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" " " Sont listés dans cette rubrique l'ensemble des livres sur l'éléphant ainsi que les ouvrages de référence sur la faune sauvage et la Nature. Ils sont classés par premier auteur et secondairement par date décroissante. Seul le résumé est présenté ici mais un lien vers un site o? trouver l'ouvrage est parfois disponible.

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Auteur(s) : Adams, William M.
Date : 2004
Titre: Against Extinction
Editeur : Earthscan
Langue : anglais

Résumé : Against Extinction tells the history of wildlife conservation from its roots in the 19th century, through the foundation of the Society for the Preservation of the Wild Fauna of the Empire in London in 1903 to the huge and diverse international movement of the present day. It vividly portrays conservation’s legacy of big game hunting, the battles for the establishment of national parks, the global importance of species conservation and debates over the sustainable use of and trade in wildlife. Bill Adams addresses the big questions and ideas that have driven conservation for the last 100 years: How can the diversity of life be maintained as human demands on the Earth expand seemingly without limit? How can preservation be reconciled with human rights and the development needs of the poor? Is conservation something that can be imposed by a knowledgeable elite, or is it something that should emerge naturally from people’s free choices? These have never been easy questions, and they are as important in the 21st century as at any time in the past. The author takes us on a lively historical journey in search of the answers.

vous pouvez acquérir ce livre sur http://shop.earthscan.co.uk/

Auteur(s) : Adams, William, Mulligan, Martin
Date : 2002
Titre: Decolonizing Nature
Editeur : Earthscan
Langue : anglais

Résumé : British imperialism was almost unparalleled in its historical and geographical reach, leaving a legacy of entrenched social transformation in nations and cultures in every part of the globe. Colonial annexation and government were based on an all-encompassing system that integrated and controlled political, economic, social and ethnic relations, and required a similar annexation and control of natural resources and nature itself. Colonial ideologies were expressed not only in the progressive exploitation of nature but also in the emerging discourses of conservation. At the start of the 21st century, the conservation of nature is of undiminished importance in post-colonial societies, yet the legacy of colonial thinking endures. What should conservation look like today, and what (indeed, whose) ideas should it be based upon? Decolonizing Nature explores the influence of the colonial legacy on contemporary conservation and on ideas about the relationships between people, polities and nature in countries and cultures that were once part of the British Empire. It locates the historical development of the theory and practice of conservation - at both the periphery and the centre - firmly within the context of this legacy, and considers its significance today. It highlights the present and future challenges to conservationists of contemporary global neo-colonialism.

vous pouvez acquérir ce livre sur http://shop.earthscan.co.uk/

Auteur(s) : Alexander, Shana
Date : 2000
Titre: The astonishing elephant
Editeur : Random House
Langue : anglais

Résumé : The New York-bred journalist and television commentator Shana Alexander has been an attentive devotee of elephants since witnessing, on Easter Sunday 1962, the birth of a 225-pound elephant at the Portland Zoo, an event she covered for Life magazine--and one that captivated countless readers. Elephant is an unabashed celebration of these mysterious creatures, whose closest living relatives are the dugong and the hyrax. "They have," Alexander writes, "essential nobility, grace, serenity, sagacity, loyalty and playfulness, a simple goodness, a lack of animosity--unless provoked." While, she admits, elephants can pose particular dangers to unwary humans, they are too often the victims in any interaction with people. Citing published reports and drawing on extensive interviews with scientists and conservationists over the last four decades, she champions the elephants' cause.

vous pouvez acquérir ce livre sur www.amazon.com

Auteur(s) : Alter, Stephen
Date : 2004
Titre: Elephas Maximus : A Portrait of the Indian Elephant
Editeur : Harcourt
Langue : anglais

Résum? : Mixing mythology and natural history, Stephen Alter lets readers share his lifelong love for the Indian elephant, Elephas maximus. While legends threaten to overwhelm facts in the tale, Alter has nonetheless presented an accurate portrait of his subject, true to centuries of Indian tradition. Beyond metaphors and fables, elephants occupy an important place in Sanskrit literature. Gajashastra, or "elephant science," was studied and recorded in several texts that are based on oral traditions. As much travelogue as science book, Elephas inextricably links the Indian elephant with the history of southern Asia itself. In pre-colonial India, elephants were wound up in religion and daily life; in modern times, the animals were first hunted then fetishized by Westerners. Alter reserves judgment on these issues, except to note that none of India's 20th-century history has been good for elephant populations, which are endangered or threatened nearly everywhere.

vous pouvez acquérir ce livre sur www.amazon.com

Auteur(s) : Anderson, David, Grove, Richard H.
Date : 1989
Titre: Conservation in Africa : Peoples, Policies and Practice
Editeur : Cambridge University Press
Langue : anglais

Résum? : A new, interdisciplinary look at the practices and policies of conservation in Africa is presented in this volume. For the first time social scientists, anthropologists, and historians have been brought together with biologists, in order to illuminate previously neglected yet critically important social aspects of conservation thinking. The book is introduced by an overview of African conservation in the past, present, and future. There are sixteen papers on a wide range of topics from wildlife management to soil conservation, and from the Cape in the nineteenth century to Ethiopia in the 1980s. These collectively show that conservation must form an integral part of future policies for human development. To date, conservation has been largely the domain of the biologist, but the current ecological crisis in Africa and the failure of orthodox conservation policies demand a radical new appraisal of conventional practices.

Vous pouvez acquérir ce livre sur www.amazon.com

Auteur(s) : Apps, Peter and du Toit, Richard
Date : 2000
Titre: Creatures of Habit - Understanding African Animal Behaviour
Editeur : Struik, Cape Town
Langue : anglais

Résum? : The author Peter Apps uses (mostly) the larger and often dramatic animals of African savannahs to explore six key aspects of mammal behaviour: birth and infancy, food and water, strategies for survival, social life, communication and reproduction. Each of these is allocated a chapter, and preceded by an introduction which briefly discusses evolution, animal senses and the ability of mammals to learn.The text is comprehensive, fascinating and well structured, but it is the magnificent photography that really brings the book to life. Richard du Toit's photographs are not merely classic portraits of African mammals, but capture the very behavioural traits which Apps discusses in the text.

Vous pouvez acquérir ce livre sur www.wildwatch.com/

Auteur(s) : Astle, W. L.
Date : 1999
Titre: A History of Wildlife Conservation and Management in the Mid-Luangwa Valley, Zambia
Editeur : The British Empire and Commonwealth Museum, Bristol
Langue : anglais

Résum? : From the preface: "It is an account of recorded events . . . from the start of European penetration at the end of the 18th century to the early 1970s, the time of the start of a ferocious onslaught by commercial poachers."

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