants in Africa have tusks and therefore fall prey to ivory poachers. Also figuring on the agenda are pressures from the ivory lobby and the problems some Asian farmers face as they are in direct competition with wild elephants in the same habitat. In Sri Lanka, an estimated 120 elephants meet with violent deaths at the hands of rural farmers while about 50 to 60 people are also killed by marauding elephants. Last month, Sri Lanka asked India to supply 10 tuskers to bridge an acute shortage of tamed elephants used in Buddhist temple pageants. Elephants are a protected species and highly venerated by the Buddhist majority in the island. They are also considered a national treasure and it is an offence to capture wild elephants. Sri Lanka's wild elephant population is also said to be fast dwindling. Current estimates place the number at under 3,500. Plus d'information sur www.slwcs.org |
Date : 28 – 30 April 2003 R?sum? : Ghana to host meeting on illegal killing of elephants : Delegates from Africa and Asia begin a two-day meeting of the Technical Advisory Group on the Monitoring the Illegal Killing of Elephants (MIKE) in Accra on 28th April to discuss the long-term management of elephant populations. A statement issued by the Wildlife Division of the Forestry Commission said the MIKE Technical Advisory Group has the responsibility of ensuring the standardisation of methods used to monitor elephant populations and ensure that sound analytical methods are applied to field data. The two-day MIKE Technical Advisory Group meeting would be followed by the MIKE Database Training workshop at the University of Ghana, Legon. 2003, 28th April, Ghana hosted a meeting on illegal killing of elephants : Delegates from Africa and Asia attended a two-day meeting of the Technical Advisory Group on the Monitoring the Illegal Killing of Elephants (MIKE) in Accra on 28th April to discuss the long-term management of elephant populations. A statement issued by the Wildlife Division of the Forestry Commission said the MIKE Technical Advisory Group has the responsibility of ensuring the standardisation of methods used to monitor elephant populations and ensure that sound analytical methods are applied to field data. The two-day MIKE Technical Advisory Group meeting will be followed by the MIKE Database Training workshop at the University of Ghana, Legon. Plus d'information sur http://www.iucn.org |
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